
Impfen & Uralte Weisheit

We are not aware what action was taken by the authorities in the premises, but if it is not too late perhaps those in charge of the subject will be interested in the following extract from the same article (“The Sanitary Millennium”) in the Journal of Science: –

“Amongst the diseases which had become less frequent and less severe, but which have since resumed an epidemic and highly dangerous character, a prominent place is due to smallpox, especially as its alleged preventive, vaccination, has taken rank among the political questions of the day. We are told that if this disease no longer carries off its victims by tens of thousands, as in the dark ages, the change is due to vaccination. But there can be not a shadow of doubt that small-pox had begun to decline long before the discovery of Jenner was introduced into practice.

In 1722 Dr. Wagstaffe wrote that the mortality among children did not exceed 1 per cent of the cases. From 1796 to 1825 there was not a single epidemic of small-pox in England. Yet, according to a report published by the College of Physicians in 1807, only about 1½ per cent of the population were vaccinated. Now if we admit that the immunity gained by this operation is absolute and permanent, how is it possible that three vaccinated persons out of every 200 would protect the remaining 197?

At the present time about 97 per cent of the population are supposed to be vaccinated. Yet so far from being able to protect the residual 3 per cent it is considered that they are imperilled by the obstinacy or neglect of this small minority. We have the lamentable fact that, whilst vaccination has become all but universal, small-pox has reappeared among us not in isolated cases but in epidemics succeeding each other at short intervals, and each more deadly than the foregoing. Thus in the epidemic of 1857-58-59 the deaths were 14,244: in that of 1863-64-65, 20,059, and in that 1870-71-72, 44,840.

Thus in the first interval the deaths from this cause had increased 50 per cent, whilst the population had grown only 7 per cent. In the second interval the deaths from small-pox have risen by 120 per cent, but the population only 10 per cent. Another ugly fact is that the number of persons who have been vaccinated but who are subsequently attacked with small-pox is steadily on the increase. At the Highgate small-pox hospital from 1835 to 1851 the previously-vaccinated formed 53 per cent of the total small-pox cases admitted.

In 1851-52 it rose to 66.7 per cent; in 1854-5-6 to 71.2 per cent; in 1859-60 to 72; in 1866 to 81.1 and in 1868 to 84 per cent. How are such facts to be reconciled with the orthodox theory that vaccination is a safeguard against small-pox’? What would be the conclusion formed by an unprejudiced statistician if these figures were laid before him? If a grows more common as b increases in number and general distribution no man in his senses will argue that b is a hindrance to a. The very opposite conclusion, that b is causally connected with a would seem more legitimate.

How the credit of vaccination is to be saved is not apparent. We cannot cut the knot by supposing that modern medical practitioners are less careful and skilled in the performance of the operation or less scrupulous in the selection of vaccine lymph. There remains, then, merely the conclusion that small-pox, too, has had a period of cessation during the latter part of the past century and the first quarter of the present;–that the apparent success of vaccination was mainly due to its coincidence with this temporary lull, and that the disease is now rapidly regaining its old virulence and reassuming the pestilential proportions which it displayed in the days of our forefathers.”

It is but fair to remark that our esteemed colleague, Dr. D.E. Dudley, President of the Bombay Theosophical Society, takes exception to the accuracy of the above statistics of mortality, and but for the exigencies of his rapidly growing practice would have added a note. Possibly he may find time to do so next month. Meanwhile let us hear from native medical practitioners, astrologers, and pandits what the Shastras have to say as to the cause of epidemics and other abnormal phenomena.

And here is another matter upon which Europe would like to be informed about by them. It is taken from Spiritual Notes (London).

“According to Dr. Vincenzo Peset y Cervera the crystals of hæmoglobulin obtained from the blood of different animals have forms so distinct and characteristic that the origin of a sample of blood may thus be determined! All that is required is to mix the blood with a little bile, when crystals not exceeding 0.003 metre in size are formed in the mass. The shapes of the crystals are said to be as follows: Man, right rectangular prisms; horses, cubes; ox, rhombohedrons; sheep, rhombohedral tables; dog, rectangular prisms; rabbit, tetrahedrons; squirrel, hexagonal tables; mouse, octahedrons, &c. Commenting on these allegations the Journal of Science sagely suggests that “if they are confirmed they may serve for the solution of a most important question raised by Dr. Lionel Beale. If the theory of Evolution be true, the crystals obtained from animals which are nearly related should be either identical or such as are in form easily derived from each other. Should the hæmoglobulin crystals–e.g., of the horse and the ass, of the dog and the fox, of the rabbit and the hare, or of the rat and the mouse–belong respectively to different systems, it will supply a serious argument in favour of independent creation.”

