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Kurzlink via bitslideEXPOSED: Monkeypox Vax Lab Rats! – WHO ADMITS To Collecting…

EXPOSED: Monkeypox Vax Lab Rats! – WHO ADMITS To Collecting Data From Idiots Who Get Monkeypox Jab!

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!!!!!!!!!!!!BREAKING!!!!!!!!!!!!HERE’S YOUR “SUDDEN ADULT DEATH SYNDROME”Mike Adams, The Health Ranger has just publishe…

!!!!!!!!!!!!BREAKING!!!!!!!!!!!!HERE’S YOUR “SUDDEN ADULT DEATH SYNDROME”Mike Adams, The Health Ranger has just publishe...



Mike Adams, The Health Ranger has just published a stunning report on ultra magnification of certified embalmer, Mr. Richard Hirschman’s White fibrous clots after I connected the two of them.

While the chemical analysis will take more time, his initial microscopy from today has found the following:

“… Extremely large, complex, repeating structural elements that are clearly being constructed in the blood of the victims who died from these clots “

“these fibrous strands show repeating patterns of scale like engineering as if the body has been programmed to build another life form inside the blood vessels“

“a structure that appears to resemble a silicon like bio circuitry or micro chip like structure”

“… Appears to be a biocircuitry wire which clearly shows repeating patterns and nanoscale interface structures that are assembled in a specific geometry for an unknown purpose”

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The WHO’s New Pandemic Treaty: A “New Global Public Health World Order” Power Grab? “The World Health Organization (WHO)…

The WHO’s New Pandemic Treaty: A “New Global Public Health World Order” Power Grab?

“The World Health Organization (WHO) is moving to create an international Pandemic Treaty which could impose more restrictive and legally binding pandemic policies among its 194 member nations, essentially giving the WHO the power to preempt the national sovereignty of member States, and by implication, the civil liberties and health rights of the world’s citizens.”

“The non-profit organization “Stand for Health Freedom” has put together a campaign opposing the Pandemic Treaty.”

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The WHO’s New Pandemic Treaty: A “New Global Public Health World Order” Power Grab?

This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2022Visit our Re-post guidelines
The World Health Organization (WHO) is moving to create an international Pandemic Treaty which could impose more restrictive and legally binding pandemic policies among its…

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A Chinese man who encouraged some people in his building to bang pots and pans as a way to protest and ask the governme…

A Chinese man who encouraged some people in his building to bang pots and pans as a way to protest and ask the governme...

🇨🇳 A Chinese man who encouraged some people in his building to bang pots and pans as a way to protest and ask the government for food has been arrested and was thrown into a van. Many people in Shanghai have been arrested for banging pots and pans this past week.

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#TODESFÄLLE Beliebte Stadträtin von Milton Keynes stirbt plötzlich im Urlaub…

Popular Milton Keynes councillor dies suddenly while on holiday

Tributes have been paid to a dedicated Labour councillor who sadly died suddenly while she was on holiday.

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How to end this “pandemic”. stop testing healthy people delete the word “asymptomatic” from the vocabulary get back to t…

How to end this “pandemic”.

👉🏻 stop testing healthy people
👉🏻 delete the word “asymptomatic” from the vocabulary
👉🏻 get back to the “stay home when you feel sick” principle
👉🏻 restructure medical schools from pharma-influenced to evidence-based medicine
👉🏻 prosecute corrupt politicians, journalists, and scientists
👉🏻 ban the use of masks in the public
👉🏻 reform and defund biased MSM
👉🏻 bust up big pharma and big tech
👉🏻 guarantee 100% transparency regarding pharmaceutical data
👉🏻 run objective health campaigns focused on nutrition and sports
👉🏻 prohibit the use of mathematical models to enforce policies
👉🏻 correct the population’s vitamin D and Omega-3 deficits
👉🏻 administer evidence-based drugs such as Ivermectin, N-acetyl cysteine, and melatonin
👉🏻 dismantle the UN, WHO and powerful philanthropic organisations (e.g. Open Society and Gates Foundation)
👉🏻 restructure the domain of science to regain some credibility
👉🏻 prohibit gain of function research

Happy Easter. 🐰🥚☀️

Dr. Simon

@Goddek | Gettr | SubscribeStar | Bastyon

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Demo Frankfurt 16.04.202216.04.2022 (Sa), 15:00 Uhr, Taunusanlage, 60329 FfMAm Samstag, den 16.04.2022 und an vielen wei…

Demo Frankfurt 16.04.202216.04.2022 (Sa), 15:00 Uhr, Taunusanlage, 60329 FfMAm Samstag, den 16.04.2022 und an vielen wei...

