

Foto: Dr. C. Köhnlein, T. Engelbrecht, fair use.

Englische Ausgabe: Introduction and foreword by Etienne de Harven. 
pdf: Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense (2007)

Book Review: Virus Mania by Torsten Engelbrecht & Claus Köhnlein

“For endless war, you must have an enemy who cannot be caught, who is completely vaporous, therefore necessitating nonstop aggressive emergency measures. … The perfect enemy for a state that seeks endless war and strives forever to pull the wool over the eyes of its own citizens for purposes of endless robbery and implementing slavery where freedom previously existed would be an enemy who cannot, under any circumstances, ever be caught. … In the literal sense, this perfect enemy does not exist, which makes [it] perfect for a society determined to make war, because [it] will never be caught and the war can continue forever. The harder an enemy is to find and defeat, the better it is for those who seek to profit from the staged campaign to destroy that enemy.”
~ John Kaminski, The Perfect Enemy (Credit to Sofia Smallstorm’s excellent newsletter for bringing this book and quote to our attention)


By Catherine Austin Fitts

In preparation for my interview with Dr. Thomas Cowan on the fallacies of germ theory, I read Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits at Our Expense by German journalist Torsten Engelbrecht and German internal medicine doctor Claus Köhnlein.

In Virus Mania, Engelbrecht and Köhnlein review reality versus official reality for avian flu (H5N1), cervical cancer (HPV), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), hepatitis C, AIDS, and polio, proving once again that the corruption in the health sciences and medicine is as extraordinary as it is in the financial system. Indeed, the two industries are intimately involved in helping each other engage to their mutual benefit.

Remember Bill Cosby’s routine “The Chicken Heart that Ate Up New York City?” The virus routine works in pretty much the same way:

-Oh, no! There is a dangerous invisible virus. (Be afraid, be very afraid.)
-It is coming to kill you. (Be afraid, be very afraid.)
-It will kill millions! (Be afraid, be very afraid.)
-In fact, everyone you know and love could die. (Be afraid, be very afraid.)
-We are counting explosive deaths all across the [city, country, world]. (Be afraid, be very afraid.)
-Wait, you can be safe if you do what we say. (Be afraid, be very afraid if you don’t do what we say.)
-Now take our drug, let us inject you with our toxic cocktail. (Ah, Hope!)

The scientists who create the most fear—generating the largest profits and capital gains—get the biggest awards and are declared heroes.

Covid-19 did not just happen. It is the “Big One,” building on many efforts over many years of using viruses—real and unreal—as the perfect invisible enemy. Presumably, the scientific and medical frauds will continue until the playbook stops working. Let’s hope it stops working sooner rather than later.

Engelbrecht and Köhnlein published Virus Mania in 2007, hopeful that their work would educate the general population about the fallacies of germ theory and build support for science and medicine to move toward fact-based analysis. As we can see, events have led in the opposite direction for now. This means that Engelbrecht and Köhnlein’s work is even more important today.

If you want a deeper dive on the fallacies of germ theory, this is a good one.

: VIRUS MANIA PART I: The FRAUD of Louis Pasteur and the entirely CORRUPT history of virology

Most natural health enthusiasts know this, but the majority of Americans would find the following fact tough to digest: “The primary purpose of commercially-funded clinical research is to maximize financial return on investment, not health.” That is a quote from the foreword in an amazing, whistle-blowing book titled, Virus Mania: How Big Pharma, Media Invent Epidemics. This corrupt model of modern medicine is an epidemic based on fear, not viruses or bacteria.

The pandemic we are “experiencing” right now with COVID-19 is not rooted in science, but rather the populace’ fear of germs, thanks to propaganda and falsified research scripted and promoted by the medical industrial complex.

Virus mania is a social disease based on propaganda and fake science

If you want to defend yourself and family against Corona/COVID-19, measles, swine flu, cervical cancer, avian flu, SARS, BSE, hepatitis C, AIDS, polio and Spanish Flu, you will first need to conquer your fear of germs. Did you know that FEAR is the most contagious and deadly virus of all? The medical industrial complex is creating mass hysteria about a completely flawed “germ theory” that dates back over a century, and has been used to exploit fear ever since.

