

01.07.2009: The swine flu and the law which now applies to you!
I now have the original documents Jane Burgermeister sent me:

Jane Bürgermeister – Criminal Charges Swine flu edit _v2.1

Important timeline of video:
1:40 Vaccines acquired immunity is temporary while immunity gained after recovering from influenza is longer lasting.
3:10 Few choices will be allowed and every child from 6 months to 18 years must have an annual flu shot.
3:22 Call by American health officials to give the first doses of experimental swine flu vaccines in a school setting. </
3:45 Now a flu pandemic raised to phase 6 which is equivalent to homeland securities Code Red warning of an imminent terrorist attack.
4:08 When the CDC declares a public health emergency that declaration allows the food and drug administration to fast track experimentation drugs and vaccines which do not have to be tested as thoroughly as others which go through the normal FDA process.
4:35 Congress has given a group of drug companies $1 billion to fast track experimental swine flu vaccines.
4:55 People who already have sensitive immune systems will be particularly at risk of the experimental vaccines.
5:10 State officials are allowed to enter homes and businesses without the consent of the occupants to investigate and quarantine individuals without their consent.
6:30 Public demonstrations are classed as low level terrorism.
6:45 Plans are being made to make selected airports quarantine centers where airplanes will be rerouted for passenger health inspection.
7:00 Experimental vaccines to be given first to children in schools.


Photo: Natural News, fair use.

Placard: “Swine flu brought to you by Big Pharma (Baxter) & World Hell Organization (WHO)

06.07.2009: GENOCIDE NOW? Is the Government planning to force you to have WEAPONISED vaccine?

pdf: Genocide now – Flyer Campaign Against Baxter Vaccines

July 8, 2009: Remember The 2009 H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Was it a Dress Rehearsal?
Journalist Filed Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder
By Barbara Minton

As the anticipated July release date for Baxter’s A/H1N1 flu pandemic vaccine approaches, an Austrian investigative journalist is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity is underway. Jane Burgermeister has recently filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several of the highest ranking government and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism and attempts to commit mass murder.

She has also prepared an injunction against forced vaccination which is being filed in America. These actions follow her charges filed in April against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of Austria for producing contaminated bird flu vaccine, alleging this was a deliberate act to cause and profit from a pandemic.


Summary of claims and allegations filed with FBI in Austria on June 10, 2009

In her charges, Burgermeister presents evidence of acts of bioterrorism that is in violation of U.S. law by a group operating within the U.S. under the direction of international bankers who control the Federal Reserve, as well as WHO, UN and NATO. This bioterrorism is for the purpose of carrying out a mass genocide against the U.S. population by use of a genetically engineered flu pandemic virus with the intent of causing death. This group has annexed high government offices in the U.S.

Specifically, evidence is presented that the defendants, Barack Obama, President of the U.S, David Nabarro, UN System Coordinator for Influenza, Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO, Kathleen Sibelius, Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services, Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Department of Homeland Security, David de Rotschild, banker, David Rockefeller, banker, George Soros, banker, Werner Faymann, Chancellor of Austria, and Alois Stoger, Austrian Health Minister, among others, are part of this international corporate criminal syndicate which has developed, produced, stockpiled and employed biological weapons to eliminate the population of the U.S. and other countries for financial and political gain.

The charges contend that these defendants conspired with each other and others to devise, fund and participate in the final phase of the implementation of a covert international bioweapons program involving the pharmaceutical companies Baxter and Novartis. They did this by bioengineering and then releasing lethal biological agents, specifically the “bird flu” virus and the “swine flu virus” in order to have a pretext to implement a forced mass vaccination program which would be the means of administering a toxic biological agent to cause death and injury to the people of the U.S. This action is in direct violation of the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act.

Burgermeister’s charges include evidence that Baxter AG, Austrian subsidiary of Baxter International, deliberately sent out 72 kilos of live bird flu virus, supplied by the WHO in the winter of 2009 to 16 laboratories in four counties. She claims this evidence offers clear proof that the pharmaceutical companies and international government agencies themselves are actively engaged in producing, developing, manufacturing and distributing biological agents classified as the most deadly bioweapons on earth in order to trigger a pandemic and cause mass death.

