Startseite » Aktuelles » Viren » Teil 11 von 14Possible Confirmation No. 2 comes from the news today of hysteria management in the Ho…

Teil 11 von 14Possible Confirmation No. 2 comes from the news today of hysteria management in the Ho…

Teil 11 von 14

Possible Confirmation No. 2 comes from the news today of hysteria management in the House of Lords. Desperate cries of “Save us! Give us the miracle vaccine!” are what is inevitable, not a pandemic flu – unless it is released on the population — or injected in a vaccine.

A member of the Natural Solutions Foundation Advisory Board notified us today about a story that appeared today, two days after we sent out the information about the weaponization of Avian flu and the scheduled delivery of 100 million “vaccine” doses by Sanofi-Pasteur from China to the US next month. In a story whose headline reads: “World warned over killer flu pandemic!”, Ben Russell writes in the Independent (London), on July 21, 2008 that,

“The world is failing to guard against the inevitable spread of a devastating flu pandemic which could kill 50 million people and wreak massive disruption around the globe, the Government has warned….

“The Government’s evidence appeared in a highly critical report from the Lords Intergovernmental Organizations Committee, which attacked the World Health Organization (WHO) as “dysfunctional” and criticized the international response to the threat of an outbreak of disease which could sweep across the globe… The report called for a fundamental overhaul of the WHO’s regional offices around the world. “Given the threats to global health that we face from newly emerging infectious diseases, a dysfunctional organizational structure within the world’s principal policy-making, standard-setting and surveillance body simply cannot be afforded.”

“The Government said: “While there has not been a pandemic since 1968, another one is inevitable.” Ministers said it would could kill between two and 50 million people worldwide and that such an outbreak would leave up to 75,000 people dead in Britain and cause “massive” disruption…”

“The House of Lords appears to be preparing the population for inoculation as a positive measure: “While much progress has been made in the past 10 years in improving global surveillance and response systems, much remains to be done if we are to detect new strains of the virus and counter them before they have had the chance to spread….

A government briefing given to the committee warned: ‘Not all countries have the resources or capacities to put in place a seasonal influenza vaccination policy and, in the event of an influenza pandemic, it is also recognized that current stock will not meet world-wide demand.[Italics added. This is seriously flawed logic: seasonal flu vaccines have precious little effect against seasonal flu and NONE against the supposedly not-yet-pandemic variety of the H5N1 virus. It is impossible to make a vaccine for a virus which does not exist – REL]…

There needs to be an improvement to rapid response strategies in poorer, more vulnerable, countries. [Read: forced vaccination – REL]….

Norman Lamb, the Liberal Democrats’ health spokesman, likened the threat from a pandemic to the threat of international terrorism. [Emphasis added – REL] … ‘Globally there has been massive attention to the threat from terrorism and rightly so. But the potential for loss of life from a pandemic is massive, enormous and yet we stare a disaster in the face and we see a chaotic, uncoordinated and incoherent international response to it’.”

Clearly, international pressure for a miracle “fix” — a vaccine, is mounting. How very convenient!

The information in this Health Freedom eAlert blast is so important that we are sending it out again to give more people a chance to open it and pass it on.
World warned over killer flu pandemic

The world is failing to guard against the inevitable spread of a devastating flu pandemic which could kill 50 million people and wreak massive disruption around the globe, the Government has warned.

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