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“Die Impfung verhindert nicht die Ausbreitung der Pocken und verändert sie auch nicht bei denjenigen, die sie nach der Impfung bekommen. Sie führt Tuberkulose, Krebs und sogar Lepra in das System ein und trägt somit zu deren Verbreitung bei. Sie neigt dazu, Pockenepidemien virulenter zu machen und sie zu vergrößern. Sie tut genau das, was die Impfung tat – sie verursacht die Ausbreitung von Krankheiten.
– Dr. Walter M. James, Philadelphia

“Ich kann mich den anderen anschließen … dass die Impfung zur starken Zunahme von Krebserkrankungen beiträgt.”
– Dr. Forbes Laurie

“Wir haben keine Beweise für die angepriesene Wirksamkeit irgendeiner Form von Antitoxin, Impfstoff oder Serum. Die wahren Zahlen zur Pockenimpfung sind nie an die Öffentlichkeit gelangt, obwohl sie in den Akten der verschiedenen Abteilungen der Armee und der Regierung zu finden sind, wenn man danach sucht. Wenn die Aufzeichnungen über die Impfungen allein auf den Philippinen jemals allgemein bekannt werden sollten, würde dies das Ende der Impfungen im ganzen Land bedeuten, zumindest für diejenigen, die lesen und selbständig denken können. Nach drei Jahren strengster Impfung, in denen jeder Philippiner ein- bis sechsmal geimpft worden war, brach auf den Inseln die schwerste Pockenepidemie aus, die es je gegeben hatte, mit einer Sterblichkeitsrate von stellenweise über 70 Prozent und insgesamt weit über 60.000 Todesfällen. Ist es da ein Wunder, dass die Öffentlichkeit uns und unseren gepriesenen “medizinischen Entdeckungen” gegenüber ein wenig misstrauisch wird? Das Wunder ist für mich, dass es immer noch Millionen von ihnen gibt, die bereit sind, sich impfen und mit Serum behandeln zu lassen.”
– Dr. William Howard Hay, Buffalo, New York


“There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunisation of children does more harm than good.”
– Dr J Anthony Morris, former Chief Vaccine Control Officer, US Food and Drug Administration

“The greatest threat of childhood disease lies in the dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them through mass immunisation.”
– Dr R. Mendelsohn, Author and Professor of Paediatrics (How To Raise A Healthy Child In Spite Of Your Doctor)

“In our opinion, there is now sufficient evidence of immune malfunction following current vaccination programmes to anticipate growing public demands for research investigation into alternative methods of prevention of infectious disease.”
– Dr’s H. Buttram and J. Hoffman (Vaccinations and Immune Malfunctions)

“All vaccination has the effect of directing the three values of the blood into or toward the zone characteristics of cancer and leukemia…Vaccines DO predispose to cancer and leukaemia.”
– Professor L.C. Vincent, Founder of Bioelectronics

“Every vaccine carries certain hazards and can produce inward reactions in some people…in general, there are more vaccine complications than is generally appreciated.”
– Professor George Dick, London University

“Official data have shown that the large-scale vaccinations undertaken in the US have failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases against which they were supposed to provide protection.”
– Dr A. Sabin, developer of the Oral Polio vaccine (lecture to Italian doctors in Piacenza, Italy, Decemebr 7th 1985)

“In addition to the many obvious cases of mortality from these practises, there are also long-term hazards which are almost impossible to estimate
accurately…the inherent danger of of all vaccine procedures should be a deterrent to their unnecessary or unjustifiable use.”
– Sir Graham Wilson (The Hazards of Immunisation)

“Laying aside the very real possibility that the various vaccines are contaminated with animal viruses and may cause serious illness later in life (multiple sclerosis, cancer, leukaemia, etc) we must consider whether the vaccines really work for their intended purpose.”
– Dr W.C. Douglas (Cutting Edge, May 1990)

“The only wholly safe vaccine is a vaccine that is never used.”
– Dr James A. Shannon, National Institute of Health, USA

With reference to Smallpox:

“Vaccination is a monstrosity, a misbegotten offspring of error and ignorance, it should have no place in either hygiene or medicine…Believe not in vaccination, it is a world-wide delusion, an unscientific practise, a fatal superstition with consequences measured today by tears and sorrow without end.”
– Professor Chas Rauta, University of Perguia, Italy , (New York Medical Journal July 1899)

“Vaccination does not protect, it actually renders its subjects more susceptible by depressing vital power and diminishing natural resistance, and millions of people have died of smallpox which they contracted after being vaccinated.”
– Dr J.W. Hodge (The Vaccination Superstition)

“It is nonsense to think that you can inject pus – and it is usually from the pustule end of the dead smallpox victim … it is unthinkable that you can inject that into a little child and in any way improve its health. What is true of vaccination is exactly as true of all forms of serum immunisation, if we could by any means build up a natural resistance to disease through these artificial means, I would applaud it to the echo, but we can’t do it.”
– Dr William Howard Hay (lecture to Medical Freedom Society, June 25th 1937)

