Startseite » Aktuelles » Viren » Teil 6 von 14Jan. 2008:* Covert ‘human trials’ of Sanofi-Pasteur H5N1 vaccine is conducted on 350 homeless vagrants in P…

Teil 6 von 14Jan. 2008:* Covert ‘human trials’ of Sanofi-Pasteur H5N1 vaccine is conducted on 350 homeless vagrants in P…

Teil 6 von 14

Jan. 2008:

* Covert ‘human trials’ of Sanofi-Pasteur H5N1 vaccine is conducted on 350 homeless vagrants in Poland.
* According to London Telegraph ( and Examininer articles, this results in 21 “instant” deaths and over 200 severely incapacitated or hospitalized.” Development and sales of H5N1 vaccine continues.

February 14, 2008:

* U.S. Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, commander of North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command, and Canadian Air Force Lt.-Gen. Marc Dumais, commander of Canada Command, sign a Civil Assistance Plan that allows the military from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a civil emergency.
* “Our commands were created by our respective governments to respond to the defense and security challenges of the twenty-first century, and we both realize that these and other challenges are best met through cooperation between friends….

* The plan facilitates the military-to-military support of civil authorities once government authorities have agreed on an appropriate response.”

* Avian Flu response is a part of NorthCom’s mission, and according to Gen. Stubblebine’s analysis, appears to be the primary element in its mission:

June 17, 2008

* Dr. David Nabarro, UN Influenza Coordinator, welcomes a donation of 60 million doses of H5N1 Avian Flu vaccine by Sanofi-Pasteur.
* This adds to the stockpile of a previous donation of 30 million doses by GlaxoSmithKline Dr. Nabarro said that good progress had been made but Avian Flu could still kill as many of 150 million people.
* Avian Flu still entrenched in Viet Nam, Bangladesh, India, Egypt and India [sic] says Dr. Nabarro.
* Outbreaks recorded in 60 more countries according to US Influenza Coordinator.

But the people who make vaccines are ethical and look out for our best interests don’t they? The cold, hard fact is that vaccine makers are neither ethical nor concerned with health and longevity of their recipients.

Remember: vaccination remains an uninurable risk: no parent, physician or pharmaceutical company can buy insurance against vaccine induced harm. The insurance industry refuses to accept the risk. That’s why Congress created the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program that is funded by a special tax added to the cost of each vaccine shot: we pay to protect pharmaceutical company profits.

Vaccines can be used for a great deal more than just for what it says on the label. After all, faced with a syringe of fluid, who is to say exactly what is in there and what the intended, or unintended outcomes of being injected will be?

It takes a huge amount of faith to allow a hypodermic under your skin. That faith is, the Natural Solutions Foundation believes, without significant basis.

Shielded by the FDA, vaccine (and drug) manufacturers are immune from prosecution for wrong doing and continue to do wrong with horrifying impunity. That’s even BEFORE the Avian Flu weaponization and subsequent vaccine development. A few examples out of many, many will sufficice:

April, 1930

* Eli Lilly, makers of Thimerisol, inject the product into 22 people with meningitis who all die. Lilly publishes the “study”, claiming that thimerisol, 50% mercury by weight, is safe.
Homeless people die after bird flu vaccine trial in Poland

Three Polish doctors and six nurses are facing criminal prosecution after a number of homeless people died following medical trials for a vaccine to the H5N1 bird-flu virus.

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