

c. 2014: Dr Len Horowitz Slams Medical Conspirators For High Treason
To gain a better understanding of the Hows and Whys of Psychological Warfare, see “Psychological warfare, communication research, and the media” by Dr. Francisco Gil-White.

Nearly half of Americans subscribe to medical conspiracy theories purposely discredited. This shocking short film by world leading drug industry whistleblower, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, “slam dunks” the propaganda issued by scientists and Western intelligence agents committing treason against the United States and other nations, killing people worldwide through the laboratory creation and vaccine transmission of HIV/AIDS. “Who’s making the money?” this Harvard-trained behavioral scientist and public health expert in emerging diseases asks.

The answer is made certain by his evidence exposing the “yellow presses” of the American Medical Association and Wall Street. Dr. Horowitz produced this outstanding and courageous opposition to his own smearing by Wikipedia and other “agencies of deception” working with the CIA and National Security Agency to misinform and control populations through their propaganda. Public polling, in this case, provides a “pseudoscience protection racket for drug industry profits” through the widely publicized study by University of Chicago political scientists, J. Eric Oliver, PhD, and Thomas Wood, MA.

Their propaganda defrauds people, diverts from the covered-up facts, “smoking guns,” and potential cures for the disease generated by multi-national corporate-controlled governments for profit and population control. Proving HIV/AIDS was man-made, Dr. Horowitz shows you evidence of the most taboo subject of all in AIDS science–the use of contaminated CHIMPANZEES to produce the earliest hepatitis B vaccine studies using gay men in New York City who became the earliest, most heavily killed, victims of this treason.

Horowitz expresses his outrage over the propagandists’ false claim that “medical conspiracists” are mentally ill, or “cognitively blocking” “normal” thinking. Writing as a world-leading “medical conspiracist,” objecting to the JAMA article: “Medical Conspiracy Theories and Health Behaviors in the United States,” he exposes the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Chicago-based Tribute Company, owner of the Los Angeles Times, for committing “iatrogenocide”–mass murder with catastrophic social and economic consequences.

he medical conspiracy theories article, headlined by Melissa Healy for the Times, titled, “Nearly half of Americans subscribe to a medical conspiracy theory,” is outrageously misleading, scientifically erroneous, transparently commercial, and treasonous as it aids-and-abets doctor-induced mortality and morbidity ongoing in the AIDS genocide, and beyond, Dr. Horowitz reports.

“Every reasonably intelligent health behaviorist, or even veteran journalist, knows that questions determine answers, and the way questions are phrased determines people’s responses,” Dr. Horowitz explains with evidence proving consumer fraud by the political scientists serving the CIA and NSA’s public persuasion and population management agendas.

As the author of the award-winning book, “Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional?,” Dr. Horowitz explores the CIA—HIV/AIDS conspiracy “theory” most thoroughly among all treatments of this taboo subject.

His findings corroborate Dr. Alan Cantwell’s conclusions pursuant to the hepatitis b vaccine transmissions of HIV/AIDS killing mostly initially gay men in New York City. The major “cognitive shortcut” in the fraudulent conclusions drawn by Oliver and Wood, Dr. Horowitz explains, is their polling question: “The CIA deliberately infected large numbers of African Americans with HIV under the guise of a hepatitis inoculation program.”

“No reasonably informed person would answer ‘yes’ to such a false and misleading question,” he says.

Alternatively, the more honest related question that received overwhelming public agreement was, “The Food and Drug Administration is deliberately preventing the public from getting natural cures for cancer and other diseases because of pressure from drug companies.” The U of C study design was purposely flawed to obfuscate this most controversial matter, Dr. Horowitz reports, using the media’s propaganda to evidence an organized criminal conspiracy to sustain the drug-industry’s genocidal monopoly over “healthcare.” “In conclusion, the aforementioned purveyors of propaganda should be more than ashamed of themselves,” Dr. Horowitz condemns. “They should be tried and convicted for high treason and mass murder.”

CLICK THE FOLLOWING LINK to read more with links to the referenced articles: Medical Conspiracy Theories and Media Behaviors – War On We The People: (archive.org).



Photo: Horowitz, fair use.


