Startseite » Aktuelles » WHO » “The entertainment industry isn’t harvesting our young ones for organs and adrenochrome. That’s just a conspiracy theory…

“The entertainment industry isn’t harvesting our young ones for organs and adrenochrome. That’s just a conspiracy theory…

“The entertainment industry isn’t harvesting our young ones for organs and adrenochrome. That’s just a conspiracy theory...

“The entertainment industry isn’t harvesting our young ones for organs and adrenochrome. That’s just a conspiracy theory!“ Said the one who is too afraid of the truth.

What happened to “show me, so I believe”? It’s right there in your face mocking you as if there’s no tomorrow.

PS: Lady Gaga stands for Lady-Boy. The main idea has always been to destroy strong families with the whole transgender agenda in order to have an easy access to your kids.

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