In her April charges, she noted that Baxter’s lab in Austria, one of the supposedly most secure biosecurity labs in the world, did not adhere to the most basic and essential steps to keep 72 kilos of a pathogen classified as a bioweapon secure and separate from all other substances under stringent biosecurity level regulations, but it allowed it to be mixed with the ordinary human flu virus and sent from its facilities in Orth in the Donau.

In February, when a staff member at BioTest in the Czech Republic tested the material meant for candidate vaccines on ferrets, the ferrets died. This incident was not followed up by any investigation from the WHO, EU, or Austrian health authorities. There was no investigation of the content of the virus material, and there is no data on the genetic sequence of the virus released.

In answer to parliamentary questions on May 20th, the Austrian Health Minister, Alois Stoger, revealed that the incident had been handled not as a biosecurity lapse, as it should have been, but as an offence against the veterinary code. A veterinary doctor was sent to the lab for a brief inspection.

Burgermeister’s dossier reveals that the release of the virus was to be an essential step for triggering a pandemic that would allow the WHO to declare a Level 6 Pandemic. She lists the laws and decrees that would allow the UN and WHO to take over the United States in the event of pandemic. In addition, legislation requiring compliance with mandatory vaccinations would be put into force in the U.S. under conditions of pandemic declaration.

She charges that the entire “swine flu” pandemic business is premised on a massive lie that there is no natural virus out there that poses a threat to the population. She presents evidence leading to the belief that the bird flu and swine flu viruses have, in fact, been bioengineered in laboratories using funding supplied by the WHO and other government agencies, among others. This “swine flu” is a hybrid of part swine flu, part human flu and part bird flu, something that can only come from laboratories according to many experts.

WHO’s claim that this “swine flu” is spreading and a pandemic must be declared ignores the fundamental causes. The viruses that were released were created and released with the help of WHO, and WHO is overwhelmingly responsible for the pandemic in the first place. In addition, the symptoms of the supposed “swine flu” are indistinguishable from regular flu or from the common cold. The “swine flu” does not cause death anymore often than the regular flu causes death.

Burgermeister notes that the figures for deaths reported for the “swine flu” are inconsistent and there is no clarity as to how the number of “deaths” has been documented.

There is no pandemic potential unless mass vaccinations are carried out to weaponize the flu under the guise of protecting the population. There are reasonable grounds for believing that the mandatory vaccines will be purposely contaminated with diseases that are specifically designed to cause death.

Reference is made to a licensed Novartis bird flu vaccine that killed 21 homeless people in Poland in the summer of 2008 and had as its “primary outcome measure” an “adverse events rate”, thereby meeting the U.S. government’s own definition of a bioweapon (a biological agent designed to cause an adverse events rate, i.e death or injury) with a delivery system (injection).

She alleges that the same complex of international pharmaceutical companies and international government agencies that have developed and released pandemic material have positioned themselves to profit from triggering the pandemic with contracts to supply vaccines. Media controlled by the group that is engineering the “swine flu” agenda is spreading misinformation to lull the people of the U.S. into taking the dangerous vaccine.

The people of the U.S. will suffer substantial and irreparable harm and injury if they are forced to take this unproven vaccine without their consent in accordance with the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act, National Emergency Act, National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD 51, Homeland Security Presidential Directive/HSPD-20, and the International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza.

In the U.S. since 2008, Burgermeister charges that those named in her allegations have implemented new and/or accelerated the implementation of laws and regulations designed to strip the citizens of the U.S. of their lawful constitutional rights to refuse an injection. These people have created or allowed provisions to remain in place that make it a criminal act to refuse to take an injection against pandemic viruses. They have imposed other excessive and cruel penalties such as imprisonment and/or quarantine in FEMA camps while barring the citizens of the U.S. from claiming compensation from injury or death from the forced injections. This is in violation of the laws governing federal corruption and the abuse of office as well as of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Through these actions, the named defendants have laid the groundwork for mass genocide.

