Startseite » Aktuelles » Allgemein » Delayed reaction to pfizer.5 days after vaccine (1st) I have experienced welts, hives, anaphylaxis. …

Delayed reaction to pfizer.5 days after vaccine (1st) I have experienced welts, hives, anaphylaxis. …

Delayed reaction to pfizer.5 days after vaccine (1st) I have experienced welts, hives, anaphylaxis. ...

Delayed reaction to pfizer.
5 days after vaccine (1st) I have experienced welts, hives, anaphylaxis. I’m so tired of this, 2 weeks now, I’m on a cocktail of meds daily to help with the itch but it doesn’t seem to be touching it.
Note, healthy, allergic to cinnamon and penicillin only.
Here’s some pics I’ve taken over the last 2 weeks.


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