


WASHINGTON, Oct. 12—Swine flu vaccination programs in nine states and in Pittsburgh and its suburbs were suspended today, two weeks after they began nationally, after the deaths of three elderly persons who received the vaccine yesterday at a clinic in Pittsburgh.

Federal and Pennsylvania health on cials said there was no evidence that the deaths had resulted from the vaccinations. But they also said that the highly unusual circumstances of three fatalities among the patients of one clinic in such a short time required investigation.

All three patients are known to have had heart disease, health officials said. and autopsies showed that two died of heart attacks. The family of ‘ the third patient did not permit an autopsy.

After the deaths, swine flu immuni,alions were halted throughout Allegheny County, which includes Pittsburgh, and the Federal Center for Disease Control sent doctors to investigate.

No Evidence Shots Caused Them

At a news conference at the agency’s headquarters in Atlanta, Dr. David J. Sencer, director of the center, said there was no evidence to suggest that the deaths had been caused by the vaccinations. Further, he said he knew of no reason for other communities to suspend their programs.

In nine states, however, health officials shut down swine flu vaccination programs until information about the Pittsburgh deaths could be clarified. These are Maine, Vermont, Illinois, Wisconsin, Virginia, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico and Alaska.

The New York City health authorities, meanwhile, pressed ahead with the immunization program, as did those in New Jersey and Connecticut. But New York State officials asked upstate areas to delay using any of the vaccine from the batch used in Pittsburgh. [Page 53].

Directives similar to that issued by New York State were announced by the health authorities in Michigan, Massachusetts, Utah and Florida.

The Philadelphia County authorities said they, too, would postpone further use of vaccine from the batch involved in the Pittsburgh deaths, but in the rest. of Pennsylvania state health officials said the immunization program would go on.

The three patients who died received vaccine in batch No. 913339A manufactured by Parke Davis & Company, one of four makers of the drug. The lot totals about 1.5 million doses and has been distributed throughout the East Coast, Dr. Sencer said.

At his news conference, Dr. Sencer said that besides, the investigations in Pittsburgh, samples of the vaccine were being sent to the Food and Drug Administration’s Bureau of Biologics near Washington for testing.

Today, doctors checked by telephone with 100 other persons in Pittsburgh who had received vaccine from the same lot in the same clinic as the three who died and they found no adverse reactions. A substantial number of persons who had received vaccine from another lot were also surveyed with the same result, according to an official of the disease control center.’

Heart Disease Heightens Risk

Noting that the persons who died were all elderly, Dr. Sencer said it could be estimated that among 100.000 people in the 65‐to‐75 age group, there would be nine or ten deaths in any 24‐hour period and that this natural risk of death would be heightened by the existence of heart disease.

Dr. Sencer said the Allegheny County Health Department last Thursday started giving vaccine to the elderly and others classified in the “high risk” category because of chronic disease and that 23,000 shots had been given through yesterday.

The vaccine in question is called bivalent. It is designed to protect against both swine flu and the flu virus called A‐Victoria that was widespread in the United States last winter. For persons in the general population a monovalent vaccine protective only against swine flu is being administered in the national program that began Oct. 1 after many delays.

The three who died hours after receiving the vaccine in Pittsburgh were identified as Charles Gabig, 71 years old; Julia Bucci, 75, and Ella Michael, 74.

While Pittsburgh and its suburbs in Allegheny County suspended their vaccination program, Dr. Leonard Bachman, the Pennsylvania Health Secretary, said at a news conference in Harrisburg that the vaccination effort would continue in the state generally. He said no connection had been found between the vaccine and the deaths and that it would be bad judgment to postpone or cancel the overall program, considering that the 1976‐77 flu season may be nearing.

After Fort Dix Outbreak

The flu season generally begins late in the fall—November or December—but first widespread appearance of the disease may vary considerably from year to year.

The national program against swine flu was organized because of an outbreak early this year at Fort Dix, N.J. The effort has been plagued by controversies, delays and at least one manufacturing error.

In the manufacturing error this last summer, Parke Davis discovered it had made large amounts of vaccine against the wrong strain of influenza virus.

An official of the Center for Disease Control said today there had been reports of faintings by patients who received flu vaccine in the nationwide program, but no previous reports of deaths. There was one report of a patient in South Carolina suffering a heart attack while reading the patient consent form before receiving a vaccination.

Man Dies in Florida

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., Oct. 12 (UPI) —A 63‐year‐old man died of a heart attack today about 90 minutes after receiving a swine flue inoculation from the same lot of vaccine used in Pittsburgh. He was identified as Saul Gelman of Sunrise, a community west of here.

Dr. Paul Hughes, director of the Broward County Health Department, said he doubted that Mr. Gelman’s death was vaccine related. He said the death was the only case reported among more than 10,000 persons already given swine flu innoculations in the county.

2 Die in Oklahoma

OKLAHOMA CITY, Oct. 11 (UPI)—Two elderly persons have died after receiving swine flu shots in Oklahoma County, but the director of the city‐county health department said today there was no apparent relation between the shots and the deaths. A state health department spokesman said it was coincidence that the deaths came after the shots.

“Both were people who had bad hearts and had been under treatment for a long time. There’s no connection between swine flu and the fact that they died, as far as anyone can tell,” Dr. Robert C. Bowers, Oklahoma CityCounty Health Department director, said.

The swine flu fraud of 1976, on 60 Minutes + US-TV-Impfwerbung
Mike Wallace: CBS 60 Minutes Investigates Swine Flu Scare, 04.11.1979
Mike Wallace at CBS News 60 Minutes reports back on the 1976 swine flue development and how it was managed by the American health authorities. The pharmaceutical industry played a major part.

Hier die Sendung in besserer Qualität, aber mit 12 Min. vorangehendem Kommentar.

Transkript und Kommentar vom Impfschaden-Aufklärer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – als pdf.


Deutsche Übersetzung obiger Sendung von Mike Wallace

Schweinegrippe-Epidemie 1976 USA, Teil 1 von 2 (deutsch)


Schweinegrippe-Epidemie 1976 USA, Teil 2 von 2 (deutsch)


Deutsche Übersetzung der ersten Hälfte, gesprochen von Gunnar Kaiser:
Die Angst vor der Schweinegrippe

Schweinegrippe-Impfung US-TV-Werbung von 1976 (dt. UT)

1976 Swine Flu Propaganda


70s Swine Flu Propaganda


08.02.2015: 1976 Swine Flu Propaganda Turned Into Vaccine Epidemic
David Knight talks about how the 1976 swine flu program was a tailor-made hoax that was designed to frighten the American people.
16.09.2020, CBS: 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine Roll-Out May Provide Lessons For COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts
The federal government has outlined its coronavirus vaccination plan, an effort expected to last through 2021. For anyone who thinks that sounds slow, Wilson Walker reports that trying to move too fast has caused problems before. (9/16/20)
21.08.2022: Interesting History 1976 Swine Flu


Schweinegrippe-P(l)andemie 1986
According to the CDC the 1986-87 season was the third season during which influenza A(H1N1) strains predominated in the United States since this subtype reappeared in 1977.

20.03.2020: Schweinegrippe-Impfung 1986: You might not want to scroll down! Dr. Bruce Lipton “BE AWARE OF THIS!”
Impfschäden wie Guillain-Barré-Syndrom (Nervenschmerzen, Lähmungen)

Kind hat Schweinegrippe!

Foto: Unbekannt, Netzfund, fair use.


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