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zuletzt geändert: 24.04.2024

Verheimlicht: Studiensammlung belegt, daß Impfungen weder sicher, noch wirksam sind
Trotz eingeschränkter Forschungsfreiheit und Verfolgung gibt es mutige Forscher!

Robert Faulborn: “Die Notwendigkeit von Infektionen und Kinderkrankheiten”. Hier sind über 100 epidemiologische Studien chronologisch aufgeführt, die den Zusammenhang zwischen weniger Infekten und mehr chronischen Erkrankungen dokumentieren.

Hier zu Kritische Studien zu den Covid-/Corona-“Impfstoffen” (Gen-Behandlungen)

20.07.223: Neonatal, Infant, and Under Age Five Vaccine Doses Routinely Given in Developed Nations and Their Association With Mortality Rates

Neil Z. Miller , Gary S. Goldman

1. Medical Research, Institute of Medical and Scientific Inquiry, Santa Fe, USA 2. Research, Independent Computer
Scientist, Bogue Chitto, USA

DOI: 10.7759/cureus.42194 



In 2011, using 2009 data, we published a study demonstrating that among the most highly developed nations, those requiring the most vaccine doses for their infants tended to have the least favorable infant mortality rates (r = 0.70, p < .0001). Twelve years later, we replicated our original study using 2019 data.

Linear regression analysis corroborated the positive trend reported in our initial paper (r = 0.45; p < .002). Herein, we broaden our analyses to consider the effect of vaccines on neonatal and under age five mortality rates.

Komm. von Niki Vogt: Die Kinderimpfungen retten keine Leben, im Gegenteil – neue Peer-Review-Studie

Zitat: “Höhere Kindersterblichkeit

Das bedeutet: Der erste Eindruck der Studie aus 2009 war, dass die „am wenigsten günstige Kindersterblichkeit“, also die höhere Kindersterblichkeit erstaunlicherweise in den Ländern festzustellen war, die regelmäßig ihre Kinder impfen. Und dass diese Tatsache sich zehn Jahre später bei einer wiederholten Untersuchung in den Jahren 2019–2021 noch bestätigte. Daraufhin beschlossen die Wissenschaftler, die Sache noch näher zu untersuchen. Diesmal in der Altersgruppe (Kohorte) der Neugeborenen und Kinder unter fünf Jahre. Es gab laut der Studie mehrere verschiedene Untersuchungen, um die möglichen Zusammenhänge zwischen der Menge der Impfdosen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Kindersterblichkeit zu erforschen.

Kurz gesagt: Die Länder, die die meisten Impfdosen an Kinder verabreichen, weisen die höchste Todesrate bei den Kindern unter fünf Jahren (also im Studienzeitraum) auf. Das widerspricht all dem, was wir gelernt haben, nämlich, dass mehr Impfungen mehr Todesfälle verhindern. Die Daten belegen zweifelsfrei, dass diese – unbeabsichtigte – Folge der Impfungen eine erhöhte Todesrate unter Kindern bewirkt. Die Todesursachen selbst sind überraschenderweise sehr verschieden.”

Neue Studie von Prof. Christopher Exley, Jan. 2020: An aluminium adjuvant in a vaccine is an acute exposure to aluminium

Foto: Elsevier, Exley, fair use,

Introduction to Al Adjuvant and Autism-20 pages, 97 references

Below is a pdf article summarizing the science showing that aluminum adjuvant can cause brain injury and autism via immune activation/neuroinflammation. It summarizes most of the science here at

Note that this article is not from a peer-reviewed journal. However it has been reviewed and endorsed by Dr Chris Exley, Dr Chris Shaw and Dr Romain Gherardi.

Its short enough to read in 1-2 hours, but detailed enough for you to really understand how the science fits together. Enjoy!

How Aluminum Adjuvants in Vaccines Can Cause Autism
Published: August 18, 2017 (Version 1.0)

Vaccine Papers – Autism and Aluminum Adjuvants in Vaccines

Foto: Palmer, fair use.

Die Wahrheit wird siegen.
1200 Studien, die die Behauptungen über Impfungen zurückweisen!

Dr. Alan Palmer: Truth will Prevail. 1200 Studies that refute vaccine claims.
Update vom 23.10.2020.

Dr. Alan Palmer – Truth Will Prevail. 1200 Studies that refute vaccine claims. V2.6. 10-23-20

Kommentar des Autors vom 15.08.2019:

The Science is NOT Settled!

By Dr. Alan Palmer, CHD Contributing Writer

We have heard vaccine proponents say that the science is settled on vaccines. What an arrogant and ridiculous statement! First of all, science is never settled on anything because new discoveries are always being made. That is the nature of science. Secondly, when it comes to vaccines, the science that refutes what the public is being told about vaccines is far more plentiful, credible and convincing. That is a bold statement, but one that can easily be defended.