Using the “swine flu” as a pretext, the defendants have preplanned the mass murder of the U.S. population by means of forced vaccination. They have installed an extensive network of FEMA concentration camps and identified mass grave sites, and they have been involved in devising and implementing a scheme to hand power over the U.S. to an international crime syndicate that uses the UN and WHO as a front for illegal racketeering influenced organized crime activities, in violation of the laws that govern treason.

She further charges that the complex of pharmaceutical companies consisting of Baxter, Novartis and Sanofi Aventis are part of a foreign-based dual purpose bioweapons program, financed by this international criminal syndicate and designed to implement mass murder to reduce the world’s population by more than 5 billion people in the next ten years. Their plan is to spread terror to justify forcing people to give up their rights, and to force mass quarantine in FEMA camps. The houses, companies and farms and lands of those who are killed will be up for grabs by this syndicate.

By eliminating the population of North America, the international elite gain access to the region’s natural resources such as water and undeveloped oil lands. And by eliminating the U.S. and its democratic constitution by subsuming it under a North American Union, the international crime group will have total control over North America.

Highlights from the complete dossier

The complete dossier of the June 10th action is a 69 page document presenting evidence to substantiate all charges. This includes:

Factual background that delineates time lines and facts that establish probable cause, UN and WHO definitions and roles, and history and incidents from the April, 2009 “swine flu” outbreak.

Evidence the “swine flu” vaccines are defined as bioweapons as delineates in government agencies and regulations classifying and restricting vaccines, and the fear of foreign countries that “swine flu” vaccines will be used for biological warfare.

Scientific evidence the “swine flu” virus is an artificial (genetic) virus.

Scientific evidence the “swine flu” was bioengineered to resemble the Spanish flu virus of 1918 including quotes from Swine Flu 2009 is Weaponized 1918 Spanish Flu by A. True Ott, Ph.D., N.D., and a Science Magazine report from Dr. Jeffrey Taubenberger et.al.

The genome sequence of the “swine flu”

Evidence of the deliberate release of the “swine flu” in Mexico

Evidence as to the involvement of President Obama that delineates his trip to Mexico which coincided with the recent “swine flu” outbreak and the death of several officials involved in his trip. Contention is made that the President was never tested for “swine flu” because he had been previously vaccinated.

Evidence as to the role of Baxter and WHO in producing and releasing pandemic virus material in Austria includes a statement from a Baxter official stating the accidentally distributed H5N1 in the Czech Republic was received from a WHO reference center. This includes delineation of evidence and allegations from Burgermeister’s charges filed in April in Austria that are currently under investigation.

Evidence Baxter is an element in a covert bioweapons network

Evidence Baxter has deliberately contaminated vaccine material.

Evidence Novartis is using vaccines as bioweapons

Evidence as to WHO’s role in the bioweapons program

Evidence as to WHO’s manipulation of disease data in order to justify declaring a Pandemic Level 6 in order to seize control of the USA.

Evidence as to the FDA’s role in covering up the bioweapons program

Evidence as to Canada’s National Microbiology Lab’s role in the bioweapons program.

Evidence of the involvement of scientists working for the UK’s NIBSC, and the CDC in engineering the “swine flu”.

Evidence vaccinations caused the Spanish killer flu of 1918 including belief of Dr. Jerry Tennant that the widespread use of aspirin during the winter that followed the end of World War I could have been a key factor contributing to the earlier pandemic by suppressing the immune system and lowering body temperatures, allowing the flu virus to multiply. Tamiflu and Relenza also lower body temperatures, and therefore can also be expected to contribute to the spread of a pandemic.

Evidence as to manipulation of the legal framework to allow mass murder with impunity.

Constitutional issues: the legality vs. illegality of jeopardizing the life, health and public good by mass vaccinations.

The issue of immunity and compensation as evidence of intent to commit a crime.

Evidence as to the existence of an international corporate crime syndicate.

Evidence of the existence of the “Illuminati”.

Evidence as to the depopulation agenda of the Illuminati/Bilderbergs and their involvement in the engineering and release of the artificial “swine flu” virus.

Evidence that weaponized flu was discussed at the annual Bilderberg meeting in Athens from May 14-17, 2009, as part of their agenda of genocide, including a list of attendees who, according to a statement once made by Pierre Trudeau, view themselves as genetically superior to the rest of humanity.

