

28.02.2016: Murdered Holistic Doctors Update

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Erin Elizabeth, Dr. Joseph Mercola and family members of murdered holistic doctor Jeffrey Bradstreet, joined Foster and Kimberly in the ThriveTogether Think Tank to dive deeper into what the recently murdered holistic doctors knew, the links between them, and what we can do about it.

For more information on this subject please be sure to review critical information uncovered by Foster, detailed here in his blog:
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Dr. Bradstreet, Nagalase, and the Viral Issue in Autism
14 July 2016

Although my daughter is not a patient of Dr. Jeff Bradstreet I’ve always had an enormous amount of respect for the good doctor.  I’ll usually go on his website once or twice a month to find out what has most recently attracted his interest.  Often it seems we’re looking at similar questions; which either means great minds think alike, or we suffer from some of the same delusions. 

I was intrigued by his October 11, 2011 entry, “An Update on Viral Issue in Autism” since it dovetailed with some of my own recent investigations.

In the past months Dr. Bradstreet has become interested in nagalese, which he describes as an enzyme “produced by cancer cells and viruses.”  He thinks it unlikely that children with autism have undiagnosed cancers, and thus suspicion falls on a viral etiology.  Dr. Bradstreet writes, “Viruses make the nagalese enzyme as part of their attachment proteins.  It serves to get the virus into the cell and also decreases the body’s immune reaction to the virus-thereby increasing the odds of viral survival.”

Further on Dr. Bradstreet writes, “It is reasonable and likely that the nature of the immune dysfunction and the frequently observed autoimmune problems in autism are mediated by persistent, unresolved viral infections.”  He claims to have tested approximately 400 children with autism for the viral marker, nagalese, and found that nearly 80% have significantly elevated levels.  He hopes to publish soon on this study and believes this information “is one of the most important developments in the clinical treatment of children on the spectrum that I have experienced in the last 15 years.”

Dr. Bradstreet’s article got my attention because of my daughter’s own nagalese testing.  I had her tested back in May (when she’d endured three hospitalizations due to uncontrolled seizures) and her reading was 3.3 (reference range 0.35-0.95).  In desparation we tried the ketogenic diet (high fats and low carbs), and although there have been some rough patches since May we have avoided further hospitalizations.

And her stools normalized. 

Yes, I know all of you realize how important that is.  We’re talking months and months of good stools.  Seizures down at least 80%.  So of course, your friendly neighborhood science teacher was interested in what her nagalese levels might be, so we did a retest in late September.  This time her reading was 1.7.  It was about a 50% drop, and while it’s still abnormal, it is progress.  It makes me wonder if a low-carb diet starves viruses of an energy source.

There are critics of nagalese testing.  Dr. Enlander, a specialist in chronic fatigue syndrome/ME, another disease which may be viral in origin, doesn’t believe the tests are sensitive enough to be of any value.  And he may be right.

Dr. Bradstreet also discusses a substance called GcMAF, which I don’t have enough information about to make an informed judgment, and that after viral clearance, the possibility of using neuronal stem cells which can cross the blood-brain barrier.  I really can’t comment on the advisability of either suggestion.

But if you are like me, still looking for that clue which might help your child join the ranks of the recovered, you might investigate nagalese. 

Kent Heceknlively is a Contributing Editor to Age of Autism



Quelle: Waybackmachine.

Impfen sie unsere Kinder nicht nur fahrlässig krank, sondern vorsätzlich?

Gibt es einen okkulten Grund hinter dem Impfen – und warum innerhalb von ein paar Wochen in den USA schon sechs impfgegnerische Ärzte sterben müssen? Sie haben offenbar herausgefunden, daß das Nagalase-Enzym durch Impfstoffe in den Körper eingebracht wird und dort u.a. zu Autismus führt!



Der impfgegnerische Arzt Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, der Impfungen für Autismus verantwortlich machte, tot im Fluß gefunden!


Auch Mikrobiologen leben gefährlich:


15.09.2014: Mysteriöse Todesfälle unter Virologen – ermordet oder „geselbstmordet“
J. D. Heyes

Zitat: “Seit 2004 sind zahlreiche Wissenschaftler gestorben, viele von ihnen unter mysteriösen Umständen – und in alternativen Medien fragt man sich mittlerweile bei manchen Fällen, warum.

