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Teil 1 von 14Zeitplan von Dr. Rima Laibow von der Experimental-Grippe-Zwangs-Impfung 1917 für alle n…

Teil 1 von 14

Zeitplan von Dr. Rima Laibow von der Experimental-Grippe-Zwangs-Impfung 1917 für alle neuen US-Rekruten bis zu heutigen Plandemien

Weaponized Avian Flu Intelligence Report, Video & Updates

What I Have To Tell You Is Not Comfortable or Pretty.
But this Report Could Save Your Life,
Especially the Action Steps at the end of this Report.

Let’s start with a few quotes:

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out… without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable.”
– H L Mencken

“No country and no people can be free and ignorant at the same time.”
– Thomas Jefferson

“The only safe vaccine is the one that is never used.”
– James Shannon
Former National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director

“I haven’t got a flu shot and I don’t intend to.”
– George W. Bush 2004 Presidential Candidate

This Natural Solutions Intelligence Report
Could Save Your Life.

Or you can ignore it, but that choice might kill you. It’s your choice. The tale which you need to hear is a long, complicated one, winding its way from China to France by way of the First World War, Rockefeller’s Oil Cartel, Sanofi-Pasteur and Iraq to its final destination: A syringe full of something claiming to be a vaccine against the now-deadly Avian Flu imported from China and filled in a plant in the US. Filled with what? Nothing good. This is not a story to be told in a few brief paragraphs.

It is long and complicated but I urge you to read it and then to take the steps listed and please, SHARE THIS INFORMATION AS WIDELY AS POSSIBLE.

Avian Flu Has Already Been Weaponized

I’ll give you the bottom line first: based on Gen. Stubblebine’s careful analysis of the existing evidence, Avian Flu has already been turned into a pandemic virus with a lot of sophisticated help from people who are not your friends, but who are very good at weaponizing organisms, like the previously innocuous bird flu virus, H5N1.

There is a basic virological fact you need to know to make sense of what comes next: it is impossible to make a vaccine against a virus that does not yet exist. Public relations efforts to the contrary, IF a vaccine is being made against the Avian Flu virus in its pandemic form, that means that the pandemic virus already exists. Period. End of discussion. So that fact that the Avian Flu vaccine is already being manufactured in China by Sanofi-Pasteur, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the French arm of the Rockefeller oil cartel (Total Petroleum) is confirmation of what you are about to read. If you allow it to be introduced into your body, there is no reason to imagine it will be anything but an unmitigated disaster for your immune system and for you. We believe it’s planned to be that way.

I do not know A. True Ott, PhD, but he was kind enough to send me a PDF file recently in which he puts a lot of the pieces together that I have been finding in my own research. Some of his conclusions I have serious difficulty with, but parts of his chronology are used here with appreciation.

Let’s start with the basics: H5N1 is a benign, commonplace virus which most birds carry with no harm to themselves or humans. Humans also have viruses we have no problem with: these viral companions keep our immune systems healthy and humming. Only under the stimulus of novel and dangerous toxins which your body has no way to get rid of (detoxify), and stress which overwhelms your coping capacity, does an innocuous virus mutate and become something that can make you sick or kill you.

All human cases of H5N1 have occurred in areas of sick birds in large concentrations such as factory farms where handlers come into contact with stressed and sick birds in toxic surroundings where toxic residues are concentrated at high levels.

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