Media is keeping Americans clueless about the threat they are under

Jane Burgermeister is a dual Irish/Austrian who has written for Nature, the British Medical Journal, and American Prospect. She is the European Correspondent of the Renewable Energy World website. She has written extensively about climate change, biotechnology, and the ecology.

In addition to the charges currently under investigation that she filed against Baxter AG and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology in April, she has filed charges against WHO and Baxter among others concerning a case of exploding “swine flu” vials meant for a research lab on a busy IC train in Switzerland.

In her view, control of the media by the ruling elite has allowed the world crime syndicate to further its agenda unabated while the rest of the people remain in the dark about what is really going on. Her charges are an attempt to get around this media control and bring the truth to light.

Her greatest concern is that “in spite of the fact Baxter has been caught red handed nearly triggering pandemic, they are also moving ahead, together with allied pharma companies, with supplying the vaccine for pandemics.” Baxter is hurrying to get this vaccine to market some time in July.

12.07.2009: David Icke: Warnung: Nicht gegen Schweinegrippe Impfen lassen

Deutsche Sprecherin voice-over
“David Icke über die Schweinegrippe-Impfung: Man versucht die Menschheit in Panik vor der Schweinegrippe zu versetzen und so zum Impfen zu bringen. Er warnt vor der Impfung und erinnert an die angebliche Pandemie im Jahr 1976, als viele US-Bürger an den Folgen der damaligen Schweinegrippe-Impfung starben oder an schweren neurologischen Funktionsstörungen oder Gehirnschäden erkrankten. Die Impfung ist laut David Icke Teil eines globalen Plans zur Zerstörung des Immunsystems. Die gegenwärtige Panikmache schätzt er als Testlauf ein.”




25.07.2009: Vogel- und Schweinegrippe Fakten – Zusammengetragen von Jane Bürgermeister
Zitat: “Jane Bürgermeister lebt uns vor, dass wir nicht machtlos sind. Allerdings gehört natürlich eine gehörige Portion Mut dazu, sich für die richtige Sache einzusetzen. Was in Ihrem Fall anscheinend auch schon zu Konsequenzen geführt hat – sie hat ihren Job verloren. Trotzdem lässt sie nicht locker. Danke, Jane für deinen Einsatz.

Jetzt liegt es an uns, dass der selbstlose Einsatz von Jane Bürgermeister auch Früchte trägt. Wir müssen soviele Leute wie möglich über die Fakten aufklären. Und in dieser PDF Datei sind wirklich einige Fakten aufgelistet, die erklären, warum die WHO, ohne wirklich ersichtlichen Grund, die Pandemie Stufe auf die höchste Stufe 6 erhöht hat. Und warum diese Maßnahme für uns alle so bedrohlich ist – und das betrifft jetzt nicht nur, die angestrebte Zwangsimpfung. Auf 61 Seiten kann man hier einiges nachlesen, unter anderem auch die Strafanzeige gegen die Österreichische Regierung und alle in dem bestimmten Fall involvierten Personen. Das liest sich wie ein “Who is Who Austria.”

23. Jul 2009: Jane Bürgermeister – Anzeige wegen Schweinegrippe-Impfung
Jane Bürgermeister – Anzeige – Eingangsbestätigung

Weitere Informationen gibt es auf der Webseite WakeNews.net oder im Blog von Jane Bürgermeister

12.07.2009, Neue Braunschweiger: Sechs Fälle von Schweinegrippe. Braunschweiger infizierten sich in Spanien. Zitat: “Die “Schweinegrippe” ist in Braunschweig angekommen. Die Zahl der Erkrankten [lies: Getesteten] hat sich bis gestern aktuell auf sechs erhöht.”

Foto: Neue Braunschweiger, fair use.


17.07.2009; BILD: In diesen Hühnereiern wird der Impfstoff ausgebrütet

Zitat: “In ganz normalen Hühnereiern wächst das Mittel, das uns alle vor der Schweinegrippe schützen soll!

