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Hier mal ein Artikel aus dem Jahre 2018, als der Spiegel noch zu den seriösen und investigativen Med…

Hier mal ein Artikel aus dem Jahre 2018, als der Spiegel noch zu den seriösen und investigativen Medien gehörte. Da schreiben die:
“Die Schweinegrippe-Pandemie, die die Glaubwürdigkeit von Behörden wie WHO, Robert Koch- und Paul-Ehrlich-Institut nachhaltig erschüttert hat, ist ein Lehrstück dafür, was passieren kann, wenn Hektik und hochkochende Emotionen die Diskussion bestimmen – und nicht Nachdenklichkeit, Fakten, Ehrlichkeit und ein klarer Kopf. Sie ist ein Paradebeispiel dafür, was passieren kann, wenn Querdenker nicht gehört werden, etwa der Epidemiologe Tom Jefferson, der für die Cochrane Collaboration und die Universität Oxford arbeitet, und bereits im Juli 2009 m SPIEGEL vor einer Influenza-Hysterie warnte und den Sinn einer Impfung infrage stellte. Stattdessen hielten die Behörden wie in einem kollektiven Wahn an der Vorstellung eines tödlichen Pandemie-Virus fest – auch, als alle Zahlen längst klar darauf hindeuteten, dass man von der Schweinegrippe nicht allzu viel zu befürchten hatte – und empfahlen die Massenimpfung mit dem kaum erprobten Impfstoff Pandemrix. 30 Millionen Menschen in ganz Europa bekamen sie.”

Unfassbar, oder??? Ohne die “Querdenker” wäre das nie gut ausgegangen mit der Schweinegrippe! Und genau dasselbe Schema wie heute mit Panikmache und Massenimpfung mit experimentellen Impfstoffen. Nie dieses Mal haben Schlüsselpositionen besser unter Kontrolle.

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Teil 2 von 3Die Stiftung hält außerdem Anteile im Wert von fast zwölf Milliarden Dollar am Berkshire…

Teil 2 von 3

Die Stiftung hält außerdem Anteile im Wert von fast zwölf Milliarden Dollar am Berkshire Hathaway Trust des Investors Warren Buffett. Der Trust wiederum besitzt Aktien von Coca Cola im Wert von 17 Milliarden Dollar und von Kraft-Heinz im Wert von 29 Milliarden Dollar.

Für die Gates Stiftung bedeutet das: Je mehr Profite die genannten Konzerne machen, desto mehr Geld kann sie für die WHO ausgeben. Für die WHO heißt das wiederum: Mit jeder Maßnahme gegen gesundheitsschädliche Aktivitäten der Süßgetränke-, Alkohol- und Pharmaindustrie würde die WHO die Gates Stiftung daran hindern, Spenden für die WHO zu erwirtschaften. Kurz, die Weltgesundheitsorganisation steckt in einem klassischen Interessenkonflikt, der sie in ihren Handlungsmöglichkeiten einschränkt und der angesichts ihrer finanziellen Abhängigkeit von der Gates Stiftung kaum aufzulösen ist.

Aggressives Marketing von zucker-, fett- und salzreichem Junkfood hat dazu geführt, dass heute zwei Milliarden Menschen übergewichtig sind; 2016 starben alleine in China 1,3 Millionen Menschen an Diabetes. Vom Einfluss der Nahrungsmittelindustrie auf die WHO und der weltweiten Pandemien Fettleibigkeit und Diabetes profitiert derweil auch Big Pharma. Besonders gewinnträchtig sind, unter anderem, Medikamente gegen Folgeerkrankungen falscher Ernährung. Der weltweite Umsatz mit Diabetes-Medikamenten lag 2017 bei rund 55 Milliarden US-Dollar.

Gesundheitsexperte Thomas Gebauer spricht von einer fast schon perversen Arbeitsteilung: Die Konzerne verdienen doppelt: zum einen mit der Verursachung und zum zweitens mit der Behandlung des Problems.
WHO will künftig wenigstens sichtbar machen, wer Einfluss nimmt

Gaudenz Silberschmidt, WHO-Direktor in Genf, will sich künftig für mehr Transparenz einsetzen. Er fordert neue Bestimmungen für das Engagement nichtstaatlicher Akteure: Jeder, der mit der WHO zu tun hat, soll in Zukunft seine Karten offen auf den Tisch legen. Damit wäre die WHO die erste UN-Organisation, die von allen Akteuren, mit denen sie zusammenarbeitet, den gesamten Vorstand, die gesamte Finanzierungsstruktur und deren Aktivität im Internet publiziert.

Produktion 2017/19

Sendung vom
Di., 22.1.2019 8:30 Uhr, SWR2 Wissen, SWR2
Die WHO am Bettelstab: Was gesund ist, bestimmt Bill Gates

Reiche Privatspender manipulieren die Politik der WHO, vor allem seit die USA ihren Beitrag zusammenstreichen. Das schadet Entwicklungsländern – und vielen armen Kranken.