I am writing as a Harvard School of Public Health-trained behavioral scientist and world-leading “medical conspiracist,” objecting to the JAMA article: “Medical Conspiracy Theories and Health Behaviors in the United States” by J. Eric Oliver, PhD, and Thomas Wood, MA, from the Department of Political Science at the University of Chicago. This propaganda is being heavily publicized by the Chicago-based Tribute Company, owner of the Los Angeles Times, with catastrophic social and economic consequences.

The medical conspiracy theories article, headlined by Melissa Healy for the Times, titled, “Nearly half of Americans subscribe to a medical conspiracy theory,” is outrageously misleading, scientifically erroneous, transparently commercial, and treasonous as it aids-and-abets iatrogenic [i.e., doctor caused] mortality and morbidity ongoing in the AIDS genocide, and beyond.

Every reasonably intelligent health behaviorist, or even veteran journalist, knows that questions determine answers, and the way questions are phrased determines people’s responses. “Political science” and campaign polling is jaded by this well established and widely known fact, albeit constantly abused for public persuasion and population management.

As the author of the award-winning book, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional?, that explores the CIA—HIV/AIDS conspiracy “theory” most thoroughly among all treatments of this taboo subject, my research corroborates Dr. Alan Cantwell’s conclusions pursuant to the hepatitis b vaccine transmissions of HIV/AIDS killing gay men in New York City.

Cantwell’s and my works have been criminally neglected by the scientific establishment, and grossly obfuscated by disinformation agents and campaigns smearing origin of HIV/AIDS theorists who have contributed most to the developing public consensus that HIV/AIDS is a man-made disease associated with a CIA-linked vaccination genocide. Thus, I object to the American Medical Association’s and Tribune Company’s alliance in further disseminating false and misleading information and the fraudulently-obtained data misinterpreted and misrepresented by Oliver and Wood.

I especially oppose the fraudulent diagnosis heralded by these agents of yellow presses that “‘most individuals who endorse these” medical conspiracy theories” are “otherwise normal,” but “use a sort of cognitive shortcut to explain complex and confusing events.”

The major “cognitive shortcut” in the fraudulent conclusions drawn by Oliver and Wood appears in their polling question: “The CIA deliberately infected large numbers of African Americans with HIV under the guise of a hepatitis inoculation program.” No reasonably informed person would answer “yes” to such a false and misleading question.

Alternatively, the more honest related question that received overwhelming agreement was, “The Food and Drug Administration is deliberately preventing the public from getting natural cures for cancer and other diseases because of pressure from drug companies.”

As noted by Dr. Cantwell, no legitimate social scientist would have drafted this deceptive CIA/AIDS question, since the targeted population in America was not “African Americans,” but mainly and initially gay men in New York City.

Photo: Horowitz, fair use.

Likewise, I claim the University of Chicago political science study is transparently contrived to defraud people, divert from the substantive, evidence-based, facts supporting the man-made origin of HIV/AIDS theory. The U of C study design was purposely flawed to obfuscate this most controversial matter. I make this claim because of what is widely published on the Internet, reflecting widespread public knowledge of the CIA’s links to the AIDS outbreak, published mainly by me according to WikiPedia, a widely known mouthpiece for the CIA’s propaganda.

In fact, Wikipedia does not allow me to edit their false, misleading, even libelous biography smearing me, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, nor alter in any way their propaganda titled, “Discredited HIV/AIDS origins theories.” Here, in Wikipedia, I am disparaged for sourcing Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s and the Nation of Islam’s position on HIV/AIDS being a genocidal weapon for mass depopulation.

Nor does Wikipedia even mention me in their “CIA and AIDS” page in which my work is purposely entirely neglected, even though they cite Boyd Ed Graves’s works spun from my publications. Here, the government discredits Boyd Ed Graves, a non-scientist, gay, Black, man who died of AIDS, as sn easy target for discrediting. The U.S. General Accounting Office spun Grave’s diversion into a slam dunk white-washing by the government. In fact, the GAO investigators purposely censored my testimony that they solicited for their so-called “study” of this subject. I am certain the correct information I gave the GAO investigators was given to the CIA that, according to the Washington Post, oversees all HIV/AIDS science for reasons of National Security.

If my claims were truly discredited or discreditable, as Wikipedia and the status quo media reports, then they most certainly would have referenced one scientific report, or government report, that refuted my findings, disproving the clear and present links between the earliest hepatitis b vaccine trials, the Merck Drug Co. that manufactured that vaccine, its President, George W. Merck’s leadership of America’s biological weapons enterprise, and the spread of HIV/AIDS worldwide.

