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E-Mail von Robert F. Kennedy Jr. zur „Biosicherheit“, dem Jahrzehnt der Impfungen und den vorbereiteten Zwangsimpfungen …

❗️❗️❗️E-Mail von Robert F. Kennedy Jr. zur „Biosicherheit“, dem Jahrzehnt der Impfungen und den vorbereiteten Zwangsimpfungen überall auf der Welt!❗️❗️❗️

In 2009 the US adopted the Global Health Security Agenda. The GHSA soon made biosecurity the spear tip of US foreign policy.The objective was to fortify US global hegemony by exploiting the unifying force of a global threat from pandemics. In other words ,microbes would replace monolithic communism as a threat to justify the construction of vast,intrusive security and surveillance apparatuses and global government. GHSA’s function was to sponsor a new global Cold War against viruses. In the words of the State Department, the GHSA serves to reorganize private corporations, including media and pharmaceutical companies and civil society globally to work together “to achieve focused goals and the following specific targets: Countering antimicrobial resistance; preventing the emergence and spread of zoonotic disease; advancing a whole-of-government national biosafety and biosecurity system in every country; improving immunization; establishing a national laboratory system; strengthening real-time biosurveillance; advancing timely and accurate disease reporting; establishing a trained global health security workforce; establishing emergency operations centers; linking public health, law and multi-sectoral rapid response; and enhancing medical countermeasures and personnel deployment.” A few months later,Bill Gates announced at the UN”The Decade of Vaccines “with a $10 billion donation to WHO and $4.5 million to the US State Department. The World Health Organization’s Jan 2019 announcement declaring “vaccine hesitancy” to be the greatest threat to global health was the culmination of the State Department’s bio security agenda. Within 12 months over 120 nations around the world passed laws mandating forced vaccination and launched massive censorship drives. Adam Schiff’s announcement in March was part of the State Department’s bio security putsch. Schiff made this announcement as chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee. The State Department made the donation to induce censorship of criticism of government policies.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

„Hi Markus,
feel free to use this. You might want to add language to clarify that “Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff issued a letter to the ceos of Google,Facebook ,Twitter etc demanding that they censor “vaccine misinformation”. As it turned out,that phrase denotes any and all criticism or questions about government health policies,injectable pharmaceutical products and all debate about bio security-weather true or not “

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (@haintz)

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