“Immunisation against smallpox is more hazardous than the disease itself.”
– Professor Ari Zuckerman, World Health Organisation

With reference to Whooping Cough:

“There is no doubt in my mind that in the UK alone some hundreds, if not thousands of well infants have suffered irreparable brain damage needlessly and that their lives and those of their parents have been wrecked in consequence.”
– Professor Gordon Stewart, University of Glasgow (Here’s Health, March 1980)

“My suspicion, which is shared by others in my profession, is that the nearly 10,000 SIDS deaths that occur in the US each year are related to one or more of the vaccines that are routinely given to children. The pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine is the most likely villain , but it could also be one or more of the others.”
– Dr R Mendelsohn, Author and Professor of Paediatrics (How To Raise A Healthy Child In Spite Of Your Doctor)

“The worst vaccine of all is the whooping cough vaccine…it is responsible for a lot of deaths and for a lot of infants suffering irreversible brain damage..”
– Dr Archie Kalokerinos, Author and Vaccine Researcher (Natural Health Convention, Stanwell Tops, NSW, Australia 1987)

With reference to Polio:

“Many here voice a silent view that the Salk and Sabin polio vaccine, being made of monkey kidney tissue has been directly responsible for the major increase in leukaemia in this country.”
– Dr F. Klenner, Polio Researcher, USA

“No batch of vaccine can be proved to be safe before it is given to children”
– Surgeon General Leonard Scheele (AMA Convention 1955, USA)

“Live virus vaccines against influenza and paralytic polio, for example, may in each instance cause the disease it is intended to prevent…”
– Dr Jonas Salk, developer of first polio vaccine (Science 4/4/77 Abstracts)

Doctors Oppose Vaccines
Numerous doctors and health officials of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were vocal opponents of mandatory vaccines. Here are a few of their comments on this topic:

“I have been a regular practitioner of medicine in Boston for 33 years. I have studied the question of vaccination conscientiously for 45 years. As for vaccination as a preventative of disease, there is not a scrap of evidence in its favor. The injection of virus into the pure blood stream of the people does not prevent smallpox; rather, it tends to increase its epidemics and it makes the disease more deadly. Of this we have indisputable proof. In our country (U.S.) cancer mortality has increased from 9 per 100,000 to 80 per 100,000 or fully 900 percent increase within the past 50 years, and no conceivable thing could have caused this increase but the universal blood poisoning now existing.”
– Dr. Charles E. Page, Boston practitioner

“Vaccination does not stay the spread of smallpox, nor even modify it in those who get it after vaccination. It does introduce in the system contaminationand, therefore, contributes to the spread of tuberculosis, cancer, and even leprosy. It tends to make more virulent epidemics and to make them more extensive. It did just what inoculation did cause the spread of disease.”
– Dr. Walter M. James, Philadelphia practitioner

“Cancer was practically unknown until cowpox vaccination began to be introduced. I have had to do with 200 cases of cancer and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person.”
– Dr. W. B. Clark, New York practitioner

“Many men and women in prime of life have dropped dead suddenly. I am convinced that some 80 percent of these deaths are caused by smallpox vaccinations.These are well known to cause grave and permanent disease of the heart.”
– Dr. Herbert Snow, Senior surgeon, London Cancer Hospital

“Abolish vaccination and you will cut the cancer death rate in half.”
– Dr.. F. P. Millard, Toronto practitioner

“Vaccines are principally responsible for the increase of those two really dangerous diseases, cancer and heart disease.”
– Dr. Benchetrit, practitioner

“In looking over the history of vaccination for smallpox, I am amazed to learn of the terrible deaths from vaccination which necessitated amputation of arms and legs and caused tetanus, foot and mouth disease, septicemia (blood poisoning), and cerebro-spinal meningitis.”
– Dr. R. C. Carter, practitioner

“I am convinced that the increase of cancer is due to vaccination.”
– Dr. F. Laurie, Medical Director of the Metropolitan Cancer Flospital, London

“It is my firm conviction that vaccination has been a curse instead of a blessing to the race. Every physician knows that cutaneous diseases (including cancer) have increased in frequency, severity, and variety to an alarming extent. To nomedium of transmission is the widespread dissemination of this class of diseases so largely related as to vaccination.”
– B. F. Cornell, M.D., practitioner

“I have removed cancers from vaccinated arms exactly where the poison was injected.”
– Dr. E. J. Post, Michigan practitioner

“I have no hesitation in stating that in my judgment the most frequent disposing condition for cancerous development is infused into the blood by vaccinationand re-vaccination.”
– Dr. Dennis Turnbull, 30 year cancer researcher

“Never in the history of medicine has there been produced so false a theory, and such fraudulent assumptions, such disastrous and damning results as have followed the practice of vaccination; it is the ultima Thule (extremity) of learned quackery, and lacks, and has ever lacked, the faintest shadow of a scientific basis. The fears of the people have been played upon as to the dangers of
smallpox, and the promise of sure prevention by vaccination, until nearly the whole civilized world has become physically corrupted by its practice.”
– Dr. E. Ripley, Connecticut practitioner