Under the guise of combating germs, the allopathic regime has created toxic pharmaceutical medications and disease-causing vaccines that the majority of Americans believe helps them ward off or lessen the impact of viruses, bacteria, germs, pathogens and parasites, but nothing is further from the truth. […]

French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur lived from 1822 until 1895. He is known as the “father of bacteriology” and “germ theory.” Over time, his germ theory became the foundation of brewing fear-mongering in order to sell the world on “vaccinations” that were never proven safe or effective, despite faulty experiments and faked/manipulated clinical trials. Epidemics of all sorts were then invented to push million and billion-dollar profit models that only made patients sick, sicker and deathly ill, hence the term “virus mania.”

Today, modern medicine, a.k.a. Western Medicine, uses indirect lab tools, including polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests and antibody tests, that are worthless in detecting viruses. This has propagated the entire coronavirus pandemic, identifying the flu, tuberculosis (TB) and other infections as COVID-19, when they most certainly are not. Both the seasonal flu and TB have paralleled symptoms to the Fauci Flu, including difficulty breathing, fever, congestion and more.

Bacterial infections are also being identified, through faulty testing, as the pandemic virus. This is generating much fear, which is the main goal of the medical industrial complex, because that sells the majority of the populace on getting “vaccinated” with these experimental, dangerous, ineffective and defective clot-shot injections.”

21.05.2006, SR 2: Claus Köhnlein: Virus-Wahn. Podcast – Fragen an den Autor


2011: Dr. med. Claus Köhnlein und Michael F. Vogt: Virus-Wahn. Milliarden-Profite mit erfundenen Seuchen
HIV, AIDS, Tuberkulose, Schweingrippe, Polio, EHEC, BSE.

Michael Palomino – Filmprotokoll zu Koehnlein AIDS (2011)

Dr. med. Claus Köhnlein im Gespräch mit Professor Michael Vogt über die Impfstoff-Marketing Märchen von den Viren und das ganze grosse Geschäft.

Folgt man der breiten Öffentlichkeit, so wird die Welt wiederholt von schrecklichen Virus-Seuchen heimgesucht. Als neueste Horrorvariante beherrschte das so genannte Schweinegrippe-Virus H1N1 die Schlagzeilen. Und auch mit Schreckensmeldungen über Vogelgrippe (H5N1), SARS, Hepatitis CAIDSEbola oder BSE wird die Bevölkerung in Angst und Schrecken versetzt.

Doch wird dabei übersehen, daß die Existenz und krankmachende/tödliche Wirkung dieser «Erreger» nie nachgewiesen wurden. Daß das Medizin-Establishment und die ihm folgenden Medien dennoch behaupten, die Beweise seien erbracht, liegt allein daran, daß man sich vor einigen Jahrzehnten vom direkten Virusnachweis verabschiedet hat und statt dessen mit indirekten «Nachweis»-Verfahren (u. a. Antikörper- und PCR-Tests) begnügt.

Doch die «modernen» Methoden zum Virusnachweis wie PCR «sagen nichts darüber aus, wie sich ein Virus vermehrt, welches Tier dieses Virus trägt oder wie es Leute krank macht», wie mehr als ein Dutzend kritische Top-Virologen im Fachblatt Science anmerkt. «Es ist so, als wolle man durch einen Blick auf die Fingerabdrücke einer Person feststellen, ob sie Mundgeruch hat.» Die Hypothesen der Eliten aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Medien sind faktisch nicht belegbar und höchst widersprüchlich.

Zugleich werden alternative Erklärungsmodelle beziehungsweise in Frage kommende Ursachen beschrieben, die etwa auf Drogen, Medikamente, Mangelernährung, Streß, Pestizide, Schwermetalle etc. abheben. All dies kann das Immunsystem schwer schädigen oder gar völlig zerstören – und ist genau dort anzutreffen, wo sich auch die Opfer befinden, denen man vorschnell den Schweinegrippe-, Vogelgrippe-, SARS- oder Hepatitis-C-Stempel aufdrückt, um glauben zu machen, man wisse, daß es sich hier um Virus-Erkrankungen handelt.