*Proceedings of the Anjuman-i-Punjab, in connection with the proposed Vaccination Bill, etc.

The Theosophist, March, 1881, pp. 119-120, ohne Autorenname. Von der ULT/Blavatsky.net der Schriftleiterin (“conducted by”) H. P. Blavatsky zugeschrieben. Nicht in den Blavatsky Collected Writings enthalten, sowohl online wie auch im Druck nicht, wie auch nicht der nachfolgende Artikel  An Epidemic Obsession, “The Theosophist”, March 1891, pp. 120-121.

Nach welchen Auswahlkriterien in den B:CW entschieden wurde, ist unbekannt. Möglicherweise waren Analysen des Sprachstils entscheidend. Oder weitere Informationen, die nicht mitüberliefert sind. Für diese Sammlung theosophischer Texte zum Impfen ist die Autorenfrage jedoch nur aus Gründen der formalen Genauigkeit von Interesse.

Weiterführend interessant: H. P. Blavatsky: THE NEGATORS OF SCIENCE, Lucifer, Vol. VIII, No. 44, April, 1891, pp. 89-98 und No. 68, April, 1893, pp. 97-101, reprinted: H.P. Blavatsky Collected Writings, Volume 13, pp. 138-157.

Erreger sind nicht Krankheitsursache
Gottfried von Purucker

Die Natur kümmert sich um ihre Kinder besser als wir, unendlich sorgfältiger und liebevoller als die hingebungsvollsten Eltern, die wissen, wie sie für ihre Kinder sorgen, wie sie ihre Kleinen beschützen müssen. Bezweifeln Sie das? Dann möchte ich Ihnen eine Frage stellen.

Erkennen Sie, daß Sie in diesem Augenblick und während Ihres ganzen Lebens von den bösartigsten Krankheitserregern umgeben sind, die Sie sofort töten würden, wenn nicht ein Schutzmechanismus in Ihrem Körper tätig wäre? Wer veranlaßt das? Mutter Natur.

Sie wissen es nicht, aber die Natur beschützt Sie gegen Gefahr, deren Sie sich gar nicht bewußt sind; und es ist nur des Menschen eigener Wahnsinn, seine Schlechtigkeit, mitunter die Boshaftigkeit seines Herzens, seine eigene Schwäche, die die Höllen auf der Erde, die wir kennen, erschaffen. Sie sind kein Werk der Natur. 

Jeder, der versucht, sich seiner moralischen Verantwortung zu entziehen und vorgibt, daß er nur in Übereinstimmung mit der Natur so handelt, weiß in seinem Herzen, daß er lügt. Er selbst ist der Bösewicht. Die Natur beschützt uns, wenn wir es ihr erlauben; und sie beschützt uns wie Eltern, die ihr Kind vor seiner eigenen Unerfahrenheit zu schützen suchen. Die Natur, regiert vom göttlichen Gesetz, versucht sogar, die Körper, die wir beständig unbarmherzig und manchmal sogar mit gieriger Wollust mit Dingen, die Krankheiten nach sich ziehen, schwächen und verderben, wieder zu heilen.

Die Natur heilt, vergibt und gibt uns immer wieder eine neue Chance. Sie hält unsere Körper, geschwächt wie sie vielleicht sind, am Leben und schenkt ihnen Heilung. Welcher Schaden auch immer verursacht wurde, er wurde von uns verursacht.

Das Herz der Natur besteht aus grenzenloser Liebe, unendlichem Mitleid und vollständiger Harmonie. Beispiele dafür können wir zu jeder Zeit rings um uns wahrnehmen. Die Natur kümmert sich um ihre Kinder. Sie gibt ihnen Hilfe und beschützt sie. Der Kummer mit uns ist, daß wir uns ständig mit unserer Mutter anlegen. Dabei ist sie die mitleidsvollste und weiseste Mutter, die die menschliche Rasse überhaupt haben kann. Die daraus zu ziehende Lehre kann nur sein: helfen Sie der Natur und arbeiten Sie mit ihr zusammen. Dann wird sie Sie als einen Ihrer Meister betrachten und Ihnen gehorchen.

