

letzte Änderung: 14.04.2024

HPV-Impfung und angeblicher Schutz gegen Gebärmutterhals-Krebs
siehe auch HPV-Impfschäden

Neue Aufklärungsseite: Erfahrungsberichte HPV-Impfen – Ja oder Nein?

Foto: NIE, mit freundlicher Genehmigung.
Foto: NIE, mit freundlicher Genehmigung.

Gardasil-Skandal anhand der Todesraten belegt
Mary Holland, Kim Mack Rosenberg, Eileen Iorio: The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed. Seeking Justice For A Generation Betrayed.

Foto: Skyhorse, fair use.
Foto: Parker Lever, fair use.

















Einmalige Faktensammlung!
Die Autorinnen sind Juristen und haben einmalige Fakten zusammengetragen. 544 Seiten, 2018. Ein augenöffnendes Buch über den Skandal und Betrug mit dem HPV-Impfstoff, die mangelnde Sicherheit und den Geschäften damit! Gerade die HPV-Impfungen machen mit am meisten Impfschäden!

Kommentar von Parker Lever zum Fotos rechts:

“A simple risk/benefit analysis quickly tells any rational person that Gardisil is one of the biggest medical scandals in history. It only takes one fact to explain this:

Cervical cancer death rate: .23 in 10,000. CDC’s average death rate for all causes: 4.37 in 10,000. Death rate from the Gardisil product during Merck’s trials: 8.5 in 10,000.

The death rate from the Gardisil product is nearly twice as high as the US background rate, and over 30 times as high as that of the cervical cancer it fraudulently claims to protect you from. Case closed.”
– Parker Lever, Facebook-Chronik am 11.07.2019.

Die eigenen Hersteller-Daten von Merck zeigen, daß die Todesrate durch die HPV-Impfung über 30 Mal höher ist als durch den Gebärmutterhalskrebs selbst, vor der die Impfung schützen soll!
Schieß dir eine Kugel in den Kopf, damit du keine Kopfschmerzen bekommst! Impfgläubigen-Logik!


Rezension von Frieda Online: HPV-Impfung auf dem Prüfstand vom 11.09.2019.

Rezension vom Vaxxed-Produzenten Del Bigtreee
The HighWire with Del Bigtree, October 4, 2018
America Dying Young?; HHS Under Fire Over Fetal Tissue; The HPV Vaccine on Trial; And the “One Conversation” the CDC is trying to silence.


Weitere Kommentare anderer Experten und Impf-Insidern

“The reader will see the truth: the side effects are underreported by medical personnel, while there are a growing number of parents suing manufacturers and governments for inducing lifelong handicaps, even death, of their loved ones. In fact, this is the tragic example of various segments of our society, worldwide, placing economic interests before the health and protection of our younger generation. I congratulate the authors of this book, who are showing the world this scandal.”
—Luc Montagnier, MD, Nobel Prize winner for discovery of the HIV virus

“I have voiced concerns about this vaccine from the time it first got fast tracked through the system and even spoke out about it on an Oprah appearance years ago. Finally the whole story is revealed in this book. It is high time.”
—Christiane Northrup, MD, Author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

“This book is the most informative source you will find on the sordid machinations that went into convincing the public that Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination is a wise health choice. The clinical trials never showed that it protects from cervical cancer. There is overwhelming evidence that the vaccine causes harm, both in terms of autoimmune disease and infertility or even death in rare cases. Please read this gripping book before deciding whether to allow your son or daughter to receive the HPV vaccine.”
—Stephanie Seneff, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, MIT

“Having worked with HPV-vaccination studies in Denmark and subsequently with severely disabled patients attributing their disorder to possible side effects of vaccination, it is both fascinating and scary to read such a thorough unraveling of the faulty processes and the hidden facts behind the development and marketing of the vaccine. A real page-turner that anyone ought to read before considering vaccination.”
—Jesper Mehlsen, MD, Senior Medical Consultant, Denmark