“Vaccination is the infusion of contaminating elements into the system, and after such contamination you can never be sure of regaining the former purity of the body. Consumption (tuberculosis) follows in the wake of vaccination just as surely as effect follows cause.”
– Dr. Alex Wilder, professor of pathology. Medical College of New York

“How is it that smallpox is five times as likely to be fatal in the vaccinated as unvaccinated? [Referring to data published in the British Medical Journal, January 1 4, 1 928.] How is it that, as the number of people vaccinated has steadily fallen, the number ofpeople attacked with variola has declined and the case mortality has progressively lessened? The years of least vaccination have been the years of least smallpox and least mortality. These are just a few points in connection with the subject which are puzzling me, and to which I want answers.”
– Dr. L. A. Parry (summarizing Dr. R. P. Garrow), practitioners

“I now have very little faith in vaccination, even as to modifying the disease, and none at all as a protective in virulent epidemics. Personally, I contracted smallpoxless than six months after a most severe vaccination.”
– Dr. R. Hall Bakewell, Vaccinator General of Trinidad

“To affirm that there never has been any scientific warranty for a belief in the alleged protective virtues of vaccination and that its practice is backed by ignorance and indifference, is a sorry charge to make against the medical profession… but the charge, I regret to say, is only too true. I know where of I affirm, for I,too, must plead guilty of the charge. Before discovering my mistake I had vaccinated more than 3,000 victims, ignorantly supposing the disease I was propagating to be a preventative of smallpox. Having taken for granted what my teachers had asserted, I was a staunch believer in the alleged efficacy of vaccination as aprophylactic against smallpox. I remained in this blind and blissful state of ignorance for several years. Not until I acquired a little experience in the school of observation and reflection did I discover that my faith was pinned to a shameful fraud.”
– J. W. Hodge, M.D., practitioner

Als pdf: Doctors Oppose Vaccines

Zitate über das Impfen von nichtmedizinischen Persönlichkeiten

“Man vermuthet, daß eine große Anzahl von Krankheiten durch organische Keime veranlaßt werden; unsere Unkenntniß von denselben ist vollkommen. Die Luft wimmelt von solchen, sie kämpfen miteinander, wir sind die Beute der stärkeren. So sind wir mit einer ganzen Welt von Geschöpfen auf’s Innigste verknüpft und kennen sie nicht besser als die Bewohner des Mars.
Aber doch kennen wir einige Eigenthümlichkeiten dieser Raubstaaten z.B. daß die Cholera hauptsächlich eine Krankheit der Tiefebenen ist, daß wir auf das Trinkwasser zu achten haben. — Die Impfung steuert die Verheerung durch die Blattern, aber wir sind wie Gefangne, die sich verstümmeln müssen, um sich für ihren siegreichen Gegner werthlos zu machen; so daß er sie frei läßt.”

– Friedrich Nietzsche: Nachgelassene Fragmente Sommer 1875, KGWB/NF-1875,9[2], Hervorh. von uns.


Komm.: Hier glaubt selbst ein Nietzsche, der für sich in Anspruch nahm, mit Zarathrustra das wichtigste Buch der Menschheit geschrieben zu haben (mit sich selbst als den neuen Propheten, er nannte sich den “europäischen Buddha”), der alles hinterfragt und überholt haben will, an den militaristischen Kampf in der Biologie mit bösen Keimen.

Nietzsche hat mit Goethe gemeinsam: Impfschäden sind Einzelschicksale, der Dienst an der Gemeinschaft steht höher, dafür muß man Opfer bringen. Goethe hat es mit seinem Impfschaden vorgelebt.

Ob Nietzsche auch geimpft war und einen Impfschaden hatte, bleibt festzustellen, wie überhaupt die Gebrechen berühmter Persönlichkeiten im 18. und 19. Jh. auf Impfschäden untersucht werden sollten, wie erst Dr. Gerd Reuther neulich zu Recht forderte, da man von Anbeginn an Impfschäden geleugnet, kleingeredet und die wahre Ursache nicht genannt hat.

Immerhin hatte Nietzsche Syphilis, die noch bis zum 2. Weltkrieg eine häufige Nebenwirkung der Pockenimpfung war (britische Militärärzte), und Syphilis wurde vor allem mit Quecksilber behandelt. Ein Impfschaden Nietzsches ist nicht auszuschließen, auch nicht eine Schwermetall-Vergiftung durch die Syphilis-Behandlung.

Immerhin hatte Nietzsche schon Pettenkofer vorweggenommen und einen Zusammenhang zwischen Cholera und Fäkalien-Flusswasser erkannt, weil nur die Leute im Tal und nicht die oben krank wurden.

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2 Kommentare zu „Zitate“

  1. Rache und Gewalt ändern auch nichts, dann stellt man sich auf eine Stufe nicht denen. Das Böse muß in der Welt sein, man soll aber zusehen, daß man nicht dazugehört. Wenn dieser Bibel-Spruch wahr ist, dann bleibt nur ein rechtsstaatliches Verfahren. Und das würde für die Impfverbrecher lebenslänglich ohne vorzeitige Entlassung bedeuten.

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