
Schütteltrauma (SBS)

09.01.2015: The Syndrome documentary Director/Producer Meryl Goldsmith WSCA radio interview with Shawn Henderson WSCA’s Shawn Henderson interviews The Syndrome Director/Producer Meryl Goldsmith for the 2014 New Hampshire Film Festival. October 17th 2014.
16.08.2015: ITW Meryl Goldsmith The Syndrome 18.08.2015: The Syndrome interview Aria McKenna of Reel-LIIFE interviews Meryl Goldsmith about her film, “The Syndrome”.
28.04.2016: THE SYNDROME – Interview w/ Susan Goldsmith & Dr. Ronald Uscinski (New York, NY) Blacktree TV and host Nicole Soul sit down with Investigative Reporter Susan Goldsmith and Neurosurgeon Dr. Ronald Uscinski to talk about the explosive documentary ‘THE SYNDROME’, which follows the crusade of a group of doctors, scientists, and legal scholars who have uncovered that “shaken baby syndrome” (SBS), a child abuse theory used in hundreds of US prosecutions each year, doesn’t exist. ‘THE SYNDROME ‘ is directed by Meryl Goldsmith and is available in select theaters and VOD now. www.thesyndromefilm.com 02.06.2016: Jennifer Salci Interviews Meryl Goldsmith Jennifer Salci interviews Meryl Goldsmith, Filmmaker, about recent documentary “The Syndrome”. Jennifer is an expert storyteller with a passion for effective communication. She has a working network of professional filmmakers throughout the country that allows her to compile the perfect team of experts to meet the specific needs of corporations or non-profits. With diverse expertise in film, television, and journalism, Jennifer helps support companies that want to effectively share their message and achieve their goals. If you are looking for guidance in creating a documentary film about your corporation, we call this a ‘Corpumentary’, or a documentary film about your cause, we call this a ‘Causeumentary’, a private consultation with Jennifer is the place to start. Jennifer Salci and her team of experts will take you step-by-step through the details and direction necessary to envision, plan, film, edit, and distribute your film. Jennifer Salci has over a decade of experience in filmmaking and holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communications from the University of South Carolina.   She is the current president and board member of the Media Communications Association – International and previously has held the position of Vice President with the St. Louis chapter. http://www.JenniferSalci.com 19.08.2016: THE SYNDROME (Meryl Goldsmith’s Movie) Trailer Reaction by Jaby!
10.12.2016, Daily Mail: The Shaken Baby Martyr: Top brain doctor who was struck off for controversial claims speaks out on how jailed parents could be innocent 
  • Dr Waney Squires is back to work after being branded a ‘liar’ over her views
  • She questioned the validity of many cases of Shaken Baby Disorder 
  • After giving evidence against Lorraine Harris in 2000 for the death of her child, she spoke in her defence at a 2005 appeal
  • She was struck off in March for ‘deliberately misleading’ judges in SBS cases
[…] Early in 2010, the mild-mannered neuro-pathologist, now 68, was reported to the General Medical Council by police for ‘deliberately misleading’ judges and juries in Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) cases.

This led to a long-winded disciplinary inquiry and, in March this year, she was struck off the medical register.

It was only after a successful appeal to the High Court last month that she was reinstated as a doctor, although the judge barred her from giving evidence in SBS cases for the next three years.

[…] She changed her mind because of research by another neuropathologist, Dr Jennian Geddes, of the Royal London Hospital, who had become troubled by the number of SBS cases in which there was no sign of physical damage to the child’s fragile body other than the infamous triad of symptoms.

Dr Geddes questioned whether it was actually possible for anyone to shake a small baby so violently as to inflict SBS without there being bruising to the child’s upper arms or the rest of the body — after all, the forces involved in creating the three symptoms of SBS are, according to those medics who believe in it, the same as those involved in a 70mph car crash.

But Dr Geddes was perplexed by another mystery. She knew that when a baby was involved in a fatal car crash, it suffered traumatic damage to nerves in the brain, provoked by the effects of whiplash.

Surely a shaken baby, whose head would be moving back and forth with all the force of a violent car crash, would suffer from whiplash too?

To find out, Dr Geddes did something no one had done before. She compared the brains of 53 babies and children whose deaths had been attributed to violent shaking with those of youngsters killed in car crashes.

