
Impfpflicht – Impfzwang & die Menschenrechte

Impfpflicht – Impfzwang & die Menschenrechte – Seite 4

Bild: BRP
Bild: BRP, mit freundlicher Genehmigung.

Foto: Privat.
Foto: Privat.

Geschichte wiederholt sich:

“In the Supreme Court, Columbia County, N.Y., in 1910, Judge Le Boeuf, in the second trial of the Bolinger case, instructed the jury as follows:

“Now I have charged you that the assault which is claimed to have existed here due to the forcible vaccination, that is, if it as against this man’s will, is one which you must consider. And the reason of that is: This man, in the eyes of the law, just as you and I and all of us in this courtroom, has the right to be let alone. We all have the right to the freedom of our persons and that freedom of our persons may not be unlawfully invaded. That is a great right. It is one of the most important rights we have.”

Impfpflicht - Impfzwang & die Menschenrechte

Foto: Vaxopedia, fair use.
Foto: Vaxopedia, fair use.

Impfpflicht - Impfzwang & die Menschenrechte
Foto: Eigenes.
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