Wind des Geistes, o.O. [Eberdingen] 1995, S. 265-266; Kap. “Der Weg der Natur nach dem Tod”; in Buchform. Weitere deutsche Ausgabe: Hannover 1994. Überschrift von uns hinzugefügt.
Amerikan. Originalausgabe Wind of the Spirit (html 1984) und als pdfScan der Erstausgabe 1944 (174 MB).

Komm.: Erreger erregen also nicht an und für sich (Hegel) und nicht monokausal-mechanistisch, sondern nur, wenn weitere Bedingungen hinzukommen, bei denen sie aber nicht Ursache sind, sondern Begleiter und dabei sinnvolle biologische Sonderaufgaben (Dr. Hamer, Zweiphasigkeit) ausführen, z.B. Zersetzung von Gift- und Schadstoffen, totem Gewebe usw. (“Bakterien”).

Darum kann es keine Impfprophylaxe bei Bakterien geben (Tetanus-Impfung) und keine “Antikörper” und “Antigene” im irrigen Virusmodell. Selbst wenn diese Mechanik so wie im Konstrukt des Impfgedankens funktionieren würde, wäre es aus spiritueller Sicht nicht zielführend, da dieser Unterdrückungsmechanismus dazu führen würde, daß sich die Kräfte der Natur andere Wege suchen würden, um aus dem gestörten Gleichgewicht (Krankheit) wieder zu einem Gleichgewicht (Gesundheit) zu kommen, was sich in neuen Symptomen zeigen würde, die sich ggf. als noch heftigere Krankheiten ausdrücken würde.

Impfungen sind also kein Schutz (außer als Placebowirkung oder Statistiktrick) und keine Vorbeugung, sondern Verschiebung von Ablauf und/oder Symptomatik. Aus spiritueller Sicht sollten Ärzte Krankheiten nicht unterdrücken (mit giftigen Impfstoffen und erdölbasierten chemischen Tabletten), sondern dabei helfen, daß sie so sanft wie möglich aus der Konstitution herausgeführt werden (mit Naturheilkunde und Homöopathie).  

Katherine Tingley gab impffreien Kinder Zuflucht bei Einführung der Impfpflicht in San Diego um 1900

“Hubbs’s parents were among a group that objected to a new ruling by the San Diego schools that children must be vaccinated against smallpox. Several families persuaded Katherine Tingley to open a private school (without required vaccination), which she was glad to do as an expansion of the organization that she headed: the Universal Brotherhood and Theosophical Society. The Society incorporated Egyptian lore, reincarnation, Greek architecture, music and drama, pacifism, and vegetarianism. Young Carl had not been doing well in the public school. The new one, the primary school of the Raja Yoga Academy, appealed to him at first, and he became a keen student; but after three years he rebelled against its militant discipline and was dismissed.”  

– “Raja Yoga-Glass Domes Astride Point Loma,” talk given to Scholia, May 12, 1970, zitiert in: National Acacemy of Sciences: CARL LEAVITT HUBBS 1894 – 1979, A Biographical Memoir by Elizabeth N. Shor, Richard H. Rosenblatt and John D. Isaacs, Washington D. C. 1987, pp. 217-218.

Da Hubbs 1894 geboren wurde und sich die Impfpflicht für Schulkinder in den USA 1900 verbreitete, kann man als Zeitpunkt ungefähr 1900 annehmen. 1902 wurde sie in San Diego wieder aufgehoben (s. Judith Sealander: The Failed Century of the Child, 2003, p. 329). 

Über die Impfexperimente des Robert Koch mit Hunden

Auszug aus einem öffentlichen Disput zwischen Joseph H. Fussell und Prof. Sumner im u. g. Journal über Sinn und Unsinn von Tierversuchen (Vivisektion), in dem es auch um Impffragen geht.

From the La Jolla Journal, March 30th, 1917
Secretary, Universal Brotherhood and Theosophical Society
in: The Theosophical Path, vol. XII, April 1917, No. 4, pp. 419 ff.

Now, like nearly every other pro-vivisectionist, Professor Sumner endeavors to impress upon the public that there is no cruelty in vivisection and animal experimentation, and very little suffering on the part of the animal. Regarding animal experimentation ” by injection, inoculation and the like ” he says this for the most part is carried out ” upon low forms of life whose sentiency is doubtless feeble.”