🗽Demo Frankfurt 16.04.2022🗽
16.04.2022 (Sa), 15:00 Uhr, Taunusanlage, 60329 FfM

Am Samstag, den 16.04.2022 und an vielen weiteren Tagen (siehe unten) protestieren Menschen in und um Frankfurt herum für Frieden, Freiheit und Verantwortlichkeit.

Wer Frieden will, schickt Diplomaten, wer Krieg will, liefert Waffen – die Demonstranten stehen eindeutig für den Frieden. Und für die Grundrechte aller Berufs- und Altersgruppen (Zwang droht zudem durch EU und WHO) sowie die rechenschaftspflichtige Verantwortung all derer, die sich in diesen Belangen schuldig gemacht haben.

Die Demonstrationswoche in Frankfurt:

Montag: Viele Montagsspaziergänge
Dienstag: FfM-Medien-Demonstration und FfM-Heddernheim
Mittwoch: FfM-Bockenheim und Oberursel
Donnerstag: FfM-Höchst
Karfreitag: FfM-Sachsenhausen UND Königstein fallen aus
Samstag: Frankfurt-Innenstadt
Sonntag: Bad Soden

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🔴 Aktuelles täglich unter: Freunde der Freiheit

👉Mein Kanal: @silberjungethorstenschulte

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Horrifying: The Shots May Be Altering Human DNA to Produce Spike Protein on a Long-Term BasisDr. McCullough: “If this is…

Horrifying: The Shots May Be Altering Human DNA to Produce Spike Protein on a Long-Term BasisDr. McCullough: "If this is...

Horrifying: The Shots May Be Altering Human DNA to Produce Spike Protein on a Long-Term Basis

Dr. McCullough:
“If this is true, this means people who have taken the vaccine now actually have a permanent alteration in their genes, that they themselves have the code for this dangerous Wuhan spike protein… that they themselves, years later, could potentially produce the spike protein either on a chronic low level to cause disease, or on an inducible level… This is far and away the most worrisome paper that has been published since the release of the vaccines. And if it’s true, we could be in real trouble because parent cells would pass it on to daughter cells. That means gametocytes, that is sperm and egg [cells], will contain some of this and pass it down to the baby, and we’ll never be able to get this spike protein out of the human species.”

Study | Rumble | Full Video


Bei Telegram Thoma, MD/PHD and family physician from Berlin, explains key evidence of vac… Thoma, MD/PHD and family physician from Berlin, explains key evidence of vac...

Josef Thoma, MD/PHD and family physician from Berlin, explains key evidence of vaccine-mediated damage to the heart and the brain. Dr. Thoma‘s presentation is simple, lucid, and accurate all at once. Show this to your family members who are planning to get boosted.
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Maria Zeee – Dr. Francis BoyleExposing Ukraine Biolabs, the Pentagon, FDA, WHO and future plandemics!Must Watch !!https:…

Maria Zeee – Dr. Francis Boyle
Exposing Ukraine Biolabs, the Pentagon, FDA, WHO and future plandemics!
Must Watch !!
Maria Zeee – Ukraine Biolabs and the Pentagon

Dr. Francis Boyle expose Ukraine Biolabs, the Pentagon, WHO, FDA and future plandemics!, Must Watch !!, Stew Peters Show – Hunter Biden Laptop, The scandal continues to unfold as the horrors multiply, yet the corrupt pro-Ukrainian media chose censorship over…

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Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation fordert die Ukraine auf, die dort hergestellten Biowaffen rasch zu entsorgen, bevor die …

Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation fordert die Ukraine auf, die dort hergestellten Biowaffen rasch zu entsorgen, bevor die ...

Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation fordert die Ukraine auf, die dort hergestellten Biowaffen rasch zu entsorgen, bevor die Menschen von dem Übel erfahren, das sie auf die Welt loslassen wollten.

EXKLUSIV: Die WHO rät der Ukraine, Krankheitserreger in Gesundheitslabors zu vernichten, um die Ausbreitung von Krankheiten zu verhindern.
Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat der Ukraine geraten, hochgefährliche Krankheitserreger in den Gesundheitslabors des Landes zu vernichten, um eine “mögliche Ausbreitung” zu verhindern…

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Die WHO ist die zukünftige Weltregierung. Die Machtübernahme ist für den 1. Mai 2022 geplant. Mit den „Lockerungen“ werd…

Die WHO ist die zukünftige Weltregierung. Die Machtübernahme ist für den 1. Mai 2022 geplant. Mit den „Lockerungen“ werden Sie aktuell nur hereingelegt
#Tipp #Mustread #Topthema #Aktuell

“Die Tatsache, dass sie sich plötzlich von den Maßnahmen und Abriegelungen distanzieren, ist nur ein Spiel. In der letzten Januarwoche 2022 hielt die WHO in Genf eine Dringlichkeitssitzung ab und beriet über die Ausweitung ihrer Befugnisse zur Überna..
Die WHO ist die zukünftige Weltregierung. Die Machtübernahme ist für den 1. Mai 2022 geplant. Mit den „Lockerungen“ werden Sie…

„Die Tatsache, dass sie sich plötzlich von den Maßnahmen und Abriegelungen distanzieren, ist nur ein Spiel. In der letzten Januarwoche 2022 hielt die WHO in Genf eine Dringlichkeitssitzung ab…

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BK58 Der große globale Gesundheitsbetrug: Viren, AIDS und WHO-Diktatur – Dr. Barbara Kahler 2022-2-24Während die Völke…

BK58  Der große globale Gesundheitsbetrug: Viren, AIDS und WHO-Diktatur - Dr. Barbara Kahler  2022-2-24Während die Völke...

BK58 Der große globale Gesundheitsbetrug: Viren, AIDS und WHO-Diktatur – Dr. Barbara Kahler 2022-2-24
Während die Völker mit Zwangsvergiftung und dem bösen Putin abgelenkt sind, bereitet die Gates/Buffett-gesteuerte WHO ihren globalen Staatsstreich vor: Die angeschlossenen Länder sollen dafür ihre Verfassungsrechte in die Tonne treten!
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Read the beginning of the article According to the CDC, this accounts for nearly 250 million Americ…

👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 Read the beginning of the article 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻

According to the CDC, this accounts for nearly 250 million Americans who have received at least one dose, while nearly 210 million are already considered fully vaccinated.

These statistics show that there is no end in sight for America’s coercive campaign to get all Americans to take the dangerous vaccine.

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“Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels” – Naomi Wolf and Dr. Malone Respond to Project…

On Monday night Project Veritas released their latest investigation and it was a BOMBSHELL! Project Veritas released never before seen military documents regarding the origins of Covid-19, gain-of-function research, vaccines, potential treatments and the…

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COVID-19 mass vaccination programs violate bioethics principlesDr. Robert Malone @RWMaloneMD, the ce…

COVID-19 mass vaccination programs violate bioethics principles

Dr. Robert Malone @RWMaloneMD, the celebrated scientist and inventor of mRNA technology, believes mass Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination campaigns are a violation of bioethics principles.

Malone, an expert in bioethics, recently penned a short essay reflecting on the bioethics of the mass vaccination campaigns around the world. He is very concerned about the safety of distributing these experimental and dangerous medications.

Due to the emergence of mass vaccination policies, Malone has recently refreshed his knowledge of the history of modern bioethics – from the Nuremberg Trials to the Nuremberg Code, the Helsinki Accord, the Belmont Report in the United States and the common rule that exists in the code of federal regulations.

Malone @RWMaloneMD has also brushed up on the already extensive knowledge he has of the legislation and the Food and Drug Administration policies pertaining to the issuance of emergency use authorizations for experimental treatments.

