Startseite » Aktuelles » Allgemein » In the 1960’s, the AMA started a secret group called the Department of Investigations. Their sole pu…

In the 1960’s, the AMA started a secret group called the Department of Investigations. Their sole pu…

In the 1960’s, the AMA started a secret group called the Department of Investigations. Their sole purpose was to identify and destroy any form of alternative or challenging medical health care. As a result, upwards of seventy people worked to deny chiropractic, podiatry, and many other areas of medical practice any access to the American health care delivery system, which would have helped these people.

I wrote an article in 1972 based upon files that were taken out of the AMA headquarters that led five chiropractors to sue the AMA, and the AMA ended up being found guilty of conspiracy to violate the Sherman Anti-Trust Act and Restraint of Trade, along with ten other major medical organizations in the country. One organization settled before it went to trial. A million documents were uncovered. In that, you see that organized medicine had no interest in having the average American be responsible for their health. Didn’t want prevention. And EVERYTHING that was anything other than their view was destroyed.

Fascism in Medicine by Gary Null, Ph.D

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