Um ihre Thesen zu untermauern, führen die Autoren knapp 1100 einschlägige Literaturangaben an. Die Thematik ist von zentraler Bedeutung. Denn die aktuelle Vorgehensweise hilft letztlich nur, die gigantischen Forschungsetats und Gewinne der Pharma- und anderer Konzerne genau wie die von Top-Wissenschaftlern oder, wie im Falle von Tamiflu, von Politikern wie Donald Rumsfeld abzusichern – ohne daß die Medikamente das Leben der Patienten erwiesenermaßen verlängert hätten oder gar ein Heilmittel in Sicht ist.

«Was müssen wir Ärzte tun? Der erste Schritt ist, sich von Illusionen zu lösen und zu realisieren, daß der primäre Zweck der modernen durchkommerzialisierten Medizin-Wissenschaft nicht ist, die Gesundheit der Patienten zu maximieren, sondern den Profit», wird John Abramson von der Harvard Medical School zitiert.


03.05.2020, Rubikon: Im Gespräch: „Der Virus-Wahn“ (Claus Köhnlein und Johannes Vorndran)
“Es wird eine mediale Seuchenstimmung erzeugt, die real gar nicht da ist.”

Der Arzt Claus Köhnlein skizziert im Interview die Manipulationen bei Corona, Spanischer Grippe und Masernimpfzwang
von Jens Wernicke

„Ich habe anfangs nichts Böses gedacht, als ich hörte in China ist wieder ein Virus los, aber dann wurde es ja ganz heftig und mittlerweile haben wir einen Shutdown, also keiner darf mehr mit dem anderen kommunizieren sozusagen. Maßnahmen, die bis jetzt noch nie da gewesen sind. (…)

Grundrechte werden uns genommen: das Recht auf Versammlungsfreiheit ist weg und es drohen Zwangsmaßnahmen. Als ich das sah, dachte ich, jetzt müssen wir gegen diese Corona-Geschichte vorgehen“, erläutert der Arzt Claus Köhnlein im Videointerview. Seit mehr als 20 Jahren verfolgen der Internist Dr. med. Claus Köhnlein und der Wissenschaftsjournalist Torsten Engelbrecht aktuelle Geschehnisse rund um die verschiedensten Virusseuchen. Gemeinsam arbeiteten sie diese in ihrem Buch „Virus-Wahn“ auf, das soeben in einer erweiterten Neuauflage erschien.

Dabei offenbarte ein Blick hinter die Kulissen immer wieder ein ähnliches Bild: Es wurde ein neues Virus entdeckt, „Experten“ prophezeiten Schreckensszenarien mit einer ungeheuerlichen Bedrohung der Weltbevölkerung und angesehene Medien inszenierten eine Krise — zu der es schließlich nicht kam. Etwa zu Zeiten der Vogelgrippe in den Jahren 2003 bis 2006, als die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) den Tod von zwei bis sieben Millionen Menschen ankündigte (1).

Tatsächlich starben stattdessen weltweit gerade einmal 158 Personen (2).

Die Auswirkungen vergangener „Seuchen“ zeigten sich dafür an anderen Stellen: Während der „Schweinegrippe-Pandemie“ kaufte alleine die Bundesrepublik 50 Millionen Impfdosen im Wert von 700 Millionen Euro (3).

Diese waren durch ein Schnellzulassungsverfahren auf den Markt gekommen, verursachten schwere Nebenwirkungen (4) und mussten später zu großen Teilen vernichtet werden. Verflechtungen der WHO mit Firmen der Pharmaindustrie (5), durch die es zu einer derartigen Fehleinschätzung kommen konnte, wurden in der Nachbetrachtung zwar aufgedeckt, erlangten medial jedoch kaum Aufmerksamkeit.
Für viele Menschen ist es unvorstellbar, dass sich die Corona-Pandemie in diese Reihe erfundener Seuchen einreihen könnte. Immerhin hören wir täglich von neuen Todesopfern, sehen erschreckende Bilder und befinden uns in einem noch nie dagewesenen Ausnahmezustand. Wenn das Coronavirus keine echte Bedrohung darstellen würde, wie könnte es dann sein, dass die Politik Maßnahmen verhängt, die mit dem Grundgesetz nicht vereinbar sind und viele Menschen in finanzielle, psychische und gesundheitliche Krisen stürzen?