“Vaccines are one of the most important revolutions in medicine, leading to reduced morbidity and mortality, as well as the eradication of some deleterious viral and bacterial-associated diseases. Yet to expect that injecting foreign substances, especially immersed in adjuvants, will not cause any side effects in some genetically prone individuals is a historical mistake. This book, written in clear language, explains how the US government has given vaccine manufacturers almost blanket liability protection, leading to unreasonably risky vaccines, including HPV vaccines. This book should lead regulatory institutions and medical journals to recognize vaccine adverse effects more completely.”
—Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld, MD, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Aviv University

“For most people, quarantine conjures up a set of procedures put in place to avoid people with the Plague or Ebola infecting the rest of us. In extreme cases, anyone escaping from the Hot Zone might be killed. It has a new meaning. Quarantine now means what Government and Business put in place to contain anyone who has been injured by a vaccine or a drug from infecting the rest of us, in extreme cases . . . Read this measured but compelling book from inside the Hot Zone and find out.”
—David Healy MD, author of Pharmageddon and Let Them Eat Prozac

“Living in the ‘Aluminum Age’ inevitably exposes us to aluminum in myriad ways. The majority of such exposures are benign in the shorter term while potentially harmful over decades of living. However, the injection of an aluminum adjuvant in a vaccine preparation is an acute exposure to a high concentration of aluminum, with cell death at the injection site the immediate consequence. Harvesting of aluminum adjuvant by immune-reactive cells at injection sites transports this toxicity well beyond this site and in susceptible individuals is responsible for serious adverse events, which may span the lifetime of affected individuals. This is no longer a ‘dirty little secret’ to those of us who understand the toxicity of aluminum. This is a serious book about a very serious subject, and it demands to be taken seriously now.”
—Professor Christopher Exley, PhD FRSB, Keele University

“‘Should we give the HPV vaccine?’ is an ethical question. Good ethics starts with good facts. The authors of The HPV Vaccine on Trial have conducted painstaking research, and their book is a rich source of facts. Their book points to troubling conflicts of interest of HPV vaccine researchers and those who have editorialized about it. It makes a convincing case that the push for mandatory HPV vaccination should cease and that HPV vaccination of the individual should only follow an informed consent process in which patients are told of its benefits and risks.”
—Alvin H. Moss, MD, Center for Health Ethics and Law, West Virginia University

“Like no other, this book provides thorough and sound scholarship on all that is known about the HPV vaccines, including the junk science devised by the industry and its shameless promotion by the government agencies that were created to regulate it. The authors have left nothing out: The HPV Vaccine on Trial is a must-read for every serious student.”
—Richard Moskowitz, MD, Author of Vaccines: A Reappraisal

“What is happening to our young people? How is it that perfectly healthy young women (and now men) suddenly lose energy, become wheelchair-bound, or even die? Why are birth rates among teens and young adults suddenly plummeting? Holland et al. provide convincing evidence that these worldwide phenomena could be linked to the HPV vaccine. Get informed!”
—Gayle DeLong, PhD, Associate Professor, Baruch College, City University of New York

“You may have heard that clinical trials of the HPV vaccine (which included thousands of children) did not include a saline placebo in the control arm. That’s just the tip of the iceberg that the authors elucidate.”
—Shira Miller, MD, Founder and President, Physicians for Informed Consent

“This meticulously researched book deftly answers why wherever HPV vaccines have been introduced, young girls and boys have suffered unacceptably high rates of medically unexplained paralysis, autoimmune disease, syncope, infertility, severe chronic pain, and other devastating health problems, including deaths. Contrary to how the media and policy makers label and attack those who are raising questions about safety, the authors give clear and convincing evidence to support that the ‘antiscience’ label rests firmly on those who would dismiss these sudden or delayed onset symptoms as a ‘coincidence.’ The authors explain how vaccine manufacturers, policy makers, media, and NGOs have formed an unholy global alliance to hide the flawed science that formed the foundation for the HPV vaccine approval. These actors suppress science that raises safety concerns and market this neurotoxic vaccine to eleven- and twelve-year-olds, who are pressured by schools and their peers to get this vaccine, or else die of a disease when safer alternative preventative measures exist. This book will help you understand how to protect yourself from policies that put profit over health and safety—a must read.”
—Claire Dwoskin, Founder, Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute

