

20.06.2024, Health Freeedom Institute: What’s in the childhood vaccines?

Do you know the ingredients in the vaccines that are recommended for your child? If you don’t, you cannot make an informed choice. As stated in our article on the meningitis vaccine, “Having informed consent means a person has key information needed to understand the risks and benefits of their choices.”

Unfortunately, leading experts in the field of virology are either confused or less than transparent about what’s really in a vaccine, so it’s important for parents to inform themselves. 

The CDC does publish the full list of vaccine ingredients, but it can be difficult to decipher. We’ve created this downloadable PDF to decode some of the most potentially concerning ingredients.

Note: The CDC says on its Excipient List, page 1, “substance used in the manufacturing of a vaccine, but not listed as contained in the final product, can be found on the package insert.”


Screenshot: Health Freedom Institute, fair use.

pdf-Sicherung bei uns: Health Freedom Institute – What’s in the childhood vaccines.

Fotos: thetruthaboutcancer.com
Fotos: thetruthaboutcancer.com

Foto: Pinterest, fair use.
Foto: Pinterest, fair use.

Foto: VacTruth, fair use.
Foto: VacTruth, fair use.


Foto: Markus Seppelt. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung.
Foto: Markus Seppelt. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung.

Photo: Telegram, fair use.

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Bild: Unbekannt, Netzfund, fair use.

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