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Teil 1 von 3SWR2 WissenDie WHO am Bettelstab: Was gesund ist, bestimmt Bill Gates4.9.2020, 10:29 Uhr…

Teil 1 von 3

SWR2 Wissen
Die WHO am Bettelstab: Was gesund ist, bestimmt Bill Gates

4.9.2020, 10:29 Uhr
Thomas Kruchem

Reiche Privatspender manipulieren die Politik der WHO, vor allem seit die USA ihren Beitrag zusammenstreichen. Das schadet Entwicklungsländern – und vielen armen Kranken.

Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO wird mittlerweile zu 80 Prozent von privaten Geldgebern und Stiftungen finanziert. Größter privater Geldgeber ist die Bill und Melinda Gates Stiftung. Seit der Jahrtausendwende hat die Gates-Stiftung der WHO insgesamt 2,5 Milliarden Dollar gespendet – 1,6 Milliarden davon für die Ausrottung von Polio, Kinderlähmung. Insgesamt gibt die Stiftung jährlich vier Milliarden Dollar aus. Das Geld fließt in einen Globalen Fonds zur Bekämpfung von Aids, Tuberkulose und Malaria, in die medizinische Forschung und in Impfpartnerschaften mit Pharmakonzernen.

Die großen Verdienste der Gates Stiftung sind unbestritten. Problematisch ist, dass Bill Gates durch seine Stiftungen seine Vorstellung von Gesundheitsförderung durchsetzt. So investiert die Gates Stiftung vor allem in technische Maßnahmen gegen Infektionskrankheiten, zum Beispiel in Impfkampagnen und die Verteilung von Medikamenten. Gesundheitsexperten wie Thomas Gebauer von der Hilfsorganisation Medico International kritisieren, dass dadurch andere wichtige Aufgaben vernachlässigt würden – der Aufbau funktionierender Gesundheitssysteme in armen Ländern zum Beispiel.

Der Kampf gegen soziale Ursachen von Krankheit bleibt auf der Strecke

Gesundheit wird nur zu einem geringen Teil durch ärztliches Handeln beeinflusst. Viel wichtiger seien, so Gebauer, die Lebensverhältnisse des Einzelnen. Der Gesundheitsexperte ist überzeugt: Menschen, die ihre Kindheit in Elendsvierteln verbringen, haben eine weit geringere Lebenserwartung als diejenigen, die in wohlhabenden Vierteln aufwachsen. Eine Expertenkommission der WHO kam schon in den 80er-Jahren zu dem Ergebnis, dass die meisten Todesfälle nicht durch Viren oder Krankheiten verursacht werden, sondern durch soziale Ungleichheit.

Zweckgebundene Spenden an die WHO führen dazu, dass der Kampf gegen soziale Ursachen von Krankheit auf der Strecke bleiben, kritisiert Thomas Gebauer. Als Geschäftsführer der Menschenrechtsorganisation Medico International beschäftigt er sich seit Jahren mit den Strategien globaler Gesundheitspolitik.

An der Schweinegrippen-Panik verdiente nur die Pharmaindustrie

Als 2009 die Schweinegrippe ausbrach und ein kleines Gremium innerhalb der WHO den globalen Notstand ausrief, produzierten die Pharmariesen im Hintergrund schon ihre Impfstoffe. Mit ihren Warnungen vor der Pandemie löste die WHO eine weltweite Panik aus. Dadurch wurden wiederrum die Regierungen unter Druck gesetzt, ihre Lager rasch mit Impfstoffen und Medikamenten gegen die Schweinegrippe zu füllen. Allein die Bundesregierung kaufte damals Impfstoffe und Grippemittel im Wert von 450 Millionen Euro. Als die Pandemie ausblieb, mussten die Medikamente vernichtet werden. Big Pharma aber hatte Milliarden verdient – auch wenn eine Untersuchungskommission zu dem Schluss kam, die Pharmaindustrie habe die WHO-Entscheidungen zur Schweinegrippe nicht beeinflusst.

Geschäftsgewinne aus Big Food und Big Pharma finanzieren die WHO

Bill Gates erwirtschaftet seine Milliarden durch Kapitalanlagen in bestimmten Industriezweigen. Kritiker bemängeln, dass diese Branchen allesamt etwas mit krankmachenden Bedingungen zu tun haben. So hält die Gates Stiftung Aktien von Coca Cola im Wert von 500 Millionen Dollar und Aktien des weltgrößten Supermarktkonzerns Walmart im Wert von einer Milliarde Dollar. Hinzu kommen Beteiligungen an den Nahrungsmittelkonzernen Pepsi Co, Unilever, Kraft-Heinz, Mondelez und Tyson Foods; an den Alkoholkonzernen Anheuser-Busch und Pernod; an den Pharmakonzernen Glaxo Smith Kline, Novartis, Roche, Sanofi, Gilead und Pfizer.

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VideoBeweise: Corona & Omicron & Impfpflicht & 666! Olaf Scholz, von der Leyen etc. nur …

VideoBeweise: Corona & Omicron & Impfpflicht & 666! Olaf Scholz, von der Leyen etc. nur ...

Video❗️Beweise: Corona & Omicron & Impfpflicht & 666! Olaf Scholz, von der Leyen etc. nur Marionetten?❗️

Hochexplosive Quellen zum Video und Inhaltsangabe hier:

Das exakt 666 Tage zwischen der Verkündung des internationalen Gesundheitsnotstands und der Variante Omicron durch die WHO liegen, ist nur eine Information am Rande. Mehr nicht.
Beweise für all das im Video und jeder kann es überprüfen mit den Links in der Infobox.