Dr. med. Claus Köhnlein erklärt im Interview, wie ein ungenauer Test, umdefinierte Todesfälle, ein Aufschrei interessensgebundener Medien und politischer Aktionismus zu einer Krise geführt haben, wie wir sie noch nie erlebt haben — und die nicht durch ein Virus zu begründen ist.
Weiterlesen: https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/der-virus-wahn

Original bei https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Q-KIUtFTiQ wegzensiert, Ersatzlink:

DOCTOR WHO: „Von der Quarantäne zur WHO“ Betrachtungen zur Weltgesundheitsorganisation –
Teil 1 
Teil 2   Teil 3

Foto: Nues am Wand, fair use.

Foto: Nues am Wand, fair use.

Foto: Bild.de
Foto: Bild.de

Neue Tote durch H1N1-Virus in Deutschland

: Experten sicher: Ab jetzt jedes Jahr Schweinegrippe

Zitat: “Göttingen – Das heimtückische Schweinegrippe-Virus H1N1 ist zurück – und es wird für immer bleiben. Da sind sich Experten sicher.

Christian Meyer vom Bernhard-Nocht-Institut für Tropenmedizin in Hamburg erklärte der „Frankfurter Rundschau“, dass sich die Deutschen darauf einrichten müssten, dass das Virus künftig immer wieder zur Grippesaison auftauche: „So etwas verschwindet nicht wieder einfach so.“

Komm.: Wunschdenken von BigPharma in Bild Online am 04.01.2011. Sie haben es uns gesagt, was sie vorhaben…

Swine Flu Expose: Another Medically-made Epidemic 
by Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D.

Foto: Whale.to, fair use.
Foto: Whale.to, fair use.




Photo: McBain, Whale.to, fair use.

“Take the profit out of the manufacture and administration of serums and vaccines and they would soon be condemned even by those who are now using them”—George Starr White M D

At the present writing, October 1976 a group of medical opportunists have taken upon themselves the dictatorial authority to declare the threat of a sweeping epidemic of SWINE FLU which they said was similar to or related to the 1918 epidemic of Spanish influenza which wiped out 20,000,000 people world-wide This declaration was supposed to scare all the people into their vaccination centers to be shot full of experimental vaccine poisons, while they, the promoters, raked in the profits During the big polio vaccine drive, a spokesman for ParkeDavis one of the five drug houses making the vaccine stated “Our company will clear over $10,000,000 on Salk vaccine in 1955 ” Before they were through they had fleeced the people of over $4 billion dollars on the Salk racket (See the chapter on POLIO CAUSED BY VACCINATION)

Most of the people had their eyes opened during the polio vaccine fiasco so now when the same poison pushers started to beat their drums again for swine flu vaccine customers, they were smart enough to see through the hoax and refuse the shots, even though the scare-head propaganda slogans said swine flu is contagious and you can die if you don t get the shots

However, the scare techniques and perhaps other inducements, worked on (the then acting) President Ford who has since been voted out of office—and none too soon When the high pressure sales committee, Doctors Salk Sabin, Sencer, Mathews Cooper, etc marched into Ford s office in March (76) and told him to hand over $135,000,000 to support their private money making racket, he handed it over like a simple child without even bothering to ask them for a guarantee that their unproved vaccine would not kill the people—as it did in other vaccine drives—or that their claims were justified.

Their claims of safety, effectiveness and need have all been proved to be false during the past few weeks when the vaccine killed 113 people, nation wide, and paralyzed 75 in California alone. We do not have the reports from all 50 states, but if it is the same as in Calif. that would add up to 3,675 cases of paralysis. Many coroners have been given orders by the doctors not to give out the swine flu casualties. So, we don’t know all the facts yet, and we may never know unless we have a “Watergate” investigation.