What no one wants to mention or disprove is the fact that the initial hepatitis b vaccines were manufactured in contaminated chimpanzees supplied by Merck’s and the U.S. military’s leading biological weapons contractor and National Cancer Institute’s and Fort Detrick’s administrator, named below.

In fact, my works include dozens of articles appearing on the Internet in top positions on every search of this subject, a mass of online published reports spanning a quarter century, wherein I evidence the science tying CIA and National Security interest-influenced companies to the hepatitis b vaccine trials in New York City on gay men, not Blacks, not gay men in San Francisco, nor gay men in Denver who the Centers for Disease Control’s bogus investigation selected for their hepatitis b vaccine origin-of-AIDS study. (That’s like scientific evidence tampering!) These disinformation agents precisely neglected NYC’s gay men injected between 1972 and 1974–a taboo history off limits to AIDS-theorists and “political scientists” who follow their fellow University of Chicago propagandist, Dr. Robert Gallo.

Gallo falsely claimed the “discovery” of the first HIVs during the early 1980s, ten years after he served as Project Officer for the National Cancer Institute’s Contract No. 71-2025, titled “Investigations of Viral Carcinogenesis in Primates;” in which this molecular biologist co-mutated numerous AIDS-like and Ebola-like viruses with the Army’s sixth leading biological weapons contractor–Litton Bionetics–that supplied Merck & Co. the African green monkeys that Gallo claimed sourced the pandemic “from Africa.”

Gallo diverted from the contaminated chimpanzees also shipped by Litton Bionetics to the Merck Drug Co from which the first hepatitis b vaccines were prepared for trials in NYC on gay men. Other experimental subjects for this mission included Willowbrook State School mentally retarded children, and sex workers and health professionals in Central Africa and Haiti.

Subsequent status quo scientists seeking grants for their sustenance follow Gallo’s lead generating disinformation like a “protection racket” in pseudoscience.

Any reasonable person would question, “Who is making the money?” and protecting National Security interests?

Can you imagine the liability that would result from this evidence-based intelligence becoming widely accepted beyond the world of “medical conspiracists”?

Suffice it to say the Tribute Co. is largely owned by Goldman SachsOaktree Capital Management, and JP Morgan/CHASE–huge special interests with a profound investment in global economic intelligence and “health maintenance.”

In conclusion, the aforementioned purveyors of propaganda should be more than ashamed of themselves. They should be tried and convicted for high treason and mass murder.




sherri kane and leonard horowitz, leonard horowitz and sherri kane, len horowitz and sherri kane, leonard horowitz, len horowitz, sherri kane, dr leonard horowitz, HorokaneDr. Leonard G. Horowitz is the world’s most prolific, best credentialed, and most controversial drug industry critic.

This music industry revolutionary, natural medicine expert, pharmaceutical industry whistleblower, and intelligence industry analyst has published eighteen books, five documentary films, and dozens of peer reviewed scientific articles.

After receiving his Doctor of Medical Dentistry degree from Tufts University, and a Master of Public Health degree from Harvard University, Dr. Horowitz went on to publish the first of three American bestsellers, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional?. This book is largely credited by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) officials for prompting the global vaccination risk awareness movement. Dr. Horowitz’s monumental text caused several governments to reconsider their “immunization” policies, and it became the center of political debate in 2008 when Barack Obama’s minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, credited Horowitz and this book for evidencing HIV/AIDS as a genocidal weapon of mass depopulation targeting Africans and African Americans courtesy of covert U.S. military contractors named in the publication.

Dr. Horowitz’s second bestseller, Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, prompted a revolution in the music and natural healing industries.

The retired dentist and naturopathic physician’s consumer health guidebook, Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine and Modern Science, pioneered the protocol adopted by thousands of natural healers and doctors worldwide.

His 2007 decryption of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous drawing revealed the mathematics of LOVE: The Real da Vinci CODE; and his follow-up text, the most monumental of his 30-year career, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE, reveals “God’s creative technology,” available for revolutionizing music, recording artistry, healthcare, environmental protection, natural resource restoration, along with civilization’s transformation as an “enlightened species” choosing peaceful sustainable collaboration versus murderous  degenerative competition and lethal consumption.

From Dr. Horowitz’s books, video productions, and documentary films, Hollywood filmmakers have drawn many ideas, including the 2010 movie INCEPTIONI Am Legand, the X-File Movie, and several others.

