Startseite » Aktuelles » WHO » Btw., in 2020 (unfortunately, I can’t remember which session), one of the lawyers, Dr. Justus P. Hoffmann, who is rarely…

Btw., in 2020 (unfortunately, I can’t remember which session), one of the lawyers, Dr. Justus P. Hoffmann, who is rarely…

Btw., in 2020 (unfortunately, I can’t remember which session), one of the lawyers, Dr. Justus P. Hoffmann, who is rarely present, mentioned Dr. Lanka and his theory. No one reacted to his comment, it was just ignored. Maybe that’s one reason why he is rarely present, because he has more integrity than the others?

Anyway, my conclusion is, that the two main lawyers decide the “opinion” of the committee and don’t “approve” of any information that their main “expert”, Dr. Wodarg, doesn’t approve of. He’s the (medical) gatekeeper.

Dr. Fuellmich is the legal gatekeeper. Otherwise, they would have invited on people who really know how law works. But you can’t learn the truth if you (falsely) think you already know it. Fuellmich knows shit about natural law or common law. His comments imply that he just picked up these terms recently and thinks to have a grasp on them.

I don’t really think they’re (knowingly) controlled opposition, I think they’re just that ignorant and behind the curve on how the world that the psychopaths that be created really works. My current understanding is that Fuellmich has a big ego and a big mouth, but no real clue.

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