Startseite » Aktuelles » Corona » Covid-19 Was A Mass Mind Control Operation: Pandemic Used To Inflict Psychological Terror On WorldWhat do transgenderism…

Covid-19 Was A Mass Mind Control Operation: Pandemic Used To Inflict Psychological Terror On WorldWhat do transgenderism…

Covid-19 Was A Mass Mind Control Operation: Pandemic Used To Inflict Psychological Terror On WorldWhat do transgenderism...

Covid-19 Was A Mass Mind Control Operation: Pandemic Used To Inflict Psychological Terror On World

What do transgenderism, pedophilia, and Covid-19 have in common?
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is here to talk about the mental terrorism inflicted on the world during the Covid pandemic.
According to Dr. Fuellmich’s findings, Covid was all fake.
It was an act of psychological terrorism acting as a pilot program for mass mind-control.
In effect, the purpose of all of it was to dumb down the population, making them more reliant on powerful institutions and more suggestible to extreme ideas.
One of the ultimate goals is also depopulation.

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