Startseite » Aktuelles » Corona » Prof. Bhakdi erkundet die Unwirksamkeit der Polio-Impfung erstmals vor drei Jahren im Zusammenhang mit den C…

Prof. Bhakdi erkundet die Unwirksamkeit der Polio-Impfung erstmals vor drei Jahren im Zusammenhang mit den C…

Prof. Bhakdi fiel das erste Mal auf, daß die Polio-Impfung nie geschützt habe, vor drei Jahren im Zusammenhang mit den Corona-Widersprüchen. Dann stellte er fest, daß Impfungen von Anbeginn Betrug gewesen seien. Aber an die Tollwut- und Tetanusimpfung glaubt er kurioserweise dennoch.

Typische Halbaufklärung, wie auch bei Steve Kirsch, der weiterhin an echte Viren (“Wildviren”) glaubt, aber eine Diskussionsserie darüber bereits nach der ersten Sendung beendete, weil er keine Argumente mehr hatte.

🔥🔥“It has never really been shown that any vaccines work against viruses… I came to realize I had been making a great mistake. And all of this [vaccine science] was fraudulent from the very beginning.” 🔥🔥

Sucharit Bhakdi, a retired Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and former Chair of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, describes for Charles Kovess (@CharlesKovess) et al. how he’s come to the conclusion that the vast majority of “vaccine” science is fraudulent. Bhakdi, who’s been an outspoken critic of the COVID injections, highlights a lack of placebo-controlled trials for “vaccines,” as well as faulty mechanisms of action.

Bhakdi begins his criticisms of vaccines by highlighting the smallpox “vaccine,” which he claims was “the Big Bang of the medicinal-military complex.”

“[T]his compulsory vaccination against smallpox was a fraud, the whole thing was a fraud,” Bhakdi says. “It’s not true that smallpox eradication has come to be because of this vaccination; this vaccination never worked. This is something that people don’t know, but they must know.”

Likewise he says that the polio “vaccine” was/is “such a fraud,” along with the “vaccines” for yellow fever and dengue fever. (He notes the latter injections were responsible for the deaths of “hundreds of children” in the Philippines.)

Furthermore, Bhakdi says that “flu vaccines have never worked… and will not work and cannot work… [as] airborne viruses that don’t enter the bloodstream cannot be stopped at the door [i.e. mucous membranes].” He adds, “because it’s the front door of your house and you’re sitting in your living room, and that’s where the bloodstream is, and that’s where the antibodies are… so we do not have these antibodies against the virus, and even if we had them, they would be overrun because… the number of antibodies on mucosal surfaces are limited…”

Interestingly, Bhakdi does believe that the rabies “vaccine” is worthwhile, as that viral infection occurs after a bite (meaning it enters the bloodstream). He believes the same for the tetanus “vaccine.”

Bhakdi notes that for 40 years he taught that “vaccine” science was sound, but then changed his mind post COVID.

“[T]his COVID story has put me on the track [to the truth about the fraudulent science], because I started reading up,” he tells Kovess, et al. “I came to realize I had been making a great mistake. And all of this was fraudulent from the very beginning.”
Sense Receptor (@SenseReceptor) on X

🔥🔥“It has never really been shown that any vaccines work against viruses… I came to realize I had been making a great mistake. And all of this [vaccine science] was fraudulent from the very beginning.” 🔥🔥

Sucharit Bhakdi, a retired Professor Emeritus of…

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