Kennt Ihr den Film “MATRIX”? Neo hat darin die Wahl zwischen der blauen und der roten Pille! Nimmt er die blaue, geht es für ihn zurück in seine heile Welt, die jedoch nicht der Realität entspricht. Schluckt er die rote Pille, bewirkt sie das genaue Gegenteil und befreit ihn aus der Simulation!

❗️Mein obiges Video ist die rote Pille. ❗️

👉👉👉Ich verspreche Euch im letzten Drittel des Videos höchst explosive Inhalte und alle Quellen dazu befinden sich oben in der Infobox.

Dieses Video zeigt Euch, an welchem Projekt ich seit Mitte 2021 arbeite. Ich werde das ganze Jahr 2022 für Euch ein Buch schreiben, welches “Die größte Täuschung” heißen wird. Alles werde ich wie im Buch Fremdbestimmt mit exakten Quellen belegen. Jeder von Euch kann entscheiden, ob er die blaue oder die rote Pille schluckt!

❗️Schaut Euch bitte das Video bis zur allerletzten Sekunde an. Nur dann macht es Sinn. Nur dann!❗️
Beweise: Corona & Omicron & Impfpflicht & 666! Olaf Scholz, von der Leyen etc. nur Marionetten?

Entlarvende, explosive Quellen zum Video unten! Inhalts- und Zeitangabe ebenso!
Alles zum Buch Fremdbestimmt:
Alle 888 Quellen meines Buches Fremdbestimmt (Auflage 7) hier einsehbar:…

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Teil 13 von 14Having information is the key to being able to use that information protectively and p…

Teil 13 von 14

Having information is the key to being able to use that information protectively and productively. As it happens, Natural Solutions Foundation is launching a brand new service, allowing providers of healthy goods and services to let others know about them – creating a Healthy Living eMall, if you like. What a good time to learn about healthy options! Watch for it soon:

And don’t forget the wonderful supply of organic supplements and supplies available on our other website,

If you are a merchant of healthy services and products, list them on our new MarketPlace, If you are not, buy these products and use them heavily.

And if you are a freedom lover, and love life as well, donate NOW to keep Natural Solutions Foundation up and running. Your recurring donations qualify you for membership in the new Health Freedom Heroes. Click here – now to make that tax deductible donation.

“But I already gave to the Natural Solutions Foundation!” you might say. Thank you! BUT now think seriously about giving again AND getting your community and contacts involved, too. It’s their life as well as yours, you know.

Our decision-makers may not know, may not care or may believe that they can weather the man-made storm below ground in vast bunkers and , who knows? Maybe they can. That is not the point. The point is your life and the lives of your loved ones which are potentially at stake in a game of geopolitical chicken. The one whose population is decimated first loses.

For Whom are You Fighting?

I have a 33 year old son who has a life in front of him. I love him so I am fighting for him and his unborn child as well as for you. For whom are you fighting? What is your life worth? What is theirs worth?

Time? Become an organizer in your own community. Contact and let her know where you live, who you are and shat you plan to

Money? Give generously – – to make sure there is someone there fighting for you.

Creativity? Send us your health freedom art and we’ll post it on ” The Art of Health Freedom ” –

Skills? If you are a PR person, or a web designer or an organic farmer, or a researcher or a secretary, or a lawyer, or whatever, we need your skills urgently. We need to be an army of highly skilled and organized capacity self-organizing in the face of little money.

We are all in this together or we are in our US-Government issue, regulation one-size fits all impermeable, plasticsnap top, 100 year guaranteed coffins.

It’s your choice.

Oh, one more thing: if you think, as I did intially, “Nah! Those are just tubs, not coffins, check out this link (

I have taken the unusual step of sending out our information for you to use and disseminate an unprecidented third time (see below). The reason is that it is of unprecedented importance and we are all so busy that we read and delete before disseminating a great deal of information. This is much too important information to lose it in cyberspace!

I urge you to share this information with everyone you know.


Update #3 – State Emergency Powers – July 29, 2008
– Model State Emergency Powers Act

There are two things you can do RIGHT NOW to help:

1. Please join our Health Freedom eAlert system to receive urgent updates on this important issue:

2. Please make your generous tax-deductible donation to help us continue to spread this urgent message:
Polyguard Vaults – Home

Polyguard Vaults, maker of finext polypropylene burial products

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Teil 11 von 14Possible Confirmation No. 2 comes from the news today of hysteria management in the Ho…

Teil 11 von 14

Possible Confirmation No. 2 comes from the news today of hysteria management in the House of Lords. Desperate cries of “Save us! Give us the miracle vaccine!” are what is inevitable, not a pandemic flu – unless it is released on the population — or injected in a vaccine.

