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Teil 10 von 14If you have not given, now would be a good time to do that. Recurring donations of any…

Teil 10 von 14

If you have not given, now would be a good time to do that. Recurring donations of any amount entitle you to membership in the new Health Freedom Heroes Forum along with our local organizers and key advocates. Wouldn’t you like to be part of that group?

Every penny donated to the Foundation goes toward our work. General Bert and I receive not a single cent in payment for the work we do. We do it because we know that it is vitally important and that no one else besides the Natural Solutions Foundation is doing it! We, all of us together, are the single most effective, and largest Health Freedom organization in the world. Thank you for making that possible!

We brought this important Health Freedom Intelligence Report to you so you can be aware of the threats to your health and freedom… and being forewarned is, we trust, being forearmed!

And please have Hope; the threats are real, but the solutions are natural…
Yours in health and freedom,

Dr. Rima



Update #1 – Confirmation? – JULY 21, 2008



In the past when we have published information that “Someone” does not want you to know, our site has been hacked or even knocked off the internet, usually by a Distributed Denial of Services, or DDOS attack.

While it is immensely frustrating to be shut down at the exact moment that we are getting important information out to you, we have come to recognize it as a signal that we have, once again, hit the bull’s eye! This time, not only were our sites, and hit with a DDOS, but the super high security server which we switched to after the last DDOS attack was taken down. The whole system was knocked off line. I am flattered.

The last time we got hit with a DDOS was when we wondered aloud if the vast numbers of deaths caused by PROPERLY USED pharmaceuticals might, in fact, not be accidental. We asked whether the approval of dangerous and deadly drugs might be intentional and BANG! we were off line faster than you could say “Population Control” (6 syllables) or even “Genocide” (only 3 syllables)!


It would appear that we are right on target.

Just prior to 9/11, there were some very interesting trends in the stock market which looked very much like somebody knew what was coming and positioned themselves to make a good deal of money when it did happen.

Possible Confirmation No. 1 is contained in the following email which a supporter sent us today:

“Prior to receiving the intel from Rima and Bert regarding the purchase of vaccines for a pandemic virus that does not yet exist, I had separately been noting unusual, unexplainable activity in the the BIOTECH sector of the stock market. While the general stock market has been crashing, the Biotech sector has rallied very sharply to new highs.

Today the BBH Biotech Holders is up 7 percent (a very large move) on big volume to new highs while the general market declines. There is no overt news on the sector or any particular company to account for this surge. A dramatic rise began in late June/early July. Interestingly, there is a negative divergence with the DRG, which is the Pharmaceutical sector, which is declining. This means the market is specifically interested in BIOTECH STOCKS and not general medical – pharmaceutical issues. The chart of Merck looks worse than the DOW.

We may recall that unusual market activity was a tell tale sign prior to the 911 false flag [attack – REL]. I have been studying the Oil market as well and it has been telegraphing the attack on Iran in the same way. [Emphasis added – REL]”

If this pattern does, indeed, foreshadow a pandemic disaster event, the names of those who participated in this stock market frenzy for biotech stocks should be investigated closely for possible criminal activities.

Bei Telegram

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