In fact, I spent 2 ½ years and over 2,500 hours to research and compile my 718-page eBook called 1200 Studies – Truth Will Prevail, that not only defends that statement, it goes on the offensive and attacks the pharma talking points about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines. This eBook contains excerpts and summaries of now over 1,400 studies, published in reputable journals representing 45 different medical and scientific disciplines and contradicting the industry talking points about vaccines. These are unbiased and objective studies, produced by thousands of researchers and scientists who are not funded by vaccine manufacturers.

Please download a copy for yourself and share the link with your friends, family and community.

Studien über die Schädlichkeit der HPV-Impfungen

On the relationship between human papilloma virus vaccine and autoimmune diseases

Orthostatic intolerance and postural tachycardia syndrome as suspected adverse effects of vaccination against human papilloma virus

Pancreatitis after human papillomavirus vaccination: a matter of molecular mimicry

Pancreatitis following human papillomavirus vaccination…/pancreatitis-following-human

Panuveitis With Exudative Retinal Detachments After Vaccination Against Human Papilloma Virus
Peripheral sympathetic nerve dysfunction in adolescent

Japanese girls following immunization with the human papillomavirus vaccine

Pharmaceutical Companies’ Role in State Vaccination Policymaking: The Case of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination

Postural tachycardia syndrome following human papillomavirus vaccination

Potential cross-reactivity between HPV16 L1 protein and sudden death-associated antigens

Premature ovarian failure 3 years after menarche in a 16-year-old girl following human papillomavirus vaccination

Severe manifestations of autoimmune syndrome induced by adjuvants (Shoenfeld’s syndrome).

Severe somatoform and dysautonomic syndromes after HPV vaccination: case series and review of literature

A 16-year-old girl with bilateral visual loss and left hemiparesis following an immunization against human papilloma virus

Small Fiber Neuropathy Following Vaccination

Syncope and seizures following human papillomavirus vaccination: a retrospective case series

Telogen effluvium following bivalent human papillomavirus vaccine administration: a report of two cases

Two Cases of Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis Following Vaccination Against Human Papilloma Virus

Two unclear cases of death. Can we still recommend HPV vaccination?

An unmasking phenomenon in an observational post-licensure safety study of adolescent girls and young women

Vaccine-related serious adverse events might have been under-recognized in the pivotal HPV vaccine randomized trial

Studie: Gelantine (vom Schwein) im DTaP-Impfstoff kann Nahrungsmittel-Allergien verursachen

 1999 Feb;103(2 Pt 1):321-5.

A clinical analysis of gelatin allergy and determination of its causal relationship to the previous administration of gelatin-containing acellular pertussis vaccine combined with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids.
Nakayama T1Aizawa CKuno-Sakai H.

Kommentar von The Liberty Beacon:

Zitat: “The paper concludes:

“Most anaphylactic reactions and some urticarial reactions to gelatin-containing measles, mumps, and rubella monovalent vaccines are associated with IgE-mediated gelatin allergy. DTaP immunization histories suggest that the gelatin-containing DTaP vaccine may have a causal relationship to the development of this gelatin allergy.”

Charles Richet, a Nobel Prize winning doctor discovered (over a hundred years ago) that proteins injected into the bloodstream will result in the development of allergy to that protein.

Exact same conclusions, a hundred years apart …

In other words, food proteins in vaccines can cause the development of food allergies.

Here is the CDC’s document showing vaccine ingredients:”

Neue, beunruhigende Studie offenbart den Zusammenhang zwischen Hirnschäden und der Hepatitis-B-Impfung, die in einigen Ländern schon Neugeborene bekommen (wie in den USA).

Foto: Natural News, fair use.
Foto: Natural News, fair use.

Impfschaden Schleimbeutelentzündung (SIRVA)
Wird die Impfstelle zu hoch am Arm angesetzt, kann statt des Muskelgewebes ein Schleimbeutel namens Bursa getroffen werden, der sich dann schmerzhaft entzündet und anschwillt, SIRVA (shoulder injuries related to vaccine administration).

Dieses SIRVA-Syndrom wurde bisher kaum wahrgenommen und hatte eine hohe Dunkelziffer. Das änderte sich durch die Recherche der Ärztin Jennie Ann Freiman und ihrem Artikel SIRVA: A Risk With Every Vaccine vom 25.01.2017 auf der Aufklärungsseite The Vaccine Reaction.

SIRVA wurde inzwischen vom Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) anerkannt, und die Zahl der Anträge auf Entschädigung dafür steigt seitdem. Das wurde bekannt durch den aktuellen SIRVA-Vorfall bei dem HULK-Star Lou Ferrigno.

Auf unserer Partnerseite Impfkritik-Impffrei auf FB berichteten wir auf deutsch über den Impfschaden, der sogar den unbesiegbaren HULK umwarf.