A member of the Natural Solutions Foundation Advisory Board notified us today about a story that appeared today, two days after we sent out the information about the weaponization of Avian flu and the scheduled delivery of 100 million “vaccine” doses by Sanofi-Pasteur from China to the US next month. In a story whose headline reads: “World warned over killer flu pandemic!”, Ben Russell writes in the Independent (London), on July 21, 2008 that,

“The world is failing to guard against the inevitable spread of a devastating flu pandemic which could kill 50 million people and wreak massive disruption around the globe, the Government has warned….

“The Government’s evidence appeared in a highly critical report from the Lords Intergovernmental Organizations Committee, which attacked the World Health Organization (WHO) as “dysfunctional” and criticized the international response to the threat of an outbreak of disease which could sweep across the globe… The report called for a fundamental overhaul of the WHO’s regional offices around the world. “Given the threats to global health that we face from newly emerging infectious diseases, a dysfunctional organizational structure within the world’s principal policy-making, standard-setting and surveillance body simply cannot be afforded.”

“The Government said: “While there has not been a pandemic since 1968, another one is inevitable.” Ministers said it would could kill between two and 50 million people worldwide and that such an outbreak would leave up to 75,000 people dead in Britain and cause “massive” disruption…”

“The House of Lords appears to be preparing the population for inoculation as a positive measure: “While much progress has been made in the past 10 years in improving global surveillance and response systems, much remains to be done if we are to detect new strains of the virus and counter them before they have had the chance to spread….

A government briefing given to the committee warned: ‘Not all countries have the resources or capacities to put in place a seasonal influenza vaccination policy and, in the event of an influenza pandemic, it is also recognized that current stock will not meet world-wide demand.[Italics added. This is seriously flawed logic: seasonal flu vaccines have precious little effect against seasonal flu and NONE against the supposedly not-yet-pandemic variety of the H5N1 virus. It is impossible to make a vaccine for a virus which does not exist – REL]…

There needs to be an improvement to rapid response strategies in poorer, more vulnerable, countries. [Read: forced vaccination – REL]….

Norman Lamb, the Liberal Democrats’ health spokesman, likened the threat from a pandemic to the threat of international terrorism. [Emphasis added – REL] … ‘Globally there has been massive attention to the threat from terrorism and rightly so. But the potential for loss of life from a pandemic is massive, enormous and yet we stare a disaster in the face and we see a chaotic, uncoordinated and incoherent international response to it’.”

Clearly, international pressure for a miracle “fix” — a vaccine, is mounting. How very convenient!

The information in this Health Freedom eAlert blast is so important that we are sending it out again to give more people a chance to open it and pass it on.
World warned over killer flu pandemic

The world is failing to guard against the inevitable spread of a devastating flu pandemic which could kill 50 million people and wreak massive disruption around the globe, the Government has warned.

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Teil 10 von 14If you have not given, now would be a good time to do that. Recurring donations of any…

Teil 10 von 14

If you have not given, now would be a good time to do that. Recurring donations of any amount entitle you to membership in the new Health Freedom Heroes Forum along with our local organizers and key advocates. Wouldn’t you like to be part of that group?

Every penny donated to the Foundation goes toward our work. General Bert and I receive not a single cent in payment for the work we do. We do it because we know that it is vitally important and that no one else besides the Natural Solutions Foundation is doing it! We, all of us together, are the single most effective, and largest Health Freedom organization in the world. Thank you for making that possible!

We brought this important Health Freedom Intelligence Report to you so you can be aware of the threats to your health and freedom… and being forewarned is, we trust, being forearmed!

And please have Hope; the threats are real, but the solutions are natural…
Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima



Update #1 – Confirmation? – JULY 21, 2008



In the past when we have published information that “Someone” does not want you to know, our site has been hacked or even knocked off the internet, usually by a Distributed Denial of Services, or DDOS attack.

While it is immensely frustrating to be shut down at the exact moment that we are getting important information out to you, we have come to recognize it as a signal that we have, once again, hit the bull’s eye! This time, not only were our sites, and hit with a DDOS, but the super high security server which we switched to after the last DDOS attack was taken down. The whole system was knocked off line. I am flattered.

The last time we got hit with a DDOS was when we wondered aloud if the vast numbers of deaths caused by PROPERLY USED pharmaceuticals might, in fact, not be accidental. We asked whether the approval of dangerous and deadly drugs might be intentional and BANG! we were off line faster than you could say “Population Control” (6 syllables) or even “Genocide” (only 3 syllables)!


It would appear that we are right on target.

Just prior to 9/11, there were some very interesting trends in the stock market which looked very much like somebody knew what was coming and positioned themselves to make a good deal of money when it did happen.

Possible Confirmation No. 1 is contained in the following email which a supporter sent us today:

“Prior to receiving the intel from Rima and Bert regarding the purchase of vaccines for a pandemic virus that does not yet exist, I had separately been noting unusual, unexplainable activity in the the BIOTECH sector of the stock market. While the general stock market has been crashing, the Biotech sector has rallied very sharply to new highs.

Today the BBH Biotech Holders is up 7 percent (a very large move) on big volume to new highs while the general market declines. There is no overt news on the sector or any particular company to account for this surge. A dramatic rise began in late June/early July. Interestingly, there is a negative divergence with the DRG, which is the Pharmaceutical sector, which is declining. This means the market is specifically interested in BIOTECH STOCKS and not general medical – pharmaceutical issues. The chart of Merck looks worse than the DOW.

