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Hospital Death Camps Exposed “You can check-in, but you can never leave” is becoming the slogan of …

⚠️ Hospital Death Camps Exposed

You can check-in, but you can never leave” is becoming the slogan of US hospitals treating COVID-19.

“COVID patients in America’s hospitals today are actually being treated worse than prisoners in American jails,” Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet said. They are being held hostage and segregated from loved ones. And the reason is money.

“They (the hospitals) are paid by the government to do a PCR test on every patient who walks in the door… Then they are paid extra for a COVID admission to the hospital, they are paid an extra 20% bonus on the entire hospital bill, if the hospital ONLY uses Remdesivir to treat the patient. 

“And then if the patient goes on a ventilator, which is a consequence of some of the toxicity of Remdesivir and the restriction of fluids and nutrients that they are also doing, and once the patient is on a ventilator there is ANOTHER incentive bonus to the hospitals. If the patient dies in the hospital, there is another incentive payment,” Vliet said. See mark 11:55.

Dr. Vliet further clarified that Remdesivir, a failed Ebola drug that proved ineffective and highly toxic, is used as the FDA’s approved COVID treatment, and is associated with organ toxicity, making patients sicker and more likely to require a ventilator, and hence more likely for the hospital to get a larger bonus payment.

“Thomas Renz, an attorney investigating some of these hospital abuses, has data from whistleblowers, now under Federal Whistleblower protection, and they have calculated that the hospitals, at a minimum, are making $100,000 extra per COVID patient, for following all of these directives, and not deviating from them,” Vliet continued. See mark 12:50.

She explains that these patients are restricted access from their family members. 
“Basically, they do not want the family to know what’s going on, and they don’t want the public to know – it’s been terribly censored,” Vliet said. “It’s very difficult for any outside family members or physicians to be able to get information.” See mark 13:17 to 13:43.


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