Das Labor der Firma „ GSK Biologicals“ in Dresden: 700 Mitarbeiter stellen hier den so dringend benötigten Impfstoff gegen die Schweinegrippe her. Das Werk, das schon zu DDR-Zeiten Impfstoffe produzierte, gehört zum Konzern GlaxoSmithKline. Er ist eine der Firmen, bei denen die Bundesregierung 160 Millionen Dosen reserviert, 50 Millionen Einheiten bestellt hat.

Werkschef Dr. Peter Schu (49): „Das Virusmaterial haben wir von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation bekommen, aus dem wir nun den Impfstoff herstellen.“

Die Forscher spritzen das Virus in Hühnereier, brüten sie in Wärmeräumen – und entwickeln aus dem Material den Impfstoff. Im Herbst soll er marktreif sein. Der Laborchef: „Für Deutschland könnten wir 82 Millionen Dosen herstellen.“

• Auch andere Firmen arbeiten unter Hochdruck am H1N1-Impfstoff. Der Schweizer Novartis-Konzern gab bekannt, dass er etliche Bestellungen erhalten hat und mit mehr als 35 Regierungen über Lieferungen spricht.

Die erste Impfwelle wird die gesetzlichen Krankenkassen in Deutschland rund 600 Millionen Euro kosten. Gerechnet wird mit 14 Euro pro Patient und Impfung. Für die Versicherten ist die Impfung kostenlos.”

29.07.2009: Alan Watt: Avian Swine Swings When Pigs have Wings

31.07.2009, dpa; HNA: Schweinegrippe-Impfung für alle Griechen
Athen – Alle zwölf Millionen Einwohner Griechenlands sollen im Herbst eine Schutzimpfung gegen die Schweinegrippe erhalten.

“Wir haben beschlossen, ausnahmslos alle Bürger zu impfen“, sagte der griechische Gesundheitsminister Dimitris Avramopoulos nach einer Dringlichkeitssitzung mit dem griechischen Regierungschef Kostas Karamanlis am Freitag im griechischen Rundfunk. Das Land benötige dafür 24 Millionen Impfeinheiten, da jeweils zwei Impfungen nötig seien. Für den Notfall seien weitere Maßnahmen wie die Schließung aller Schulen geplant. Bislang sind in Griechenland mehr als 700 Menschen an Schweinegrippe erkrankt. Einen Todesfall gab es noch nicht.

03.08.2009, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg: Schweinegrippe – Das Geschäft mit der Angst

Zitat: “Im folgenden Artikel von Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg finden Sie seine ausführliche Darstellung der epidemiologischen und wirtschaftlichen Hintergründe der derzeitigen Diskussion über “Schweinegrippe” und Impfkampagnen. Der Artikel erschien heute als Gastbeitrag im sh:z-Verlag.

Der Name “Schweinegrippe” steht wie schon die Bezeichnung “Vogelgrippe” für irreführende aber offenbar erfolgreiche Versuche einiger Pharmakonzerne, ihre Absatzchancen für neue Impfstoffe und fragliche Grippe-Medikamente zu erhöhen. Aber auch einige Politiker, Fachinstitute und Medien profitieren von dieser Erfindung und spielen das teure Spiel mit der Angst zu ihrem eigenen Vorteil mit. Die laufende Diskussion um die Bezahlung der Grippeimpfung und der von einigen Krankenkassen veröffentlichte Ruf nach mehr Steuermitteln reiten auf dieser Welle.

Die Pharmabranche zeigt, dass sie längst weiß, wie die öffentliche Aufmerksamkeit auf bestimmte Themen gelenkt werden kann. Sie demonstriert uns gerade, dass eine “Schweinegrippe aus Mexiko” eben deutlich mehr wahrgenommen wird als die übliche alljährliche “Grippewelle”.

Mit genetischen und molekularbiologischen Details gepuscht, präsentieren seit Wochen von der Pharmaindustrie (wie auch immer) motivierte Institutsleiter und Ärzte ihr “Man-kann-nie-wissen” dem ängstlich staunenden Volk und den Regierungen von Bund und Ländern. Handlungsdruck entsteht. Die Institute erhalten mehr Personal und Sachmittel, Politiker sind gefragt und Mitglieder von Krisenstäben machen teure Dienstreisen. Und das gibt Stoff für spannende Berichte, Interviews und Kommentare in den Medien.