We may recall that unusual market activity was a tell tale sign prior to the 911 false flag [attack – REL]. I have been studying the Oil market as well and it has been telegraphing the attack on Iran in the same way. [Emphasis added – REL]”

If this pattern does, indeed, foreshadow a pandemic disaster event, the names of those who participated in this stock market frenzy for biotech stocks should be investigated closely for possible criminal activities.

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Teil 8 von 14World Health Organization (WHO)Uses Vaccines to Make Women Sterile1972:* WHO begins its…

Teil 8 von 14

World Health Organization (WHO)
Uses Vaccines to Make Women Sterile


* WHO begins its “Special Programme” in human reproduction with programs for both male fertility control through vaccines and female fertility control


* WHO Vaccines for smallpox and tetanus are laced with female reproductive hormones to induce permanent sterility to “eliminate 150 million excess Sub-Saharan Africans” according to WHO documents.

July, 1989

* After years of denial, a scientific paper demonstrates conclusively that WHO tetanus vaccines used in the Philipines contained female reproductive hormones, inducing permanent sterility without consent or knowledge of the women treated.
* Tetanus toxoid is linked to the human reproducitve hormone to overcome immunological tolerance to the hormone and prod the body of the woman into producing antibodies to her own reproductive hormones.


* Women between the ages of 12 and 45 are targeted for a 5 injection series of “tetanus” shots.
* Boys, men, children and older women are not given the shots.
* Tetanus ordinarily requires a single booster every 10 years.
* The 5 shot tetanus protocol is used with vaccines which contained female reproductive hormones to render the women of Tanzania, Nigeria, Nicaragua, Mexico and other countries infertile
* Oxford University Press publishes article titled “Bypass by an alternate carrier of acquired unresponsiveness to hCG upon repeated immuniztions with tetanus-conjugate vaccine’ confirming method of inducing sterility requires multiple vaccinations.


* WHO committes more than $356 million on “reproductive health” research.
* Funding for abortificant (abortion producing) vaccine comes from many sources.

1. $90+ million contributed by Sweden
2. $52+ million contributed by Great Britain
3. $41 million contributed by Norway
4. $27 million contributed by Denmark
5. $12 million contributed by Germany
6. $5.7 million contributed by US
7. $61 million contributed by UNFPA
8. $15.5 million contributed by World Bank
9. $2.5 million contributed by Rockefeller Foundation
10. $1+ million contributed by Ford Foundation
11. $716.5 thousand contributed by IDRC (International Research and Development Centre of Canada)

April 2000

* Observer Newspaper rerports Glaxo, Pfizer, Squibb and Genentec experimented on children at Incarnation Children’s Center, NY.
* Incarnation Children’s Center is run by Columbia University which was paid to experiment on children, mostly wards of the state minority children.
* Babies as young as 6 months were injected with double doses of experimental measles vaccine.
* Children as young as 4 were given multi-drug cocktails.
* More than 100 orphans and babies were used in 36 experiments.

March 2008

* Haruna Kaita, a pharmaceutical scientists and head of a Nigerian University analyzed the latest WHO vaccine in Indian labs.
* Sterility agents were among the contaminants found in the samples.
* According to the local population of the Akha, a Thai hill tribe, pregnant women are forced to receive the vaccine in order to get ID cards for their children.
* Violent still births and miscarriages result.


I Told You It Was A Long Story, But One You Needed to Hear. Now What Can You Do To Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones?

First of all, remember that you have an immune system.

Back at the beginning of this article I told you that viruses (and bacteria, for that matter), do not make you sick if you are equipped with a healthy immune system and you are non toxic.

That means change your eating habits TODAY. The intake of refined sugar, pesticides, flouridated water and toothpastes, etc., artificial colors, flavors and preservatives and genetically modified foods (found in everything that does not explicitly say “Certified Organic”) all depress your immune system.

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Teil 7 von 141972:* World Health Organization (WHO) Bulletin No.47 refers to creation of an immune v…

Teil 7 von 14


* World Health Organization (WHO) Bulletin No.47 refers to creation of an immune virus and suggests that a useful way to study the effects would be “to put it into a vaccination program and observe the results.”
* It is theorized that WHO used the smallpox vaccination program in Central Africa for this study, since the spread of HIV infection coincides precisely with the most intense and recent smallpox vaccination campaigns.
* Information on the Central African countries most infected with HIV precisely matches WHO figures indicating the number of people vaccinated in these areas.
* The virus requested would selectively destroy the T-cell system. (1972 Federation Proceedings of WHO).


* Henry Kissenger writes a classified “National Security Study Memorandium 2000: Implications of worldwide population growth for U.S. security and overseas interest (NSSM 200)” which identifies India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Columbia as targets for initial population reduction.
* The Philippine Supreme Court found that 3 million Philippinas between 12 and 45 years of age were given this vaccine.
* Native American Woman and Black women in the US received this vaccine.
* Sterility rates in Native American Women in the US is over 35%.
* Sterility rates in Black Women in the US is over 25%.

