Startseite » Aktuelles » Corona » 6. Virus delusionIt has been drummed into the public’s psyche that Covid-19 is a new disease (despit…

6. Virus delusionIt has been drummed into the public’s psyche that Covid-19 is a new disease (despit…

6. Virus delusion

It has been drummed into the public’s psyche that Covid-19 is a new disease (despite having no new symptoms) caused by a new coronavirus named SARS-CoV-2. Very few people would even dream of questioning this claim. But how exactly do virologists demonstrate that a new virus exists and causes specific symptoms?

The first step should be to isolate and purify the virus – i.e. separate virus particles from all other cellular components. This would involve taking a sample from many patients, filtering it, and spinning it at high speed in a density-gradient ultracentrifuge, so that all the virus particles end up in the same band of the test tube. They can then be extracted with a pipette, photographed with an electron microscope, chemically analyzed, and their genome can be sequenced end to end. This procedure is used to isolate bacteriophages, usually said to be ‘viruses’ that ‘infect’ bacteria (though they really appear be assisting the bacteria).

However, this procedure has never been used to isolate SARS-CoV-2 or any other alleged disease-causing virus. Instead, virologists take a sample from a sick person and then add this fluid – which contains all kinds of contaminants (including the presumed virus) – to a culture of human or monkey cells that have been starved of nutrients and poisoned with antibiotics and other chemicals. If some of the cells then become unhealthy or die, the invisible virus is assumed to be responsible – and is said to have been ‘isolated’. This is a bit like hearing a croaking sound coming from a pond, and then declaring the pond to be an isolated toad!

But what happens if the tissue culture is starved and poisoned but no human sample (and therefore no alleged virus) is added? Virologists never perform this simple control experiment. But other scientists have done so, and found that the cells still get sick and die even without the supposed virus (Tom Cowan). What’s more, it is well known nowadays that when cells break down, they produce all kinds of particles indistinguishable from ‘viruses’ – known, among other things, as extracellular vesicles and exosomes, which are believed to eliminate unwanted materials and transport proteins and genetic material to other cells. Virologists admit that there is no method for reliably separating such vesicles from ‘viruses’. And while they’re unable to properly isolate viruses, then can and do isolate exosomes (SOVI).

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