Dr. Peter Doshi: Grippeimpfungen sind weder sicher, noch wirksam. Sie sind eine Art von Krankheitserfindung zur Vergrößerung der Märkte – also Wissenschaftsbetrug.

Dr. Peter Doshi im British Medical Journal (BMJ):

Influenza: marketing vaccine by marketing disease

Kommentar von Realfarmacy: Johns Hopkins Scientist Reveals Shocking Report on Flu Vaccines.

Nach dieser Studie hatten grippegeimpfte Kinder sechs Mal öfter eine grippeähnliche Krankheit als impffreie Kinder:
Epidemiology of respiratory viral infections in children enrolled in a study of influenza vaccine effectiveness

Foto: Pubmed, fair use.
Foto: Pubmed, fair use.

Studie: Grippeimpfung erhöht die Häufigkeit von Atemwegsinfektionen

Impfstoffe werden routinemäßig getestet, aber als “Placebo” wird das Aluminiumadjuvans  verwendet. Das Gift wird also mit dem Gift verglichen. Es gibt keine Studien mit einem echten Placebo bei Impfstofftests.

In dieser chinesischen Studie (in China werden inzwischen die meisten Kinderimpfstoffe hergestellt) wurde allerdings ein echtes Placebo mit Kochsalzlösung verwendet.  Man fand keinen Unterschied zwischen dem trivalenten Influenza-Impfstoff und der plazebohaltigen Saline. Im Klartext: Es hat nicht funktioniert.

Sie entdeckten jedoch, daß die mit Grippe Geimpften 340 % mehr an akuter Atemwegsinfektion (ARI) aufwiesen als die Placebo-Kontrollgruppe und die nicht durch eine Grippe verursacht wurden. Im Klartext: Durch die Grippeimfpung steigt das Risiko, an ARI zu erkranken um 340%.

Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine


Dr. Zhibin Yao: Neonatal hepatitis B vaccination impaired the behavior and neurogenesis of mice transiently in early adulthood


“This work reveals for the first time that early HBV [Hepatitis B] vaccination induces impairments in behavior and hippocampal neurogenesis. This work provides innovative data supporting the long suspected potential association of HBV with certain neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism and multiple sclerosis.”
– aus dem Kommentar von J. B. Handley vom 10.05.2018.

Studie der italienischen Forscher Antonietta M Gatti und Stefano Montanari über Nanopartikel in Impfstoffen:
New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination, in: IJVV vol 4, issue 1-2017.

Foto: Montanari, fair use.

Kommentar vom Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute:
Dirty Vaccines: Every Human Vaccine Tested Was Contaminated With Metals and Debris in New Study.

12.04.2014: Eine neue peer-review-kontrollierte Studie des Immunologen J. Bart Classen in Molecular and Genetic Medicine (S1:025, 2014) beweist überzeugend, daß der rasche Anstieg der Anzahl von Impfungen für US-Kinder inzwischen für die Mehrzahl oder beinahe die Mehrzahl von jungen US-Kindern einen Zustand der Immunüberlastung herbeigeführt hat, die sich in Epidemien von zusammenhängenden Gesundheitsproblemen manifestiert, einschließlich Diabetes, Fettleibigkeit und Autismus.

Foto: Mol Genet Med, fair use.
Foto: Mol Genet Med, fair use.

Weitere Studien zur (fehlenden) Impfstoff-Sicherheit von J. Bart Classen hier.

Studie: Verminderte Fruchtbarkeit durch HPV-Impfung:
Gayle DeLong (2018) A lowered probability of pregnancy in females in the USA aged 25–29 who received a human papillomavirus vaccine injection, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, 81:14, 661-674, DOI: 10.1080/15287394.2018.1477640

ABSTRACT Birth rates in the United States have recently fallen. Birth rates per 1000 females aged 25–29 fell from 118 in 2007 to 105 in 2015. One factor may involve the vaccination against the human papillomavirus (HPV). Shortly after the vaccine was licensed, several reports of recipients experiencing primary ovarian failure emerged.

This study analyzed information gathered in National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which represented 8 million 25-to-29-year-old women residing in the United States between 2007 and 2014. Approximately 60% of women who did not receive the HPV vaccine had been pregnant at least once, whereas only 35% of women who were exposed to the vaccine had conceived.

For married women, 75% who did not receive the shot were found to conceive, while only 50% who received the vaccine had ever been pregnant. Using logistic regression to analyze the data, the probability of having been pregnant was estimated for females who received an HPV vaccine compared with females who did not receive the shot. Results suggest that females who received the HPV shot were less likely to have ever been pregnant than women in the same age group who did not receive the shot. If 100% of females in this study had received the HPV vaccine, data suggest the number of women having ever conceived would have fallen by 2 million.
Further study into the influence of HPV vaccine on fertility is thus warranted.