December 1976

* No epidemic of Swine flu surfaces despite rapid approval and respone to perceived threat following 1 death of a solder at Ft. Dix, NJ.
* Swine Flu innoculation program shut down after risk of death and polio like syndrome from the vaccination is found to be almost 12 times greater in vaccinated than unvaccinated people. 5% of people afflicted die, 10% are crippled or maimed for life.

May 1987:

* The Times of London reported on its front page that smallpox vaccine administered by the World Health organization had triggered HIV/AIDS.
* 100 Million vaccinated Africans are at risk.
* Areas with highest vaccination rate show highest HIV/AIDS rates.
* Robert Gallo, discoverer of the HIV/AIDS virus, defends those figures and says, “AIDS researchers will keep their mouths shut because they are paid to do so.”

November 28, 2002

* A rider tacked onto the end of the Homeland Security Bill confers immunity from liability prosecution on Eli Lilly and other manufacturers of vaccines.

June 1990:

* Court case reveals that babies in Los Angeles were used as human gunea pigs with a experimental measles vaccine called Edmonston Zagreb high titer measles vaccine (E-Z ). From 1989-1991, Kaiser Permanente and LA County Dep’t of Health and CDC injected 700+ “mostly minority” babies with unlicnesed experimental vaccines with fraudulently-obtained parental consent.
* E-Z is closely associated with increased death rate in infant girls in Sendgal, Guneau Bisseau, and Haiti before their second birthday.
* Most of the families are not aware to date that their child was used as a human guinea pig.

March 19, 1992

* Dr. David Heymann, head of the office of research for the World Health Organization’s Global Programme on AIDS, and Harvard pathology professor William Haseltine refuse to discuss the possibility of AIDS transmission via vaccines.
* Dr. Heymann states in a phone interview from Geneva, “The origin of the AIDS virus is of no importance to science today. Any speculation on how it arose is of no importance.” Haseltine is even more adamant. “It’s distracting, it’s nonproductive, it’s confusing to the public, and I think it’s grossly misleading in terms of getting to the solution of the problem. It’s over, it’s done with, it’s very, very, very unlikely it happened that way, and it’s another nonsense article. It’s the worst kind of reporting as far as I’m concerned.”

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Teil 5 von 14April, 2006:* HHS announces a $97 million contract for the development of cell-based fl…

Teil 5 von 14

April, 2006:

* HHS announces a $97 million contract for the development of cell-based flu vaccine.
* Leavitt declares: “The FDA can use its Emergency Use Authorization authority to permit the use of unapproved products if there’s a reasonable belief the products may be effective.”
* 32 states pass laws which make resisting inocculation once ordered by the governor a felony.
* These laws join Patriot Act I, II, BARDA, BIOSHIELD I, II in making drug treatment and innoculation mandatory once a Pandemic is called.
* Unlimited quarantine without review is mandated under these laws for those who resist innoculation under Pandemic conditions.
* Fully staffed, empty detention centers exist all over North America. The largest, in Alasks, is roumored to have a 2.5 million person capacity.

December, 2006:

* New York Times reports Gulf War Syndrome positively linked to vaccination of Veterans.
* More than 100,000 vets contracted the syndrome during the 1991 Desert Storm Operation.
* More than 20,000 vets have died to date from this syndrom believed to be triggered by squalene, a vaccine “adjuvant.”
* All modern vaccines contain squalene

April 17, 2007:

* The Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA) branch of HHS utilizes its Emergency Use Authorization authority and awards a license to produce H5N1 “Bird Flu” vaccines to Sanofi-Pasteur.
* FDA Bird Flu approval letter states:

“We have approved your Biologics License Application (BLA) for Influenza Virus Vaccine, H5N1, effective this date. You are hereby authorized to introduce or deliver for introduction into interstate commerce, Influenza Virus Vaccine, H5N1, under your existing Department of Health and Human Services U.S. License No. 1725; however, we acknowledge your statement provided in your submission of April 5, 2007, that Sanofi Pasteur Inc. does not intend to license this product for commercial distribution, since it was produced under contract to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as part of national pandemic preparedness initiatives. Influenza Virus Vaccine, H5N1, is indicated for active immunization of persons 18 through 64 years of age at increased risk of exposure to the H5N1 influenza virus subtype contained in the vaccine.”
* Among the required post-market studies on this untested vaccine are;

1. Protocol submission: Study DMID 04-077: “A randomized, double-blinded, phase I/II, study of the safety, reactogenicity, and immunogenicity of intramuscular inactivated influenza A/H5N1 vaccine in healthy children aged 2 years through 9 years.”

2. Final study report submission: September 30, 2008.Study DMID 04-076: “A randomized double-blinded, placebo-controlled, phase I/II, dose-ranging study of the safety, reactogenicity, and immunogenicity of intramuscular inactivated influenza A/H5N1 vaccine in healthy elderly adults.”

3. Study DMID 05-0043: “Revaccination of healthy subjects with intramuscular inactivated subunit influenza A/Vietnam/1203/2004 (H5N1) vaccine representing a drifted variant.

4. “Study DMID 05-0090: “Evaluation of a booster dose of A/Vietnam/1203/04 (H5N1) vaccine administered at 6 months to healthy adult subjects after a two dose schedule at 0 and 1 month.”

