Startseite » Aktuelles » Corona » Teil 2 von 2Doctors went into town and spread bubonic powder on door handles at night, selecting those homes where they …

Teil 2 von 2Doctors went into town and spread bubonic powder on door handles at night, selecting those homes where they …

Teil 2 von 2

Doctors went into town and spread bubonic powder on door handles at night, selecting those homes where they could then profit. As an eyewitness wrote of these events, “this remained hidden for some time, but the devil is more concerned with increasing the number of sins than with hiding them.”

In short, one of the doctors became so impudent and lazy that he decided not to wander the city at night, but simply threw a bundle of dust into the crowd during the day. The stench rose to the sky and one of the girls, who by a lucky chance had recently come out of that hospital, discovered what that smell was.

The doctor was tied up and placed in the good hands of competent “craftsmen.” They tried to get as much information from him as possible.
However, the execution lasted several days. The ingenious hippocrats were tied to poles on wagons and carried around the city. At each intersection the executioners used red-hot tongs to tear off pieces of meat. They were then taken to the public square, beheaded and quartered, and the pieces were taken to all the districts of Geneva. The only exception was the hospital director’s son, who did not take part in the trial but blurted out that he knew how to make potions and how to prepare the powder without fear of contamination. He was simply beheaded “to prevent the spread of evil.”
– François Bonivard, Chronicles of Geneva, second volume, pp. 395-402.
Goethe und der Pestbetrug – Impfen? Nein, danke

Goethe beschreibt, wie ein Arzt tausende Patienten töten konnte. Heute immer noch bei den politischen Krankheiten wie AIDS/HIV, Vogel- und Schweinegrippe, Covid-19.

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