A radio newscast (Jan. 77) reported that one of the paralyzed swine flu victims has filed a $5,000,000 suit against the vaccine promoters for causing his paralysis in December of 1976. His suit is against the instigators of the flu epidemic scare, who are Dr. David Sencer of CDC (Center for Disease Control) who spearheaded the vaccine campaign, and Dr. Theodore Cooper of WHO (World Health Organization), the Health Departments which promoted the shots and the six drug houses making the swine flu vaccine. (Why not Ford also and his Congress who financed it?) His complaint was that they had put out propaganda promising that the vaccine had been thoroughly tested and was perfectly safe, and that the swine flu was contagious and people could die if they didn’t get vaccinated, and that they would be protected if they had the shots, and that the side effects, if any were “inconsequential.”

Dr. Edwin Kilbourne, head of the Microbiology Department at Mount Sinai Medical School (L.A. Calif.) said he thought “the cases of paralysis were only coincidence.”

Paralysis is known to be a common after-effect of vaccination—any kind of vaccine—and these 75 California cases were paralyzed shortly after their flu shots—and yet, this doctor says (in effect) “forget it—maybe it wasn’t the vaccine that did it.” If that is the kind of teaching and slipshod guesswork that our young medical students are getting it isn’t surprising that the doctors come out of medical college all mixed up and unable to cure anything—not even the common cold or pimples. All they learn is how to suppress symptoms with poison drugs or mutilate the patients with unnecessary operations. 97% of the operations performed by U.S. doctors are unnecessary, according to the admission of doctors, themselves, who met to decide what operations would really be necessary in case of socialized medicine when there would be no profit in it for them. They decided that only about three percent (3%) would be necessary.

All the flu vaccine sales promises were lies—proved later by the deaths and disasters within a few hours after the shots.

The insurance companies which had insured the doctors and vaccine makers down through the years balked at this obvious vaccine swindle game. We wonder why Ford couldn’t have taken a tip from these shrewd businessmen and also turned down the whole, questionable vaccine program. We wonder what inducements prompted Ford and Congress to let themselves be talked into financing not only the vaccine but paying the damage costs which could amount to billions of dollars judging by the large number of deaths and disasters already reported, plus those which have been hushed up by the vaccine promoters.

The most common remark we hear on the streets today is, “IT’S THE BIGGEST RIP-OFF OF ALL TIME.”

The vaccine promoters and drug insurance companies, no doubt, remembered the multi-million dollar law suits following the devastating polio vaccine campaign of the 1950’s when the Salk, Sabin, and Cutter vaccines caused thousands of cases of polio, death, and other disasters. The law suits flooded the courts and the vaccine promoters and drug houses had to pay out damages amounting to many millions of dollars.

The five pharmaceutical houses making the Salk vaccine were called the Rockefeller chain then, and it is the same ones now making the swine flu vaccine, with a few exceptions. The vaccine promoters wanted to dodge all financial loss—the cost of the vaccine and the damage suits, so they could make clear profit, while the taxpayers were saddled with both the payment of the vaccine and the damages, also. I doubt that the crime syndicate could run a more crooked racket than this government sponsored and financed caper, with all the profits siphoned off into the pockets of the medical and drug concerns.

If those smooth talking con-men had been holding a machine gun on Ford they couldn’t have done a quicker and easier job of robbing this simple man who didn’t even know enough to do a little investigating before dipping into the public till to finance a private money making scheme.

Ford was not the only guilty one in this conspiracy against the people. Most of the members of Congress gave their supporting vote.

Before leaving office Ford asked the taxpayers to give the Congressmen a substantial raise. We wonder if he wanted to reward them for their part in helping him support organized medical crime.

An AP news report in the Los Angeles Times (Dec. 3, 1976) with a headline: $129 MILLION FEDERAL RAISE PROPOSED, says in part:

“. . . Ford will put the exact rates of pay he thinks advisable into the budget submitted next month. Unless the House or Senate kills the proposals. (Are they likely to turn down a raise?) the members of the House and Senate will receive $57,500 annually compared to the current $44,600.”

