Startseite » Aktuelles » Corona » Gelogene Ungeimpften-Zahlen: Es gibt Millionen mehr Impffreie als die Behörden behauptenhttps://vacc…

Gelogene Ungeimpften-Zahlen: Es gibt Millionen mehr Impffreie als die Behörden behauptenhttps://vacc…

The CDC Caught in their Own Lies: The Unvaccinated in the U.S. for COVID-19 is “Millions” More than Originally Reported – Vaccine…

For almost a year now I have been stating that the CDC has been lying to the public about the COVID-19 shots, using their own data from VAERS to prove it. Now the corporate media is reporting the same thing: the CDC’s statistics on COVID-19 “vaccines,” in…

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