Startseite » Aktuelles » WHO » Teil 8 von 14World Health Organization (WHO)Uses Vaccines to Make Women Sterile1972:* WHO begins its…

Teil 8 von 14World Health Organization (WHO)Uses Vaccines to Make Women Sterile1972:* WHO begins its…

Teil 8 von 14

World Health Organization (WHO)
Uses Vaccines to Make Women Sterile


* WHO begins its “Special Programme” in human reproduction with programs for both male fertility control through vaccines and female fertility control


* WHO Vaccines for smallpox and tetanus are laced with female reproductive hormones to induce permanent sterility to “eliminate 150 million excess Sub-Saharan Africans” according to WHO documents.

July, 1989

* After years of denial, a scientific paper demonstrates conclusively that WHO tetanus vaccines used in the Philipines contained female reproductive hormones, inducing permanent sterility without consent or knowledge of the women treated.
* Tetanus toxoid is linked to the human reproducitve hormone to overcome immunological tolerance to the hormone and prod the body of the woman into producing antibodies to her own reproductive hormones.


* Women between the ages of 12 and 45 are targeted for a 5 injection series of “tetanus” shots.
* Boys, men, children and older women are not given the shots.
* Tetanus ordinarily requires a single booster every 10 years.
* The 5 shot tetanus protocol is used with vaccines which contained female reproductive hormones to render the women of Tanzania, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Mexico and other countries infertile
* Oxford University Press publishes article titled “Bypass by an alternate carrier of acquired unresponsiveness to hCG upon repeated immuniztions with tetanus-conjugate vaccine’ confirming method of inducing sterility requires multiple vaccinations.


* WHO committes more than $356 million on “reproductive health” research.
* Funding for abortificant (abortion producing) vaccine comes from many sources.

1. $90+ million contributed by Sweden
2. $52+ million contributed by Great Britain
3. $41 million contributed by Norway
4. $27 million contributed by Denmark
5. $12 million contributed by Germany
6. $5.7 million contributed by US
7. $61 million contributed by UNFPA
8. $15.5 million contributed by World Bank
9. $2.5 million contributed by Rockefeller Foundation
10. $1+ million contributed by Ford Foundation
11. $716.5 thousand contributed by IDRC (International Research and Development Centre of Canada)

April 2000

* Observer Newspaper rerports Glaxo, Pfizer, Squibb and Genentec experimented on children at Incarnation Children’s Center, NY.
* Incarnation Children’s Center is run by Columbia University which was paid to experiment on children, mostly wards of the state minority children.
* Babies as young as 6 months were injected with double doses of experimental measles vaccine.
* Children as young as 4 were given multi-drug cocktails.
* More than 100 orphans and babies were used in 36 experiments.

March 2008

* Haruna Kaita, a pharmaceutical scientists and head of a Nigerian University analyzed the latest WHO vaccine in Indian labs.
* Sterility agents were among the contaminants found in the samples.
* According to the local population of the Akha, a Thai hill tribe, pregnant women are forced to receive the vaccine in order to get ID cards for their children.
* Violent still births and miscarriages result.


I Told You It Was A Long Story, But One You Needed to Hear. Now What Can You Do To Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones?

First of all, remember that you have an immune system.

Back at the beginning of this article I told you that viruses (and bacteria, for that matter), do not make you sick if you are equipped with a healthy immune system and you are non toxic.

That means change your eating habits TODAY. The intake of refined sugar, pesticides, flouridated water and toothpastes, etc., artificial colors, flavors and preservatives and genetically modified foods (found in everything that does not explicitly say “Certified Organic”) all depress your immune system.

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