Startseite » Aktuelles » Corona » A groundbreaking new scientific paper exposes the suppression and censorship of doctors and medical experts who opposed …

A groundbreaking new scientific paper exposes the suppression and censorship of doctors and medical experts who opposed …

A groundbreaking new scientific paper exposes the suppression and censorship of doctors and medical experts who opposed ...

A groundbreaking new scientific paper exposes the suppression and censorship of doctors and medical experts who opposed and challenged the official COVID-19 narrative.

Published in the sociological journal Minerva, “Censorship and Suppression of Covid-19 Heterodoxy: Tactics and Counter-Tactics,” details the experiences of medical professionals who spoke out against public health directives, and how they responded to efforts to suppress them:

I was banned from Twitter in March 2021 (see pic of banned people above) immediately after having posted D4CE’ first open letter to the EMA, in which we had expressed our concerns about the “COVID injections”, all of which have unfortunately been confirmed by now.

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