Her findings revealed that 50 out of the 53 brains of the so-called shaken babies showed no damage to the brain nerves. There was no whiplash effect, which convinced her that the babies could not have been shaken to death.

Dr Geddes concluded that the classic triad of symptoms could be produced by all manner of other traumas, often trivial-seeming ones. She found that a child rolling off a sofa, or banging itself in a baby bouncer, for instance, prompted retinal bleeding.

Dr. Harold Buttram & Christina England: Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine-Induced Encepahlitis

Schütteltrauma (SBS)In 1971 Norma Guthkelch, retired neurosurgeon,  published the first description of the Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS). Within the next several years John Caffey, pediatric radiologist, wrote several articles supporting the SBS theory. Very soon after, when infants were brought into hospital emergency rooms in the U.S.A. with findings of brain hemorrhages without known accidental explanations, these were commonly attributed to SBS, and parents or caretakers were often criminally convicted. Since that time conclusive evidence has emerged proving that these prosecutions have been founded upon tainted medical opinions and fundamentally flawed scientific methodology  (i.e. junk science). It requires little imagination to understand the significant mental pain which parents undergo while grieving over the death of a child, as frequently occurs in these cases. Accusing this parent of murdering their child (with no real evidence)  and putting the entire strength of the state behind this accusation is monstrous, when the entire accusation pivots upon facts which are now known to be false. Loss of job, loss of family and community ties follow the accusation. Moreover, the general public, the grand and petite juries, the states and the parties, all have an overwhelmingly strong interest in knowing if these prosecutions are founded upon reasonable interpretation of the facts — or — if the accusations are built around falsehoods and scientific impossibilities. It has been for the purpose of addressing these and other related issues that this book has been prepared. Vgl. auch gleichnamigen Online-Artikel bei jpands: Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine-Induced Encephalitis?, Zitat: “This article has been written to show that the theories on which the SBS is based are both undocumented and flawed and that convictions in many cases of the SBS may have been the result of misdiagnosis, the true cause of death or injury having been vaccine-related.”
For decades, the medical community has viewed the symptoms and diagnosis of Shaken Baby Syndrome as an incontrovertible truth. Waney Squier spent many of these years offering expert testimony in court cases before new evidence convinced her to change her perspective. In this important talk, Waney explains her reasons for speaking out, argues a new case for Shaken Baby Syndrome and discusses the challenges she faced when she questioned the conventional way of thinking. Dr Waney Squier is a Consultant Neuropathologist to the Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals and Honorary Clinical lecturer at University of Oxford. Her specialism is in the pathology of the developing brain in the foetus and neonate. Other areas of interest are developmental causes of epilepsy and muscle pathology. Dr Squier has carried out extensive research into the nature and timing of brain damage due to intrauterine and perinatal insults. As a result of this research, Dr Squier has published widely in peer-reviewed journals, edited a book on developmental brain damage, and acted as a prosecution and defence expert witness in cases of unexpected infant death. However, her court testimonies were shrouded in controversy after she began to question the research evidence and in 2001 changed her mind about the causes for ‘shaken baby’ cases. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Bild: Dieter/Pixabay. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung.
Bild: Dieter/Pixabay. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung.

Foto: Real Organic Truth, fair use.
Foto: Real Organic Truth, fair use.
Foto: Real Organic Truth, fair use.
Foto: Real Organic Truth, fair use.

Staatsversagen bei Fehldiagnosen SBS statt Impffolgen: Ärzte, Jugendamt und Gutachter berufen sich auf die offizielle Ignoranz oder systematisches Versagen wie in der Fachzeitschrift Rechtsmedizin 6/2017 dargestellt, wonach sie in der Literatur per “selektiver Recherche” keinen Zusammenhang zwischen Schütteltrauma-Symptomen und Impfungen gefunden haben – also gibt es auch keine Zusammenhänge, weil sie kein Arzt gelernt hat und kennt und keiner kennen will, darum auch kein Arzt meldet, und darum steht auch nichts oder fast nichts in der Literatur, also werden die Eltern des totgespritzten Kindes auch noch wegen behaupteten Totschlags verurteilt.
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