International acclaim and widespread acceptance of the doctor’s works revealing Solfeggio frequency physics and metaphysics has prompted the “528LOVERevolution,” which Dr. Horowitz and his partner, journalist and activist, Sherri Kane,  has commercialized in the rapidly growing 528RadioNetwork.com and through his private television station, LOVE528TV.net, formed following Google/YouTube’s censorship of more than 150 of the doctor’s DVD productions.sherri kane and leonard horowitz, leonard horowitz and sherri kane, len horowitz and sherri kane, leonard horowitz, len horowitz, sherri kane, dr leonard horowitz, Horokane

Dr. Horowitz’s and Sherri Kane’s 528Radio.com broadcasts “medicinal music” transposed into the “LOVE frequency” of 528Hz, that resonates the heart of rainbows, 528nm of greenish-yellow light, precisely why grass is green, and the air is full of  electron-energized oxygen vibrating in the energy of LOVE/528.

Dr. Horowitz’s film presentation, the 528KEY movie, provides an explanation of the great opportunity provided by the 528 frequency for advancing unprecedented benefits to civilization.

E-mail inquiries to SherriKane@gmail.com.

14.03.2015, 11. AZK: Dr. med. Claus Köhnlein: Viruswahn. Die neuen Weltseuchen AIDS & Hepatitis C – Realität-oder-Etikettenschwindel?
Quelle: AZK.

17.08.2015: Behind The Fear: The Hidden Story of HIV (Trailer 2016)
Behind the Fear features interviews with top AIDS scientists, doctors, journalists and patients regarding the science (or lack thereof) behind HIV. The film delves into the history of how AIDS began in America and how a certain retrovirus (“LAV” or “HTLV III”) became the most infamous virus (“HIV”), while conveying different perspectives about HIV and revealing the need for more unbiased research.


07.04.2020, Abendzeitung München: Aids: Als die letzte Pandemie über München kam

Zitat: “Es war die letzte Pandemie in München. Wie Corona kam sie von weither. Auch sie brachte zahlreichen Menschen den Tod, auch sie ist nur teilweise erforscht – und bis heute unbesiegt. […]

In dieser verzweifelten Situation glaubte der forsche Staatssekretär im bayerischen Innenministerium, Peter Gauweiler (CSU), der zuvor als Münchner Kreisverwaltungsreferent dem “Dirnenunwesen” zu Leib gerückt war, eine einfache, schnelle Lösung gefunden zu haben: Im Februar 1987 verlangte der “schwarze Saubermann” ein eigenes Aids-Gesetz, obwohl die Bonner Koalition bereits ein zentrales Aids-Register vereinbart hatte.

Demnach sollten künftig alle Immunschwäche- und alle Todesfälle amtlich gemeldet und zentral gespeichert werden, wenn auch anonymisiert. Erinnerungen an Nazi-Methoden gegen “Andersartige” wurden wach. Hatte Polizeipräsident Gustav Häring doch schon am 19. November 1986 zugegeben: “Natürlich werden die ,rosa Listen’ in Zeiten von Aids weiter verwendet.”

Jetzt sollten Infekt-Verdächtige zu einem Aids-Test “vorgeladen” oder bei Nichterscheinen durch die Polizei vorgeführt werden. Bis zu fünf Millionen Mark wollte die CSU-Regierung für ihre Zwangsmaßnahmen bereitstellen. Außerdem drängte sie im Bundesrat darauf, dass Personen, denen eine fahrlässige oder absichtliche Weiterverbreitung der Seuche zuzutrauen war, in einer Kartei namentlich zu erfassen seien. Sogar Berufsverbote standen an.”


Photos: AZ München, fair use.

11.04.2020, 11Alive: Corovanirus outbreak and the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s parallel
In the midst of the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s, there was uncertainty and fear. The same is true for the current COVID-19 outbreak.

, SWR 2: 19.5.1987: In Bayern wird ein AIDS-Test für Homosexuelle angeordnet
Von Wolfgang Meyer

Als die Aids-Epidemie in den 1980er Jahren auch in Deutschland zum Thema wird, löst das eine Angst-Debatte aus. Die deutsche Gesellschaft ist gespalten in der Antwort auf die Frage: Wie gehen wir um mit dieser tödlichen Seuche? Und wie mit schwulen Männern?