“No parent should make the decision to vaccinate their child until they have read and understood this book.”
—Jonathan Irwin, Founder, the Jack & Jill Foundation Ireland, former racetrack ex-ecutive, parent of a child who reacted adversely to the HPV vaccine

“As a father who has witnessed debilitating side effects of ‘Big Pharma’ medications on his son, I am outraged to learn of thousands of injuries and even death suffered by girls and boys being given the unnecessary HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. Once again, millions are being made by the same company (Merck) responsible for the Vioxx drug that killed more than 100,000 people before being withdrawn from the market. The meticulous research put forward in The HPV Vaccine on Trial should compel American lawmakers to follow the lead of Japan to withdraw its recommendation for the HPV vaccine.”
—Dick Russell, Author, My Mysterious Son: A Life-Changing Passage Between Schizophrenia and Shamanism

“As an oncology nurse of twenty-five years and a mother of four fully vaccinated children, I truly believe that HPV on Trial is a crucial and desperately needed exposé of the controversial HPV vaccine. The authors have done extensive research and reporting to uncover the devastating side effects that have long been dismissed as psychological, while also revealing the faulty clinical trials. With our children’s lives in the balance, this remarkable and gripping story is essential reading for all parents and doctors concerned with the future of our youth.”
—Deborah Hall Sullivan, RN BSN OCN

“Finding a book that summarizes in a methodical, serious, and well-documented way the story of the great HPV vaccine fraud—described with the rigor of true connoisseurs—fills me with gratitude and respect. Few brave people have faced the power of two multinationals like Merck and GlaxoSmithKline. No one understands better than I the pain, frustration, and impotence of trying to prove the real injury for thousands of girls and women who lost their health and innocence because of this deception. History will smile on those who said and did the right thing, even if branded as fanatics, antivaccine activists, and crazy, merely for daring to do what every parent, ethical professional, and human being has a duty to do. Disguised as the greater good, the HPV vaccine is a farce that has harmed the lives of thousands of young people in the last decade. In the not-too-distant future, with the help of books like this, ethical scientists, the outcry of thousands of injured families, and courts that will not be fooled by the appearance of philanthropy and science, we will be able to declare in unison THE TRUTH HAS TRIUMPHED.”
—Monica Leon del Rio, Attorney for HPV vaccine-injured women in Colombia and mother of an HPV vaccine-affected daughter

“If you care about your children’s health and future, this book is a must-read. The book confirms the approval of the HPV vaccine without any adequate safety studies. US authorities’ denial of the large number of harmed children is equivalent to what we experience in Europe. This book is scary reading. Unfortunately, it’s not fiction. It is fact.”
—Karsten Viborg, Chairman, HPV Vaccine Victims, Denmark

“This is a forensic case against all involved with the development, marketing, and institutional defense of HPV vaccines, presented with formidable clarity. It is hard to believe that the proponents of these vaccines ever intended any good: either that they had any strong conviction in the long-term possibility of eradicating cervical cancer, or that they did not plan to cover up widespread harm to the recipients of the products from the earliest trials. In sum, it poses the most profound questions about the real purpose of public health programs in the twenty-first century.”
—John Stone, Author, UK Editor, Age of Autism blog

“Many new vaccines are being created and marketed to enrich corporations rather than improve our health. This important book exposes a corrupt system that no longer prioritizes safety and has been co-opted by profiteers. When we understand how HPV vaccine has managed to stay on the market despite its fatal flaws, we will understand how to fix a broken system.”
—J.B. Handley, Author, How to End the Autism Epidemic and Cofounder, Generation Rescue