5. Study DMID 05-0129: “Open label evaluation of H5N1 vaccine at vaccine manufacturing facilities.”

6. Study DMID 05-0130: “A single center, open label, phase I/II study of the safety and immunogenicity of two 90 µg doses of intramuscular inactivated influenza A/H5N1 vaccine in healthy adult subjects.”

Nov. 26, 2007:

* Leavitt’s HHS orders 100 million H5N1 “vaccines [doses]” from Sanofi-Pasteur. Expected delivery date, August, 2008.
* Sanofi-Pasteur issues a press release announcing their lucrative HHS contract (100 million vaccines @ $15 USD each) and declares that the cell-based vaccine will be mass produced in the company’s CHINA facility – then shipped to Stillwater, PA for hypodermic syringe-friendly packaging.
* Approval and contract have all been consumated in the absence of offical human testing.

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Teil 1 von 14Zeitplan von Dr. Rima Laibow von der Experimental-Grippe-Zwangs-Impfung 1917 für alle n…

Teil 1 von 14

Zeitplan von Dr. Rima Laibow von der Experimental-Grippe-Zwangs-Impfung 1917 für alle neuen US-Rekruten bis zu heutigen Plandemien

Weaponized Avian Flu Intelligence Report, Video & Updates

What I Have To Tell You Is Not Comfortable or Pretty.
But this Report Could Save Your Life,
Especially the Action Steps at the end of this Report.

Let’s start with a few quotes:

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out… without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.”
– H L Mencken

“No country and no people can be free and ignorant at the same time.”
– Thomas Jefferson

“The only safe vaccine is the one that is never used.”
– James Shannon
Former National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director

“I haven’t got a flu shot and I don’t intend to.”
– George W. Bush 2004 Presidential Candidate

This Natural Solutions Intelligence Report
Could Save Your Life.

Or you can ignore it, but that choice might kill you. It’s your choice. The tale which you need to hear is a long, complicated one, winding its way from China to France by way of the First World War, Rockefeller’s Oil Cartel, Sanofi-Pasteur and Iraq to its final destination: A syringe full of something claiming to be a vaccine against the now-deadly Avian Flu imported from China and filled in a plant in the US. Filled with what? Nothing good. This is not a story to be told in a few brief paragraphs.

It is long and complicated but I urge you to read it and then to take the steps listed and please, SHARE THIS INFORMATION AS WIDELY AS POSSIBLE.

Avian Flu Has Already Been Weaponized

I’ll give you the bottom line first: based on Gen. Stubblebine’s careful analysis of the existing evidence, Avian Flu has already been turned into a pandemic virus with a lot of sophisticated help from people who are not your friends, but who are very good at weaponizing organisms, like the previously innocuous bird flu virus, H5N1.

There is a basic virological fact you need to know to make sense of what comes next: it is impossible to make a vaccine against a virus that does not yet exist. Public relations efforts to the contrary, IF a vaccine is being made against the Avian Flu virus in its pandemic form, that means that the pandemic virus already exists. Period. End of discussion. So that fact that the Avian Flu vaccine is already being manufactured in China by Sanofi-Pasteur, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the French arm of the Rockefeller oil cartel (Total Petroleum) is confirmation of what you are about to read. If you allow it to be introduced into your body, there is no reason to imagine it will be anything but an unmitigated disaster for your immune system and for you. We believe it’s planned to be that way.

I do not know A. True Ott, PhD, but he was kind enough to send me a PDF file recently in which he puts a lot of the pieces together that I have been finding in my own research. Some of his conclusions I have serious difficulty with, but parts of his chronology are used here with appreciation.

Let’s start with the basics: H5N1 is a benign, commonplace virus which most birds carry with no harm to themselves or humans. Humans also have viruses we have no problem with: these viral companions keep our immune systems healthy and humming. Only under the stimulus of novel and dangerous toxins which your body has no way to get rid of (detoxify), and stress which overwhelms your coping capacity, does an innocuous virus mutate and become something that can make you sick or kill you.

All human cases of H5N1 have occurred in areas of sick birds in large concentrations such as factory farms where handlers come into contact with stressed and sick birds in toxic surroundings where toxic residues are concentrated at high levels.

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The film tells the true story of CDC scientist and whistleblower Dr. William Thompson who publicly admitted to fabricating scientific data at the CDC in order to hide the known links between vaccines and autism — links that the entire lying media complex denies exist at all. (The entire mainstream media is largely funded by pharmaceutical interests.)

The entire mainstream media blackballed all reporting on the Dr. Thompson admission, trying to bury one of the most astonishing admissions of scientific fraud in the history of modern medicine.

Official Statement by Dr. William Thompson 👇

Read the article on VAXXED and CDC Whistleblower – Dr. William Thompson

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Update from Cienna Knowles who some of you will remember as having an adverse reaction (scorned by t…

Update from Cienna Knowles who some of you will remember as having an adverse reaction (scorned by t...

