

28.06.2024, ViroLIEgy: The Magic Trick
Zitat: ” It is clear that many of the diseases that are commonly vaccinated for decreased dramatically before any vaccine was ever introduced. In fact, both Typhoid and Scarlett fever declined without any vaccine whatsoever. These same trends were noted in other countries such as the USA and England. The improvement in these diseases was not due to vaccines but were instead the direct result of better sanitation and waste removal as well as easier access to fresh food and clean water.
There is no reason to give any vaccine credit for the sharp drops in disease already in a steep decline prior to their introduction. For more on these precipitous declines, please see this excellent article on Whale.to.

The realization that these diseases declined without the presence of any vaccines is pretty damning in and of itself. However, there is a trick that is regularly utilized in order to create the illusion that the introduction of a vaccine was the reason for any decrease and eventual disappearance of a specific disease and its associated “virus.”

This trick is the reclassification and rebranding of the exact same symptoms of disease into many other separate and new diseases. This shuffling of the same symptoms into different categories is another factor, along with better sanitation and nutrition, for a perceived decrease in these diseases. This can be easily demonstrated by looking at both smallpox and polio as, even though these diseases are said to be either “eradicated” or close to it, the same symptoms still persist under various other names. Let’s take a look at both of these situations and see what we can reveal about the magician’s tricks. […]

Hopefully the magic tricks utilized to create the appearance of the effectiveness of the vaccines has become clearer now and will no longer be effective to persuade anyone on the fence. When a “virus” needs to be either eradicated or minimized, all it takes is hiding the symptoms of disease under various names and disguises with either a new “viral” and/or bacterial cause. This decrease can also be helped along by reducing or eliminating environmental toxins associated with the same symptoms of disease and by changing the diagnostic criteria in order to make diagnosis less likely as seen in the case with polio.

We have seen this same situation with “Covid-19.” When the flu and other respiratory “viruses” needed to disappear for ‘Covid” to emerge, the symptoms were lumped into “Covid” along with many other unrelated ailments. Remember “Covid toes” and MIS-C, a.k.a. frostbite and Kawasaki disease? Cases of all “non-Covid” diseases dropped dramatically, even cancers and heart attacks. However, once the vaccine needed to be shown to be effective, “Covid” cases decreased while the “flu” and “RSV” re-emerged along with other respiratory diseases and ailments. They can keep this magic trick going as long as we continue to get hoodwinked by their theatrics. However, if you can see past the illusions, they will have to come up with new tricks in order to fool you. Let’s continue to unveil their deceptions until they have nothing left to pull out of their hat.”

Schon 1889 bewiesen: Impfen ist laut 45 Jahren amtlicher Statistiken nutzlos und gefährlich
Alfred Russel Wallace LL.D. (Dr. jur.): Forty-five years of registration statistics, proving vaccination to be both useless and dangerous. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 2nd ed. by Alexander Wheeler, London 1889.

pdf: Alfred R. Wallace – Forty-five Years of Registration Statistics, proving Vaccination to be both useless and dangerous (London 1889).
Vgl. ↓ 11. Historische Impfkritik

13.12.2023: Prof. Christian Rieck: Vorsätzlich keine Datenerhebung

Warum zur Corona-“Pandemie” vorsätzlich keine Daten erhoben wurden, wie das Grundgesetz ‘rechts’ wurde und wie die “Umweltschutz-Partei” und Deutschland weltweit den Klimaschutz ruinieren.


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