Startseite » Aktuelles » Corona » THERE WAS NO PANDEMIC IN 2020Image from Irish government official statistics office, all deaths in …

THERE WAS NO PANDEMIC IN 2020Image from Irish government official statistics office, all deaths in …

THERE WAS NO PANDEMIC IN 2020Image from Irish government official statistics office, all deaths in ...

🚑 🤡


Image from Irish government official statistics office, all deaths in 2019 and 2020

631 extra deaths compared to 2019

Does 631 deaths constitute a pandemic in the traditional sense of the word?

All bearing in mind that the corrupt Irish pharma-government closed hospitals to everything but Covid, disease treatment was cancelled, and suicide rose during lockdowns.

How many of those 631 were caused by missed disease treatment & suicide? And nursing home deaths from sending elderly people out of half empty hospitals into understaffed nursing homes?

See for yourself…

Google search “cso death figures 2020″…

or go to this link ⤵️

It’s all lies. It’s undeniable.

Are you listening Garda lurkers? On overtime from your Brit MI5 Daddy Drew?

Have you got kids getting cocktails of shit injected into them for a lie?

Are you going to start making some fucking arrests soon or what?

Bei Telegram

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