Startseite » Aktuelles » Corona » Those who believe in viruses in general, and Influenza viruses in particular, will tell you that in 7-14% of ILI cases, …

Those who believe in viruses in general, and Influenza viruses in particular, will tell you that in 7-14% of ILI cases, …

Those who believe in viruses in general, and Influenza viruses in particular, will tell you that in 7-14% of ILI cases, one or other Influenza viruses are detected (by PCR). In the other 86-93% of ILI, we don’t know the cause. It’s assumed they’re due to one or other of the large number of viruses that it is asserted can infect the human respiratory tract.
I used to accept this without question. Now that I’m questioning, I find there’s no convincing evidence for this assertion.
It’s not axiomatic that an acute illness must be caused by an infection. I don’t understand why people do seem to think that, when they don’t about heart disease, renal failure, inflammatory bowel diseases, asthma etc etc.
The burden of proof sits with those asserting that “ILI is due to infection with respiratory viruses, which were transmitted from a person already sick with the same pathogen”. I no longer believe that at all.
Did you know that nobody has ever demonstrated transmission of illness from a person sick with an ILI & a healthy person?
Transmission is claimed on the basis purely of the epidemiological evidence. For example, if 1 in a 1000 people had clinical ILI in a sample taken last week & next week, the number had risen to 1 in 100 people, it is assumed that they had all caught it from those sick earlier. Fancy concepts like reproduction number is derived from such datasets, again, based on the unproven assumption that person to person transmission is responsible.

Anyway, there was no pandemic and of course the authorities knew. They can count the dead and know their age and sex.

Despite there never having been a pandemic, with remarkable fluidity, almost the same absurd policies were imposed around the world over a short space of time. These policies, such as lockdown, masking, business closures, border restrictions etc were known, prior to covid19, to be without effect in the apparent spreading of ILI. The Wayback Machine holds a late 2019 document, written by WHO technical staff, which says exactly this.

So they knew there was no pandemic. They relied in part for the success of the PsyOp on the unsuitable PCR test.

Remember all the TikTok videos of dancing medical staff in hospitals? That’s not consistent with the idea that the country is under such an assault that the hospitals are at risk of being overwhelmed. It is consistent with evidence I was getting weekly from a new friend who was responsible for scheduling utilisation of intensive care beds in NHS England. He worked with me in one publication and also Fed information to Prod Carl Heneghan in 2020 until he was out on report, watched often and warned if he made any unauthorised disclosures again, he’d immediately be dismissed for cause.

They knew there was no pandemic, they imposed useless but destructive restrictions, and lies about the state of healthcare.

Then they lied some more in relation to the “vaccines” & they’re still doing it today. These injections contain several definitely injurious motifs which are blindingly obvious to those of us who’ve spent careers in “rational drug design”. I’m not a vaccine expert but I am where it comes to design and testing molecules.

In any case, how the dickens could an injection give rise to local immunity in the lungs? It cannot & does not. Even if influenza viruses existed, you’d not expect flu vaccines to be effective for this reason. They cannot generate “mucosal immunity” in the lining of your lungs. They don’t reduce hospitalisation or death from influenza, either.

It would definitely be impossible to design, make, test, improve, choose, run toxicilogy tests, run a series of clinical trials with a suitable (& routine) extension to act as a longer term safety database. It’s out of the question that this could be done in 9-10 months.

I’ve not even mentioned the process of researching how to manufacture a billion doses of these unprecedented mass market products. Career experts like Hedley Rees have explained why several years minimum is unavoidable and irreducible.

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