Update from Cienna Knowles who some of you will remember as having an adverse reaction (scorned by the media who subsequently declined to interview her) from her Pfizer shots.
Well guess what – after ending up with life threatening blood clots in order to keep her safe from Covid she ended up getting Covid anyway.
If I hear the words “safe and effective” one more time 😡😡😡
“I fell super unwell after Christmas Day. My health took a major decline & I ended up in hospital again. At this point in time I didn’t want to go I didn’t think I would come back knowing I only had 2 arteries open from my heart to my lungs keeping me here. The pain felt as though I was forming more clots and it was hard to breathe I also had an irregular heart beat that was racing. I did throw a tantrum to get me back into hospital. Once I was in there X-rays, blood tests, iodine scans all over again… not a single tear I’ve really learnt to just accept it will be what it will be. My blood came back in the red zone. part 1

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Stanley Plotkin, Godfather of vaccines, UNDER OATH! – Part 1/9If you have kids and are giving them v…

Stanley Plotkin, Godfather of vaccines, UNDER OATH! - Part 1/9If you have kids and are giving them v...

Stanley Plotkin, Godfather of vaccines, UNDER OATH! – Part 1/9
If you have kids and are giving them vaccines – this is probably in your best interest..
Most people have probably never heard of Stanley Plotkin. But they should know who he is because the 86-year-old physician, more than anyone in this era, has influenced the modern vaccine programme that affects virtually everyone on the globe today. Dr. Plotkin wrote the bible of the vaccine industry — Plotkin’s Vaccines — a text in its seventh printing which Bill Gates has lauded as an “indispensable guide to the enhancement of the well-being of our world.” Gilded with awards and celebrated by government, academia and industry alike, Plotkin, who is on the faculty of 14 different universities, is the mainstream media go-to resource on all things vaccine and an unrivalled public health hero.

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BE CAREFUL OUT THERE”Women in New York have started lying about their vaccination status because of …

BE CAREFUL OUT THERE"Women in New York have started lying about their vaccination status because of ...


Women in New York have started lying about their vaccination status because of widespread perception among men that they are infertile or will bear children with birth defects.

For those ‘purebloods‘, the men and women who have managed to last this long and withstand the pressure to get vaccinated, there is widespread expectation that unvaccinated women and unvaccinated sperm will be extremely valuable. Indeed, some have joked that it may be the next Bitcoin.

🔗 Article

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Eine Studie der Oxford Clinical Infectious Diseases Periodical ergab, dass Gates’ oraler Polioimpfst…

Eine Studie der Oxford Clinical Infectious Diseases Periodical ergab, dass Gates' oraler Polioimpfst...

Eine Studie der Oxford Clinical Infectious Diseases Periodical ergab, dass Gates’ oraler Polioimpfstoff nicht nur Kinderlähmung verursacht, sondern auch “unwirksam zu sein scheint, um die Polioübertragung zu stoppen”. Bis 2019 räumte die WHO ein, dass 70 % der weltweiten Polio-Fälle auf die von Gates unterstützten Impfstoffe zurückzuführen sind.

Das British Medical Journal berichtete 2012: „Die jüngsten Massen-Polio-Impfprogramme [in Indien], die von der Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation gefördert wurden, führten zu einer Zunahme der [Polio]-Fälle.“

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Dr. David Martin: Who “They” Are: “The Names & Faces of the People Who Are Killing Humanity” Read description

============================ So called Viruses are by products of diseased tissues. (Exosomes) They are cellular debris. We have been tricked into thinking they are the cause of disease, so we ‘combat

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Basics to begin with…..Coronavirus equals 155 like 15/5 which is when Clade X was simulated, 15th …

Basics to begin with.....Coronavirus equals 155 like 15/5 which is when Clade X was simulated, 15th ...

Basics to begin with…..

Coronavirus equals 155 like 15/5 which is when Clade X was simulated, 15th May 2018, a tabletop pandemic exercise organised by the same people who also simulated Event 201 on Oct. 18, 2019 at Johns Hopkins in NYC. The same day World Military Games began in Wuhan, China nearly a month before the apparent outbreak from the same place.

Clade X equals to 113 so does Coroanvirus Pandemic. 113 can be expressed as 11/3 or 11th March which is when Coronavirus was declared a Pandemic by WHO. We must also not forget that Operation Warp Speed was launched on the two year anniversary of Clade X.
Fittingly, Operation equals 113 as well.

Notice the logos of both simulations being very similar except the color of the globe. I highly recommend everyone to watch the entire simulations that are still available on YouTube.

Lastly, Coronavirus was declared a pandemic 666 days after Clade X simulation.

Follow us on Shifting_paradigm for more

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Die Nichtexistenz des Humane Immundefizienz-Virus (HIV) leicht überprüft Unfassbar viele Menschen…

Die Nichtexistenz des Humane Immundefizienz-Virus (HIV) leicht überprüft ❗️ 💬 Unfassbar viele Menschen mussten durch die gravierende Fehlbehauptung, es gäbe ein HI-Virus mit unsäglicher Angst, tödlichen & krankmachenden Medikamenten leben. Alle Behauptungen…
AIDS-HIV – Impfen? Nein, danke

Dr. Douglass: „Was die WHO im Klartext sagt, ist: Laßt uns ein Virus erfinden, das selektiv das T-Zellen-System des Menschen zerstört, eine erworbene Immunschwäche. Das ist AIDS.“

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