He does not know that their sentiency is feeble ; he is merely guessing when he says ” doubtless.” He says further, “commonly they may be assumed to be painless though in some cases discomfort or sickness may result.” The reader will be able to judge from what follows whether the case has been fairly and squarely presented by Professor Sumner.

Is it because he wishes to discount any records of cruelty that he says “no profession is free from its black sheep”? […] In inoculation experiments, animals cannot be kept under anaesthetics, seeing that such experiments extend often over weeks and sometimes over months. Let me give an instance, taken from an account of Professor Koch’s experiments in connection with sleeping-sickness, published in the Journal of Pathology, March, 1906:

“Dog No. 1 became a veritable skeleton and blind. It was found dead three weeks after inoculation. Dogs Nos. 2 and 3 showed signs of wasting, the head became swelled and dropsical, also the forelegs and paws ; blindness ensued in both eyes ; and two days before its death it refused food and seemed very thirsty. It was found dead nearly a month after inoculation. Dog No. 4 suffered anaemia, emaciation and drowsiness. The animal became a living skeleton, with drooping head, sightless eyes and every bone standing out on its emaciated body.”

Is Professor Koch also a ‘black sheep’?

Allan N. Benson, in an article, ‘The Common-Sense of Vivisection,’ states that he was informed by Dr. Flexner himself, in regard to inoculation experiments, that ” there is only a quick prick with the needle and little or no pain.” Did he tell the whole truth? What of the after-effects? In 1909 in Great Britain alone, 82,389 inoculation experiments were performed. How many in the rest of Europe, and how many in America?

P. M. Johns: Epidemics from a Theosophical Standpoint, “The Theosophist”, January 1893 (reprinted “Theosophical Siftings”,  vol. 6, 1893-949)

Alexander Wilder – Vaccination a Medical Fallacy (n.d. [1879]), Zitat: “There does not exist one single fact, in all the experiments and improvements made in science, which can support the idea of vaccination. A vaccinated people will always be a sickly people, short lived and degenerate.”  Editor of the New York Medical Tribune, zit. n. Trung Nguyen: History Of Vaccination (25 vols. of pdf reprints, prologue).

Alexander Wilder – The Fallacy of Vaccination (1899).
Ina Belderis: There Is No Medicine Higher Than Truth. Book review of Christopher Bird, The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens (H. J. Kramer, Tiburon, CA, 1991)

John Van Mater: Have you the Virus?

Alan Donant: The Once and Future Medicine

Arthur A. Beale: Where Life begins

Theosophische Dateien zum Download
in chronologischer Reihenfolge. Zusendung weiterer Dokumente willkommen

