Startseite » Aktuelles » Corona » Corona panic: Plunged into disaster by a sham pandemic? Free PDF availableThe so-called “Corona crisis” has ushered us …

Corona panic: Plunged into disaster by a sham pandemic? Free PDF availableThe so-called “Corona crisis” has ushered us …

🇬🇧Corona panic: Plunged into disaster by a sham pandemic?

🆓 Free PDF available

The so-called “Corona crisis” has ushered us into a world that few months ago would have been inconceivable. And to declare a “pandemic” was all it took. Under the pretext of exceptional measures, governments can now curtail our civil liberties in both the public and private domain, and thereby infringe on our right to live our lives as we see fit. Lockdowns and social distancing bear witness to the emergence of a global dystopia as economic fallout from “Corona” casts a long shadow over the future of entire societies. The long-predicted “crash” could be imminent. But is this a fair price to pay? Or is the cost of a wrecked economy far greater than the threat posed by an alleged virus? We ought to ask ourselves whether we are really facing such a severe infectious disease before plunging entire countries into recession. If that was not the case, politicians as well as the media would be caught up in a colossal scandal of their own making. What if it ever came to light that the WHO & Co. overplayed the “Covid-19 pandemic”? It would mean that the world was brought to its knees without rhyme or reason. Is that the case? Let’s get right to it!

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(free digital issue available)

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