Startseite » Aktuelles » WHO » A short, vitriolic read from a very bright British doctor. I share his frustration. Please wake up someone today.As I’ve…

A short, vitriolic read from a very bright British doctor. I share his frustration. Please wake up someone today.As I’ve…

A short, vitriolic read from a very bright British doctor. I share his frustration. Please wake up someone today.
As I’ve bored you with previously, it’s only we who can do that, those of us who have glimpsed our way beyond the mass media narrative & realised it’s no good.
That mass media isn’t planning to change & people like me have a reach that finishes with you.
Only you can reach your circle of people who aren’t reading the alternative media.
Please try.
Thank you,

This is What’s Going to Happen Next

<strong>Dr. Vernon Coleman</strong> | Events are unfolding at a rapid pace – time to take stock and make plans for surviving the coming upheaval.

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