“The authors have unmasked and exposed the clinical trials of the HPV vaccines, filtered out all the propaganda designed to mislead the public on the safety of this vaccine, and provided a clear and concise discussion of the effectiveness of the human papillomavirus vaccine. Too many women, girls, and boys are being harmed, only to be silenced by the medical community and treated as collateral damage.”
—Wayne Rohde, Author, The Vaccine Court: The Dark Truth of America’s Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

“Parents, take heed—your child’s health and life is at stake. Clinicians, here is the evidence on the risks of HPV vaccine—please take note. Regulators & legislators, the facts in this book are all you need to uphold the integrity of conflict of interest, accountability, and honest reporting. The depth of research in this book is remarkable.”
—Sabeeha Rehman, Author, Threading My Prayer Rug: One Woman’s Journey From Pakistani Muslim to American Muslim

10.05.2017, kla.tv: WHO vertritt Interessen der Pharmaindustrie

Die HPV-Impfung soll gegen Viren schützen, die bei Gebärmutterhalskrebs nachweisbar sind. Als der japanische Gesundheitsminister diesen jedoch in Folge von mehr als 2.900 Nebenwirkungen zurückzog, wurde er stark von der WHO kritisiert. Doch warum? Kla.TV deckt die wahren Beweggründe der Weltgesundheitsorganisation auf.

Die HPV-Impfung schützt angeblich gegen die Humanen Papillomaviren HPV-16 und HPV-18, die bei Gebärmutterhalskrebs nachweisbar sind. In Japan wurden 2.945 Nebenwirkungen nach solchen HPV-Impfungen gemeldet. Daraufhin zog Japans Gesundheitsministerium die öffentliche Empfehlung für den Impfstoff zurück. Die Impfexperten der WHO kritisierten diese Entscheidung, die sich laut ihnen auf eine schwache Beweislage beziehe und Schaden anrichte, da dadurch die Nachfrage nach dem Impfstoff zurückgehe.

In einer darauffolgenden Stellungnahme von YAKUGAY, einer angesehenen Vereinigung von Medizinern in Japan, wurde ans Licht gebracht, dass 11 der 15 Impfexperten der WHO eine finanzielle Verbindung zu den Impfstoffherstellern haben. Somit vertritt die WHO offensichtlich die Interessen der Pharmaindustrie, statt die Impfnebenwirkungen ernst zu nehmen.

von ns.



Impfopfer Erin: Studentin erkrankte an Gebärmutterhalskrebs, nachdem sie den HPV-Impfstoff Gardasil geimpft bekam.

Erin war eine völlig gesunde Studentin in Nashville/USA, als sie gebeten wurde, sich im Rahmen einer Studie impfen zu lassen.
Innerhalb von 24 Stunden wurde sie richtig krank, erbrach und entwickelte innerhalb von 18 Monaten Gebärmutterhalskrebs – genau den, den die Impfung angeblich verhindern soll.

Sie hatte den Ärzten vertraut… Glaubt nicht den Ärzten, glaubt den Impfkritikern und Impfopfern!



Erschütternder Kommentar am 15.08.2016 in der Partnergruppe “Gegen Impfen – IMPFormier Dich!

(Impfkritiker und Impfgegner willkommen, Pro- und Teilimpfer müssen leider draußen bleiben, da keine

Gemischt- oder Anfänger-Gruppe).

Foto: Knaur-Verlag. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung.
Foto: Knaur-Verlag. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung.

Neuer Ratgeber für Mütter und Töchter

Dr. Martin Hirte:

HPV-Impfung. Nutzen, Risiken und Alternativen der Gebärmutterhalskrebs-Vorsorge.

Knaur Verlag 2016, 160 S.

Bereits 2008 hatte Dr. Martin Hirte die HPV-Impfung mit Gardasil thematisiert.

