Startseite » Aktuelles » Corona » Dr Peter McCullough:1. The adverse reaction are NOT rare. They are so common, 383000 safety reports, that is more than a…

Dr Peter McCullough:1. The adverse reaction are NOT rare. They are so common, 383000 safety reports, that is more than a…

Dr Peter McCullough:1. The adverse reaction are NOT rare. They are so common, 383000 safety reports, that is more than a...

Dr Peter McCullough:

1. The adverse reaction are NOT rare. They are so common, 383000 safety reports, that is more than any medical product in history by a mile. These adverse reactions are far too common and worrisome .

2. Typical for a drug, 5 unexplained death, it is a black box warning, 50 deaths then it is off the market!

2. Swine Flu scare of 1976 … 25 death, 500 GBS and 22 million vaccinated, The The Vaccine is off the market!

3. Entire annual death toll of USA for 70 different vaccines and 500 million vaccines is about 150 – 160 Deaths.

4. Death toll for covd19: 6300 deaths! and it it is not even one year!

44% of covid vaccine deaths occurred within 48 hours after the shots!!! yet the vaccines are not off the market.

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