Startseite » Aktuelles » Corona » Conclusive Thread by Steve Massey (follow-endorsement by me – “bobby approved”) on the RaTG13-saga:h…

Conclusive Thread by Steve Massey (follow-endorsement by me – “bobby approved”) on the RaTG13-saga:h…

Conclusive Thread by Steve Massey (follow-endorsement by me – “bobby approved”) on the RaTG13-saga:


“If RaTG13 were in ‘live’ culture it implies other unreported coronaviruses closely related to SARS2 may have been isolated. Given that a virus closely related to SARS2 was likely in live culture at the WIV, this adds additional plausibility to a lab leak from the WIV

…as the conduit for the emergence of the COVID19 pandemic. This scenario is supported by the shocking revelation that RaTG13 was worked on in a ‘BSL-2 cabinet’ at the WIV, according to Yu Ping’s thesis

…and the additional shocking revelation that WIV1, a SARS1-related live isolate from Shitou Cave, Yunnan Province was cultured at BSL2 at the WIV, remarkably reported in the following Nature article:
Steve Massey (@stevenemassey) on X

Evidence for ‘live’ RaTG13 at WIV

Here, I conclude this series of threads demonstrating RaTG13 was generated from a bat transcriptome and not a fecal swab. This implies it was live cultured, contradicting public statements made by the scientists…

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