Polnische Studie beweist: Impfstoffe haben keine historischen Verdienste, verursachen aber neurologische Schäden:

Foto: University of Bialystok, fair use.
Foto: University of Bialystok, fair use.

Kommentar bei

In fact, a number of inflammatory disorders of the central nervous system [myelitis] have been associated with the administration of various vaccines.”

“We reviewed the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) database of the Dent Neurologic Institute to study the abnormal findings in myelitis. We identified 9 patients, with acute transverse myelitis. Although readily distinguishable from lesions due to MS, the various etiologies for ATM, including post-infectious (n = 2), post-vaccination (n = 3), and idiopathic (n = 4) were indistinguishable on MRI.”

“It should be recognized that certain vaccines might trigger serious neurological immune phenomena such as Guillain-Barre syndrome, seizures, cranial neuropathy, and acute disseminated encephaloMYELITIS (ADEM). Here we report on an elderly woman with ADEM following seasonal influenza [flu] vaccination.”

“A wide variety of inflammatory diseases temporally associated with the administration of various vaccines, has been reported in the literature. The most commonly reported vaccinations that were associated with CNS demyelinating diseases included influenza (21 cases), human papilloma virus (HPV) (9 cases), hepatitis A or B (8 cases), rabies (5 cases), measles (5 cases), rubella (5 cases), yellow fever (3 cases), anthrax (2 cases), meningococcus (2 cases) and tetanus (2 cases). Usually the symptoms of the CNS demyelinating syndrome appear a few days following the immunization (average: 14.2 days).

“We describe two adult cases of neurologic complications occurring after influenza vaccination. The first case was a 62-year-old man who experienced convulsions 5 days after vaccination, and the second case was a 70-year-old man who exhibited paraplegia 7 days after vaccination. Diagnoses of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and transverse MYELITIS with acute motor axonal neuropathy were made.”

“Acquired Demyelinating disorders [MYELITIS] of the central nervous system in children span a wide spectrum. The etiology of acquired demyelinating conditions is multi-factorial namely – genetic, post-infectious, post-immunization…Vaccines, specifically the influenza, rabies and smallpox vaccines have also been reported.”

AUTISM AND VACCINES AROUND THE WORLD: Vaccine Schedules, Autism Rates, and Under 5 Mortality
Generation Rescue, Inc. April 2009

Bei Kindern unter 5 Jahren haben die US-Kinder die höchste Impfrate, die höchste Autismusrate und die höchste Todesrate in der Welt.

Foto: Generation Rescue, fair use.
Foto: Generation Rescue, fair use.

HP und Impfschaden-Behandler René Gräber berichtet: Eine interne Studie von Glaxo-Smith-Kline über ihren 6-fach-Impfstoff Infanrix hexa soll belegen, daß innerhalb von 20 Tagen 69 Kinder nach der Impfung starben – natürlich Zufall. Die Studie wurde nicht veröffentlicht. Ein italienisches Gericht ordnete später die Veröffentlichung an, die es hier als pdf (13 MB) gibt.

Diese WHO-Studie von 1979 über die BCG-Tuberkulose-Impfung ist mit 260.000 Probanden im Großraum Madras in Südindien ist die größte und mit 7,5 Jahren Nachuntersuchung die längste Vergleichsstudie zwischen Geimpften und Ungeimpften. Die WHO erfaßte von Juli 1968 bis März 1971 die Daten und machte dann Nachuntersuchungen.
Ergebnis: Die Geimpften hatten öfter Tuberkulose als die Ungimpften: “…
that BCG did not give any protection during the first 7 1/2 years after vaccination…. that the BCG did not give any protection against the development of bacillary disease.”

Seit diesem niederschmetternden Ergebnis gab es zu keinem Impfstoff jemals wieder eine vergleichbare Studie.

Foto: WHO, fair use.
Foto: WHO, fair use.

Yale Studie: Zusammenhang zwischen Impfungen und psychischen Störungen:


Impfkritische Studie zu Impfungen und Autoimmun-Krankheiten


Zahlreiche impfkritische Studien von Jacob M. Puliyel, M.D.

Foto: Puliyel, fair use. Dank an Feli.
Foto: Puliyel, fair use. Dank an Feli.

Sammlung von 1.000 impfkritischen Peer Review-Arbeiten und Studien


Vaccine Peer Review. The History of the Global Vaccination Program In 1000 Peer Reviewed Reports And Studies 1915-2015. 

Weitere Studien-Sammlung: Vaccine Research.
Update VaccineResearch2019:
This is all of the research I have collected on vaccinations. ALL OF THESE STUDIES ARE PUBLISHED, LEGITIMATE STUDIES ON PUBMED which is a government database.

Foto: VaccineResearch2019, fair use.
Foto: VaccineResearch2019, fair use.

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