Startseite » Aktuelles » Viren » The no virus people: Tom Cowan, Stefan Lanka, Andrew Kaufman, Sam Bailey, Mark Bailey, …Are all spreaders of misinform…

The no virus people: Tom Cowan, Stefan Lanka, Andrew Kaufman, Sam Bailey, Mark Bailey, …Are all spreaders of misinform…

The no virus people: Tom Cowan, Stefan Lanka, Andrew Kaufman, Sam Bailey, Mark Bailey, …Are all spreaders of misinformation. Here is my final word on this topic – Steve Kirsch “Please stop asking me about the “no virus” people which include the people above…

Steve Kirsch has decided that there should be no round #2 with a virologist! He also kinda low-key insulted me. Check it out:
Please politely comment as to why you think he should reconsider.

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