Aids-Infizierte in Lagern konzentrieren?

Horst Seehofer, damals Bundestagsabgeordneter für die CSU — von 1992 bis 1998 sogar Bundesgesundheitsminister — wird in der Presse mit dem Plan zitiert, er wolle HIV-Infizierte in speziellen Heimen konzentrieren.

Schwule werden noch stärker als bisher ausgegrenzt und angefeindet — der bayerische Schulminister Hans Zehetmaier erklärt öffentlich die „Widernatürlichkeit“ dieser sexuellen Orientierung und Innenstaatssekretär Peter Gauweiler warnt vor explosionsartigen Infektionszahlen, die schwule Männer zu verantworten hätten.

Bayern verweigert sich der Präventionsarbeit

Auf Bundesebene engagiert sich Gesundheitsministerin Rita Süssmuth für Aufklärung und Prävention, doch in Bayern wird nichtsdestotrotz am 19. Mai 1987 ein knallharter Maßnahmenkatalog beschlossen: „Ansteckungsverdächtige“ werden zum HIV-Test vorgeladen.

Betroffen sind Prostituierte, Drogenabhängige und eben Schwule — Menschen, die sowieso schon mit Stigma und Diskriminierungen zu kämpfen haben: „Kommen die Betroffenen der Vorladung nicht nach, veranlasst die Gesundheitsbehörde die Aufenthaltsermittlung und Vorführung durch die Polizei.“

Schwulenszene wird unter Druck gesetzt

Immer massiver geht die Polizei gegen diese Randgruppen vor: Zivilstreifen werden vor Schwulenbars postiert, oder, wie Minister Zehetmaier es formuliert: „Dieser Rand muss dünner gemacht werden, dann muss ausgedünnt werden.“

Sein Kollege, Sozialminister Karl Hillermayer, versucht es mit Beschwichtigungen: „Diese so genannte Zwangsmaßnahmen sollen nur das äußerste Mittel sein, für einen begrenzten Teil von Unbelehrbaren, wo man einfach nicht anders vorgehen kann.“

Zwangsmaßnahmen gelten bis 2001

Die Bevölkerung ist gespalten — tolerante Stimmen mischen sich in den verängstigten Hass-Kanon. Trotzdem behalten die Zwangsmaßnahmen bis 2001 ihre Gültigkeit.

21.12.2021: Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Reporter Found Monument to Dead Orphans Killed by Monster Fauci
“Without making this too long, Dr. Anthony Fauci fabricated the HIV/AIDS crisis is the exact same way he’s faking the COVID crisis. During the fake HIV/AIDS crisis Fauci experimented on orphans because you didn’t need a parent’s permission for the experiments. The vast majority of the orphans died. HIV/AIDS never existed. Fauci murdered those kids and millions more with the fatal HIV/AIDS drug AZT. Of course Facui targeted his favorite enemies… minority children.”
– Jason Christoff, Newsletter vom 14.01.2022


Der Friedhof mit den von Dr. Fauci in Menschenversuchen vergifteten Waisenkindern:


Foto: CC, Anthony22 at en.wikipedia


Foto: Netzfund, fair use.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: The Real Anthony Fauci (2021)
Free pdf version

Foto: Kennedy, CHD, fair use.

HIV: Kennedy über den gefälschten Virusnachweis 2006, 19 Jahre nach seiner Proklamation 1987

Zitat: “A British-German research team in 2006 proudly reported that, finally, “the structure of the world’s most deadly virus has been decoded” and that they had succeeded in photographing HIV in a “3-D quality never achieved before.”

But after independent scientists inspected the team’s paper, they found that the images depicted appear to be a series of nondescript clumps of debris ranging wildly in sizes and shapes. The study was funded by Wellcome Trust, that has had from its inception, a collaborative relationship with the pharmaceutical industry, including Burroughs Wellcome, the pharmaceutical giant that makes multibillion-dollar revenues from AIDS medications like Combivir, Trizivir, and of course AZT.131

The Wellcome Trust is a kind of hybridized British version of NIAID and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It largely funds studies that tend to promote profit taking by British pharmaceutical companies.” – p. 487.

Komm.: Besonders bei den Angelsachsen geht es immer um Geschäfte und Profite, nie um die Gesundheit, das ist nur der Köder zum Anbeißen.