Weitere Infos in Deutschlands ältester und führender impfkritischen Fachzeitschrift impf-report:

“HPV-Impfung: Es wird Zeit für echte Wissenschaft

von Norma Erickson

“Die Zulassung der HPV-Impfstoffe war nur möglich, weil die zuständige US-Zulassungsbehörde FDA wichtige Fakten einfach ignorierte und ihre Zustimmung zu einem völlig absurden Studien-Design gab. Weltweit schweigen die meisten Experten und Gesundheitsbehörden zu den wachsenden Beschwerden, z. B. über Impfschäden nach der HPV-Impfung.” – Aus: impf-report Nr. 107.

Unsere Rezension dieses neuen Standardwerkes der Impfkritik zur HPV-Impfung gibt es hier.



Frage: “Wurde der Impfplan mit all seinen parallel zu verabreichenden Impfstoffen je getestet?”

Antwort: “Nein, das wurde nie getestet… Wir sind ein globales wissenschaftliches Experiment ohne Placebo.”

– Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic


“Wer profitiert von der unkritischen Annahme voreingenommener Schätzungen der Impfstoffwirksamkeit und Sicherheit?”

“Zum Beispiel ist die Behauptung, dass die Gardasil-Impfung zu ca. 70 % Reduktion von zervikalem Krebs führt, trotz der Tatsache aufgestellt worden, dass die Daten aus klinischen Studien bisher nicht bewiesen haben, dass der Impfstoff tatsächlich auch nur einen einzigen Fall von Gebärmutterhalskrebs verhindert hat.”

Quelle: “Who Profits From Uncritical Acceptance of Biased Estimates of Vaccine Efficacy and Safety?”
– Lucija Tomljenovic · Christopher A Shaw, Full-text · Article · Jul 2012 · American Journal of Public Health

Foto: Sherry Yates Young 237242650, ZdG.
Foto: Sherry Yates Young 237242650, ZdG.

HPV-Impfung kann Gehirn zerstören und Mädchen töten!

“Die HPV-Impfstoffe Gardasil® und Cervarix® enthalten bestimmte Virus-Partikel, die laut einer neuen Studie die Blut-Hirn-Schranke durchbrechen und im Gehirn eine tödliche Entzündung der Blutgefässe (zerebrale Vaskuliits) auslösen können. Bei einer Obduktion zwei gestorbener Mädchen wurden genau diese viralen Impfstoffbestandteile in den Blutgefässen des Gehirns gefunden. Man geht folglich davon aus, dass die HPV-Impfung für den Tod der beiden Mädchen verantwortlich war. “




HP Christoph Plothe: Die HPV-Impfung: Anspruch und Realität (2014)!
Foto: Plothe.
Foto: Plothe, fair use.

 03.09.2015: Bolivien: Impfschäden (Nervenschäden, Lähmungen, Bauchschmerzen, Müdigkeit) durch die schreckliche HPV-Impfung

Schwerer Manipulationsverdacht im Zusammenhang mit der Empfehlung des HPV-Impfstoffs

Foto: AGI. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung.
Foto: AGI. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung.

Jasmin S. – tot nach der HPV-Impfung!

Sie wußte nichts von toxischen Zusatzstoffen und gefährlichen Nervengiften und hat ihrem Frauenarzt vertraut! Er hat sie nicht aufgeklärt über Impfschäden!

Foto: Michael Leitner/Wir Impfen Nicht! Mit freundlicher Genehmigung.
Foto: Michael Leitner/Wir Impfen Nicht! Mit freundlicher Genehmigung.

“Tod unserer Tochter nach der vom Gesundheitsministerium viel beworbenen Impfung gegen Gebärmutterhalskrebs (HPV-Impfung)”: Stellungnahme der trauernden Eltern zum Impftod von Jasmin von Weihnachten 2007 als pdf.

Riskante Impfung für Mädchen: Impfschäden nach HPV-Impfung!


TV3 Doku: Nebenwirkungen der HPV-Gardasil-Impfung bei 150 Mädchen in Irland:


HPV Documentary, TV3, Ireland 14/12/15

Gardasil in Ireland under scrutiny. 150 girls from the group REGRET believe their debilitating conditions are due to the vaccine.

Foto: NIE/change.org
Foto: NIE/change.org

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