Die Angst-Kampagne wirkt: Plötzlich reden alle nur noch davon, wer von dem knappen Grippemittel “Tamiflu” wie viel Tabletten einlagern darf, oder wer sich wie viel des neuen Grippeimpfstoffs “Optaflu” bei Novartis reservieren darf. Politiker rennen Big-Pharma die Türen ein und die Krankenkassen nutzen die Diskussion, um mehr Steuerzuschüsse in den Gesundheitsfond zu ziehen. Was ist die Realität hinter dieser “Medienwelle”? Gibt es eine neue Seuche, eine weltweit sich ausbreitende neue Pandemie?”

Komm.: Dr. Wodarg hält die behaupteten krankmachenden Viren und die Tests für echt, keine Zweifel erkennbar. Bei der nächsten P(l)andemie mit Corona blieb er sich dabei treu. Zum Leidwesen aller, denn wenn er die volle Wahrheit über die Machenschaften gesagt hätte, etwa die fehlende Virus-Isolation, dann wären wir wohl weiter.

07.08.2009, BILD: SPD-Gesundheitsexperte warnt vor Risiken
Krebs-Gefahr durch Schweinegrippe-Impfung?
Lungenfacharzt Wolfgang Wodarg hält Angst vor Pandemie für Inszenierung der Pharmaindustrie

07.08.2009 – 07:55 Uhr

Zitat: “Die Angst vor der Schweinegrippe greift immer mehr um sich, Menschen auf der ganzen Welt hoffen auf ein Heilmittel. Doch jetzt schlagen Experten Alarm: Die Impfmittel selbst birgt große große Risiken.

Der SPD-Bundestagsabgeordnete und Lungenfacharzt Wolfgang Wodarg warnt vor ungeahnten Gefahren bei der Impfung gegen das H1N1-Virus!

Der Epidemiologe äußerte schwere Bedenken gegen den von der Firma Novartis entwickelten Impfstoff gegen Schweinegrippe, der bereits in Deutschland getestet wird. Das Impfmittel sei „mit sehr heißer Nadel zugelassen“, erklärte der Mediziner gegenüber der „Neuen Presse“.

Grund: Der Nährboden des Impfstoffs von Novartis seien Krebszellen, die tierischer Herkunft sind.

Man wisse nicht, ob es dabei ein Allergierisiko gebe, betonte der Arzt.”

09.08.2009: Michael Leitner: Viren, Panik und Profite
Eine humorvolle Analyse der Strategien der Krankheitsindustrie. Vortrag in Stuttgart.

Zitat der Videobeschreibung:
“Michael Leitner spannt in seinem Vortrag einen weiten Bogen von Zivilisationserkrankungen, die als Infektionskrankheit umdefiniert werden, über Impfungen, deren wirksamer Bestandteil aus toxischen Zusatzstoffen besteht bis hin zur aktuellen immunologischen Grundlagenforschung. Weitere Themen sind die Infektion der Massenmedien durch die „Schweinegrippe und die Vergiftung landwirtschaftlicher Produkte durch die Blauzungen-Zwangsimpfung.

Eigentlich ist das Wissen über effiziente Therapien von Tumor- und Immunproblematiken auch in der westlichen Medizin vorhanden. Doch da die Strategien der Pharmakonzerne durch den Aktienmarkt beeinflusst werden, steht das Heilen von chronisch Kranken im Widerspruch zum Streben nach immer weiter steigenden Gewinnen. Das trägt mitunter absurde Früchte: Am Beispiel der nunmehr angeblich von Viren verursachten Fettsucht erläutert Leitner, wie einfach es heutzutage ist, eine „Seuche zu konstruieren und mit Hilfe der Medien zu verbreiten.

Im Prinzip ist das Pharma-Marketing folgendes: Man erfindet einfach eine Hölle voller absolut tödlicher Viren und bietet als ‚Schutzimpfung’ dagegen den Ablassbrief in Form einer ärztlichen Verordnung an!”


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