Erst kürzlich wurde ein Wissenschaftler tot aufgefunden, dessen Verschwinden Rätsel aufgegeben hatte. Er war nicht irgendein Wissenschaftler und er stand nicht in Diensten der akademischen Welt, sondern der staatlichen National Institutes of Health in Maryland [eine Behörde des US-Gesundheitsministeriums, vorrangig zuständig für biomedizinische Forschung]. Das berichtet die Website All News Pipeline, die die mysteriösen Todesfälle genauer untersucht hat.

Laut der Website war Dr. Marin John Rogers Spezialist für Tropenmedizin, insbesondere für Malaria. »Dieser Tod alleine wäre trotz der mysteriösen Umstände normalerweise nichts Besonderes, gäbe es nicht die lange … sehr lange Liste toter Wissenschaftler, die bereits seit 2004 dokumentiert ist.« Auszüge aus dieser Dokumentation finden Sie hier: SteveQuayle.com.

Berichten zufolge wurde Rogers in der Nähe seines demolierten Autos aufgefunden, das am 4. September im Westen von Maryland von der Straße abgekommen und eine Böschung hinuntergestürzt war. Er wurde jedoch bereits seit dem 21. August vermisst; an diesem Tag hatte er sein Haus verlassen und sich auf den Weg zu seiner Arbeitsstelle im renommierten NIH-Forschungszentrum in der Nähe von Washington, D.C. gemacht. Aktuell könnten die Behörden noch keine Aussagen über die Todesursache machen, doch eine Obduktion sei angeordnet, schreibt The Baxter Bulletin, eine Zeitung der Gannett-Gruppe.”

04.04.2013: Thomas Bauer: Impfkritik kostet Apothekensprecher sein Amt
Zitat: “Freising – Weil er sich öffentlich kritisch zum Thema “Impfen” äußerte, musste Apothekensprecher Thomas Bauer jetzt seinen Posten räumen.
Die Wirksamkeit so mancher Impfung bezweifelt der Inhaber der „Klosterapotheke“, dafür würden seiner Meinung nach die Nebenwirkungen heruntergespielt. Komplikationen würden den Nutzen überwiegen. Fazit seiner Erkenntnisse: „Die nicht geimpften Kinder sind auf Dauer die gesünderen Kinder.“
– Quelle: Merkur, 04.04.2013.

10.06.2023: Jessica Rojas: Nearly 8 years has passed since Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet


“Nearly 8 years has passed since Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet, a renowned physician known for his skepticism of immunizations (particularly the MMR vaccine) and his progressive autism research was found dead, floating in a North Carolina river with a single gunshot wound.

His family still has no answers. Leading up to his death, Bradstreet was working with a highly controversial molecule that occurs naturally within the human body and is believed to be capable of treating and reversing autism. Researchers claim that GcMAF (Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor), which becomes the GC protein after combining with vitamin D in the body, is effective for treating HIV, diabetes and diseases of the liver and kidneys.

More importantly, GcMAF experts predict that the natural molecule has the potential to be a universal cure for cancer. Due to the controversial nature of Bradstreet’s research, as well as the fact that his office was raided by officials with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in the days leading up his death, the physician’s family hired a private investigator in hopes of finding the truth about Bradstreet’s untimely demise. GcMAF around the Globe People in 80 nations have used GcMAF. News stories about GcMAF are not published by newspapers or TV, but circulated via the Internet.

Conspiracy Theories Become Real The GcMAF story gives every cancer conspiracy theorist all the evidence needed to convince others there is a concerted effort to hide what appears to be a bona-fide, natural cancer cure that can be spun out of blood plasma obtained from healthy adults. In this Internet era, how long can valid cancer cures be covered up? How many doctors can they shoot or otherwise kill (63 to date, a new one very week) before the public catches on?

Cancer Cells Activate Nagalase Many natural medicine doctors in the U.S., who oppose mass childhood vaccination for infectious diseases, also recommend or administer GcMAF for cancer and other maladies. Moreover, some of these doctors accomplish full recovery of 60% of non-verbal autistic children and were said in news reports to have discovered that vaccines are laced with an enzyme, nagalase (N-acetyl-galactosaminidase) that facilitates the spread of cancer. GcMAF drastically reduces nagalase levels, and treats many vaccine-induced diseases.”

Photo: Bradstreet, fair use.
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