Schmidt, Isaac J. – Über die Verwandtschaft der gnostisch-theosophischen Lehren (1828, scan)
Olcott Henry S. – Inaugural Address (1875)
Sinnett, Alfred P. – Cosmological Notes Manuscript (1881, scan) – Erste Fohat-Erwähnung. Zur Orthographie von Dgyu or Dzyu: Artikel und als pdf:   
     Boer, Ingmar de – The Orthography of Dgyu or Dzyu (2014)
Hartmann, Dr. Franz: Coulomb-Betrugsaffäre der Missionare in Madras aufgedeckt:
     Franz Hartmann – Report of Observations, 1884
     Franz Hartmann – Report of the Result of an Investigation, 1884
Harte, Richard – The Hebrew Talisman (1888, scan)
Harte, Richard – The Hebrew Talisman (1888, Text)
Tingley, Katherine – World Crusade (1896-7)
Hartmann, Franz – Die Medizin des Theophrastus Paracelsus [1899]
Blavatsky, H. P – The Key to Theosophy – Point Loma Edition 1907
Blavatsky, H. P. – The Secret Doctrine Würzburg Manuscript (1885) by David Reigle (2014) dazu Artikel
Theosophische Schriften 4 (2. A. 1896, Abschrift)
Mead, G. R. S. – Fragments of a faith forgotten (1900, text. Gnosticism)
Kerning, Johann B. – Weisheit der Orients. Ediert von Franz Hartmann (1901)
Steiner, Dr. Rudolf – Der Theosophische Kongress in Amsterdam (1904)
Wachtelborn, Karl – Atlantis. Bildungsstätte unser Kultur (ca. 1905)
Surya, G. W. – Triumph der Alchemie (1908)
Vimadalal, J. J. – The Principles Involved in the Invitation Vote (1908)
Hartmann, Franz – Autobiography (Occult Review Jan. 1908, Textverluste)
Row, Subba – Collection of Esoteric Writings (1910)
Anon. – Mrs. Besant and the Alcyone Case (1913)
Das, Bhagavan – The Central Hindu College and Mrs. Besant. The Rise of the Alcyone Cult (1913)
Levy, Eugene – Mrs Besant and the Present Crisis in The Theosophical Society (1913)
Knoche, Grace – The Peace-Thread (1913)
Pryse, James Morgan – The restored New Testament Part I (1914, OCR)
Stiftungsurkunde Franz Hartmann-Loge zu Löbau (1918)
Fussell, Joseph H. – Incidents in the History of The Theosophical Movement (1920 3rd rev. ed.)
Mead, G. R. S. – Pistis Sophia (rev. ed. 1921)
Hartmann, Dr. Franz – Was ist Theosophie (3. A. [1922]) Wie allgemein, ist besonders beim Theos. Verlagshaus Leipzig des Hugo Vollrath Vorsicht bei posthumen Veröffentlichungen von Hartmann geboten, V. hat heimliche Änderungen vorgenommen, im Zweifel gilt die Primärquelle.
Harris Jr., Iverson L. – Katherine Tingley’s Raja-Yoga System of Education [1922]
Hartmann, Franz – Pansophia (1924)
Thomas, Margaret – Theosophy Versus Neo-Theosophy [ca. 1924]
Jinarajadasa, C. – The Golden Book of the Theosophical Society (1925)  71 MB komprimiert, hier O-Dateien einzeln
Purucker, Gottfried von – Blavatskys wissenschaftliche Vorwegnahmen (1927)
Endersby, Victor – A Study of the Arcane School of Alice Bailey (1963)
Zirkoff, Boris de – Dr. Franz Hartmann (1966)
Benjamin, Elsie – The Significance of the Seven Principles of Man (1970)
Benjamin, Elsie – The Significance of the Monad Divine. Devine_ or Human_ (1971)
Däniken, Erich von – Die Geheimlehre der Frau Blavatsky erschütterte die Welt (1985)
Anon. – Katherine Tingley – Das Vorbild für eine humanere Welt (Das Forum 1998_4_S22-33)
Seidel-Dreffke, Reitemeyer – Blavatsky-Brief an Fürst Zertelew entdeckt (2000)
Pelletier, Ernest – The Judge Case vol. 1+2 (2004) from Theosophy Canada
Laur, Peter – Ein deutschbaltischer Hintergrund der ‘Theosophie’_ (2006)
Reitemeyer, Frank – Open Questions in H. P. Blavatsky’s Genealogy (2006). Zum ehemaligen Fohat-Magazin
Zander, Helmut – Theosophische Zeitschriften in Deutschland bis 1945 + Ergänzung 2007
Pelletier, Ernest – Annie Besant, her Passions and Relationships (2013) from Theosophy Canada
Pelletier, Ernest – Annie Besant, Theosophy and the Liberal-Catholic Church (2013) from Theosophy Canada
References & Quotes to the Book of Dzyan auch: Book of Kiu-te; 2015
Hess, Karolina Maria – The Beginnings of Theosophy in Poland (2015)


The Leadbeater Affair
Fullerton, Alexander – Letter extracts to Marie B. Russak (1907)
The Leadbeater Case – The Suppressed Speeches of Burrows and Mead (1908)
Besant, Annie – To the Members of the Theosophical Society [Leadbeater Case, 07 Sept. 1908]
Mead, G. R. S. et. al. – The Leadbeater Case. Reply to the President’s Letter (1908)
Fussell, Jospeh H. – Mrs. Annie Besant and the Moral Code. A Protest (1909)
Fussell, Joseph H. – Mrs. Besant and the Leadbeater Advice [1914]
Tillett, Dr. Gregory – The Elder Brother: A Biography of Charles Webster Leadbeater (1982)
Tillett, Dr. Gregory – Leadbeater. A biographical study (Dissertation 1986 – OCR up to p. 795)

Okkulte Romane
Bulwer-Lytton, Eduard – Margrave. Die seltsame Geschichte eines schwarzen Magiers (1913)
Spunda, Franz – Der gelbe und der weisse Papst (1923)
Surya, G. W. – Moderne Rosenkreuzer (1924)

Wird fortgesetzt.

Wichtige theosophische Online-Archive
Important theosophical online archives

Blavatsky Archives
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