Are they worth it? Another report told us that most of our Congressmen are corporation lawyers with an eye to serving private interests. Their vote for giving $135,000,000 of tax money to support a private medical racket (swine flu vaccine) would indicate that they are indeed working for “outside interests”, and not for the good of the people who hired them to their high positions.

The same AP report also says: “The commission (to raise salaries) made it clear that it hoped to link the raises to a commitment by the three branches of government to come up with a stricter code of conduct on outside income and financial disclosures.”

Does this mean that if they are given the big raise they must promise to tell the truth about what “outside interests” paid them extra to swing the “big deals” in their favor?

Public officials like this should not be given any raise at all; they should be given a dismissal and a prison sentence, plus confiscating the bribes they have taken from “big business”.

– Buch als pdf: Eleanora I. McBean – Swine Flu Expose (1977)


2007, Dr. med. Claus Köhnlein: “Moderne Seuchen und ihre (un)wissenschaftlichen Hintergründe”

Dr. Köhnlein ist Internist in eigener Praxis in Kiel. Dies ist sein ungekürzter Vortrag beim 4. Stuttgarter Impfsymposium 2007. Wie neue Krankheiten und Seuchen erfunden werden, um mehr Profiti in die Kassen der Pharmaindustrie zu spülen. Dabei spielt der blinde Glaube von Fachleuten und Patienten an die Aussagekraft bestimmter Labortests eine wichtige Rolle. Beispiele: AIDS, Hepatitis C, BSE, Polio.

Ein bedeutsamer Vortrag, der einige der wichtigsten Merkmale beschreibt, an denen eine erfundene Seuche erkannt werden kann. Auch die möglichen wahren Ursachen der tatsächlichen Symptome werden diskutiert. Die Erkenntnisse von Dr. Köhnlein, Mitautor des Bestseller-Werkes “Virus-Wahn”, haben heute immer noch die gleiche Aktualität wie 2007.

31.03.2011: Virus-Wahn – Vortrag von Dr. med. Claus Köhnlein

Warum die Medizin-Industrie Seuchen wie AIDS oder Vogelgrippe erfindet, wie die entsprechenden Tests „funktionieren” und warum antivirale Substanzen die gleichen Symptome verursachen, wie das „Virus”, gegen das sie entwickelt wurden. (circa 85 Minuten)

2009: Lehrvideo von Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Lanka: Pandemie-Theater

(2009; techn. von uns verbessert, inhaltlich unverändert 2022)
Neu hochgeladen bei Odysee nach Zensur bei Youtube mit 74k Zuschauern

“Ich erzähle die Geschichte, wie sie sich entwickelt hat, damit Sie nachvollziehen können, wie sich aus einem Irrtum ein Betrug, aus einem Betrug ein Verbrechen und in der Industrialisierung dieses Verbrechens dieser Wahnsinn entwickelt hat, der uns alle, die gesamte Menschheit bedroht.”
– Dr. Stefan Lanka – Pandemie-Theater (2009)

Komm.: Entwicklung der exakten Wissenschaft: Irrtum, Betrug, Verbrechen, Geschäftsmodell, Wahnsinn. Ziel: Ende der Zivilisation (Kultur), Massensterben, Dauersiechtum an körperlichen und seelischen Leiden, die von der herrschenden Schulmedizin meist nicht anerkannt werden. Gaslightning der Wissenschaftsopfer. Genau so wie unter den Dogmen der Religion im Mittelalter. Keine Aufklärung durch die Aufklärung.


Hier der transkribierte Text in Auszügen.

Dr. Stefan Lanka – Ich habe erkannt, dass alles falsch ist (Ausschnitt aus: Pandemie-Theater)


Dr Stefan Lanka: Pandemic Theater – History of the Infection Theory (Part 1)
Pandemie-Theater mit englischen Untertiteln, leider bisher nur die ersten 42 Min. verfügbar.

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