Startseite » Aktuelles » Corona » CLASSIC ORWELLIAN DOUBLESPEAK Now that they’ve changed the definition of ‘’fully vaccinated’’ from t…

CLASSIC ORWELLIAN DOUBLESPEAK Now that they’ve changed the definition of ‘’fully vaccinated’’ from t…

CLASSIC ORWELLIAN DOUBLESPEAK Now that they’ve changed the definition of ‘’fully vaccinated’’ from t...


Now that they’ve changed the definition of ‘’fully vaccinated’’ from two to three shots – how long until ‘’fully vaccinated’’ means 4 or 5 shots ?

In truth, for Big Pharma and Big Tech, you’ll never be ‘fully vaccinated’’ – your just a pin cushion in a circular line for your next shot.

Until the majority wakes up to the con, our freedoms will always be held hostage to submitting to yet another booster shot.

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