COVID-19 vaccine recipients not given proper informed consent

In his study, Malone concluded that the COVID-19 mass vaccination campaigns violate three core principles of bioethics.

Firstly, the distributors of the vaccines never provided people with full disclosure of their risk of causing adverse events.

The COVID-19 vaccines are experimental medications. This means every single person who accepts a vaccine is a participant in an experimental medical trial. Participants of such trials must be given all the information regarding its potential side effects. Based on this disclosure, people then have the right to decide whether they still want to get vaccinated.

This process has never been adhered to, as most vaccinated individuals are not aware of the potential adverse effects that they can experience from taking the dangerous vaccines. Furthermore, people who do want to learn more about the effects of the vaccine are unable to find any easily accessible and accurate information about the vaccines, either at the vaccination sites or online.

Secondly, not only must the adverse event risks of the vaccines be easily accessible, they must be communicated in a way that people who want to get vaccinated can comprehend the actual risks of getting the experimental product. According to Malone @RWMaloneMD, this means the disclosure of information must be written in such a way that a teenager can understand it.

In proper clinical trials, researchers are actually required to verify if trial participants comprehend the risks. This is not a requirement for vaccinations.

Lastly, the only way people can ethically take an experimental product like the COVID-19 vaccines is if they do so fully voluntarily and without coercion or enticement. This means that vaccine mandates are, at their core, unethical.

Furthermore, Malone argues that all of the public messaging governments and mainstream media outlets have pushed regarding how the vaccines are supposedly safe constitutes coercion.

“This is the way they’re going to handle things,” said Malone @RWMaloneMD. “And they’re going to handle it with the noble lie of saying, ‘No, there are no risks and what we’re doing is fully justified.’”

No end in sight for US mass vaccination campaign

As of Sunday morning, Jan. 9, the United States has administered over 519 million doses of the experimental and dangerous COVID-19 vaccine.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which is responsible for how many vaccine doses have gone into the arms of Americans, the figures from Sunday are up from the 518 million total vaccine doses administered by Saturday, Jan. 8. This means more than a million doses a day are being distributed to Americans.

👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Read more 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

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So werden covid tote kreiert!Ignazio Cassis, amtierender Bundespräsident der Schweiz, bestätigt, das…

So werden covid tote kreiert!Ignazio Cassis, amtierender Bundespräsident der Schweiz, bestätigt, das...

So werden covid tote kreiert!

Ignazio Cassis, amtierender Bundespräsident der Schweiz, bestätigt, dass jeder Verstorbene mit positivem Corona-Test als Covid-19-Toter gezählt wird und dies eine Festlegung der WHO sei.

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Don’t vaccinate the world but arrest the management of the drug companies.German MEP Nicolaus Fest h…

Don't vaccinate the world but arrest the management of the drug companies.German MEP Nicolaus Fest h...

Don’t vaccinate the world but arrest the management of the drug companies.

German MEP Nicolaus Fest held up a mirror to the European Parliament by explaining the illogical narrative shifts. What’s even more irrational is that members of all German political parties call this man and his party “Nazis” while being the stirrup holder of biofascism.

It’s about time to arrest the management and fearmongers who are responsible for this dystopian situation. People who won’t wake up now also won’t wake up after receiving their 10th booster shot.


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Sara Jessica Blattner14 Years old, USAVaccine: PfizerDose 1: June 2021Dose 2: NoneDied: October 12, …

Sara Jessica Blattner14 Years old, USAVaccine: PfizerDose 1: June 2021Dose 2: NoneDied: October 12, ...

Sara Jessica Blattner

14 Years old, USA

Vaccine: Pfizer
Dose 1: June 2021
Dose 2: None
Died: October 12, 2021

Sara Jessica Blattner, was a 14-year-old Israeli American girl who took her first and only dose of the Pfizer injection in June 2021. After suffering side affects from the injection including some neurological issues, Sara Jessica passed away on October 12, 2021 and was found in her bed the following morning by her mother. The cause as cardiac arrest. Her mother is now speaking out warning parents not to vaccinate their kids.

May you Rest In Peace Sara Jessica ❤️

#Death #USA #Heart #Cardiac #COVIDVACCINEVICTIMS #Youth #Child #Pfizer


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