Neue Richtung im Vakzindesign: Moderna testet mRNA-Impfstoff gegen HIV
Zitat: “Die Entwicklung der Corona-Impfstoffe inspiriert die Vakzin-Forschung in aller Welt. Auf dem Weg zu einem Impfstoff gegen HIV kann Moderna nun den nächsten Schritt gehen.

In den USA ist der Test eines AIDS-Impfstoffes auf Grundlage der mRNA-Technologie an Menschen angelaufen. In der sogenannten Phase eins sei der Impfstoff 56 gesunden, HIV-negativen Menschen verabreicht worden, teilten das US-Biotechnologie-Unternehmen Moderna und die Organisation International AIDS Vaccine Initiative mit. Die Vakzingaben erfolgten an der George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington, DC.

Trotz jahrzehntelanger Forschung ist es Wissenschaftlern bislang nicht gelungen, einen wirksamen Impfstoff gegen die Krankheit zu entwickeln, an der jedes Jahr Tausende Menschen sterben. Die jüngsten Erfolge mit der mRNA-Technologie, durch die in Rekordzeit Impfstoffe gegen das Coronavirus entwickelt werden konnten – unter anderem auch von Moderna -, haben jedoch Hoffnungen geweckt.

Der getestete Impfstoff soll die Produktion eines bestimmten Antikörpertyps (bnAb) anregen, der gegen die sehr zahlreichen Varianten des HI-Virus wirkt, das die AIDS-Krankheit auslöst. “Die Produktion von bnAbs gilt allgemein als Ziel der Impfung gegen HIV, und es handelt sich um einen ersten Schritt in diesem Prozess”, hieß es in der Mitteilung.”

Ist AIDS hauptsächlich ein Impfschaden von der Polioimpfung? In die man wohl erstmals Affenzellen (SV-40) hinzufügte?

02.04.2008: Polio vaccines and the origin of AIDS: some key writings 
10.01.2018: Debunked: The Polio Vaccine and HIV Link

Für Sydney White (“Murder in the First! A History of Vaccines”) plausibel, da Dr. Bernice Eddy bereits dem SV-40 auf sie Spur kam.

Komm.: Demnach ist die Polioimpfung Vergiftung gewesen, AIDS ist Vergiftung, zusätzlich mit dem Rattengift AZT der Ärzte, aber auch Selbstvergiftung mit Drogen bei den Drogensüchtigen. Die wiederum Risikopatienten sind, die geimpft werden müssen. Und deren weitere Impfschäden sie wiederum zu neuen Impfungen treiben! Folgegeschäfte ohne Ende!

14.02.2022: Zusammenhang zwischen “Covid-19-Impfungen” und HIV?

Coronavirus hat eine “HIV-ähnliche Mutation”, die es ihm ermöglicht, menschliche Zellen anzugreifen, sagen Wissenschaftler
Metro, 27.02.2020: Coronavirus has an ‘HIV-like mutation’ which helps it to attack human cells, scientists claim

Einige COVID-19-Impfstoffe könnten das HIV-Risiko erhöhen, warnen Forscher
20.10.2020, NYPost: Some COVID-19 vaccines could increase risk of HIV, researchers warn

Forscher warnen: Einige Covid-19-Impfstoffe könnten das Risiko einer HIV-Infektion erhöhen
20.10.2020, Forbes: Researchers Warn Some Covid-19 Vaccines Could Increase Risk Of HIV Infection

Australien beendet Covid-19-Impfstoffversuche aufgrund von positiven HIV-Antikörpern
14.02.2022, Hindustan Times: Australia ends Covid-19 vaccine trials due to HIV antibody positives

Hochvirulente HIV-Variante in Europa im Umlauf gefunden
03.02.2022, Nature: Highly virulent HIV variant found circulating in Europe

Zum ersten Mal seit einem Jahrzehnt mehr neue HIV-Fälle bei Heterosexuellen als bei schwulen Männern
07.02.2022, GBNews: New HIV cases higher in heterosexual people than gay men for first time in a decade

Die Identifizierung einer sich schnell ausbreitenden HIV-Variante zeigt, dass es dringend notwendig ist, der Pandemie Einhalt zu gebieten und alle Menschen mit Tests und Behandlungen zu erreichen
07.02.2022, UnAIDS: Identification of fast-spreading HIV variant provides evidence of urgency to halt the pandemic and reach all with testing and treatment

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