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Illness found in definitionBy Jane Ferguson, Business Features WriterP…

Illness found in definition

By Jane Ferguson, Business Features Writer
Published: June 27, 2009, 22:43

The panic that swine flu has caused globally is described as a pandemic.

Indeed, since the world prepared for its impending doom, there have been 263 deaths from swine flu. The World Health Organisation (WHO) says that each year around 250,000 to 500,000 deaths occur as a result of seasonal flu.

The divergence between these two figures is of concern to Professor James Chin, an epidemiologist at University of California, Berkeley. He believes the reaction of governments is not justified when considering the severity of the current outbreak.

“If they’re going to go through all of those procedures for this ‘pandemic’ what are they going to do for seasonal influenza?” said Chin.

Swine flu is more than ten times less severe than the seasonal flu, he said.

“It’s much less lethal and we’re stockpiling drugs, perhaps going to develop a vaccine, telling people to change their travel plans,” he said. “I think that one of the outcomes is that insufficient thought has been given to not factoring in severity.”

Were the current outbreak as devastating as the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic, which is estimated to have killed tens of millions of people, then people would understand the world’s health officials’ reaction, he argued.

“If we had an influenza pandemic that severe or more severe, nobody would question what has happened,” said Chin.

Journalist and author Michael Fumento has pointed out how the WHO’s definition of a pandemic changed in 2003, widening it from a definition of a worldwide killer to one that encompasses worldwide cases of a disease, and not necessarily large numbers of deaths.

The WHO’s old definition of a pandemic encompassed a new strain of the virus appearing against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several, simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness.

On the WHO’s website currently, they state: “Pandemics can be either mild or severe in the illness and death they cause, and the severity of a pandemic can change over the course of that pandemic.”

Changes in definition of specific diseases are also not new, with high blood pressure presenting a perfect case.

In 2005, Seattle Times reporter Duff Wilson wrote, “For years, doctors considered 120/80 to be ideal and anything under 140 to be OK. But a change took place in May 2003, when American doctors got new advice from a government-sanctioned medical panel called the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure.

In 2004 US patients and their insurance companies spent $16.3 billion for blood-pressure pills, up $3 billion from five years earlier, added Wilson.

Fumento believes that this serves the interests of pharmaceutical companies all too much.

“You are inventing more customers – suddenly people who were close to high blood pressure have high blood pressure.”

One of the reasons he offers for such changes in definitions is a fall in recent years of investment in the research and development side of the pharmaceuticals industry, resulting in fewer completely new medicines.

“It’s amazing how many drugs get approved each year that are actually new,” he said.

“It’s so much easier to get a disease that’s out there and broaden the definition than it is to develop a new drug for a new disease.”
Gulfnews: Illness found in definition

The online version of UAE based newspaper Gulf News covering breaking news, polls, opinion, pictures, live weather, sport and features from the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates (Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al Quwain, Fujairah and Ras Al…

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Bewußt aktuell 199Themen:  Virologe: Affenpocken gesundheitlich irrele...

Bewußt aktuell 199

Themen: Virologe: Affenpocken gesundheitlich irrelevant, Brasilien wird das Abkommen mit der WHO nicht unterzeichnen, Asowstahl endgültig geräumt – US-Admiral unter den „Evakuierten“, Schon wieder ein Todesfall nach Polizeieinsatz von Beamten in Mannheim, Biden fordert die totale Corona-Kontrolle – Scholz: “Wir unterstützen Ihren Vorschlag, lieber Joe” , Faesers Jagd nach dem rechtsextremen Gespenst, Münchner Profiboxer (38) stirbt nach Kampf, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. vielleicht gibt es gar keine Viren, uvm.

Telegram-Kanal von Jo Conrad
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FDA Commissioner Says Addressing the Revolving Door Between the Agency…

FDA Commissioner Says Addressing the Revolving Door Between the Agency...

FDA Commissioner Says Addressing the Revolving Door Between the Agency & Big Pharma is a “Delicate Area

“There are people who work within the FDA for a period of time. They have skills and knowledge about an area, and it’s an issue to say well they could never work in an industry where they might develop a cure for cancer or whatever the thing may be. So this is a delicate area…Yeah I mean there…It’s a complicated area…so I’m reluctant to just off the cuff, make a specific recommendation.”

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Top-WHO-Mitarbeiterin warnte vor Verwendung von ImpfpässenDie führende…

Top-WHO-Mitarbeiterin warnte vor Verwendung von Impfpässen
Die führende WHO-Impfstoffexpertin Dr. Hanna Nohynek von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation sagte vor Gericht aus, sie habe der Regierung Finnlands geraten, Impfpässe nicht zu verwenden, sei aber ignoriert worden. Dabei habe sie erklärt, dass die Corona-Impfstoffe die Übertragung des Virus nicht stoppten und die Pässe ein falsches Gefühl der Sicherheit vermittelten. Die verblüffenden Enthüllungen kamen in einem Gerichtssaal in Helsinki ans Licht, wo der finnische Staatsbürger Mika Vauhkala klagt, nachdem ihm der Zutritt zu einem Café verweigert worden war, weil er keinen Impfpass besaß.

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Top-WHO-Mitarbeiterin warnte vor Verwendung von Impfpässen

Die führende WHO-Impfstoffexpertin Dr. Hanna Nohynek von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation sagte vor Gericht aus, sie habe der Regierung Finnlands geraten, Impfpässe nicht zu verwenden, sei […]

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INTERNATIONALER WECKRUF WHO plant heimtückischen Coup in 194 LÄNDERN…

INTERNATIONALER WECKRUF WHO plant heimtückischen Coup in  194 LÄNDERN...

WHO plant heimtückischen Coup in
🌎 194 LÄNDERN! 🌎

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Geleakte WHO-Dokumente bringen den größten Coup aller Zeiten ans Licht: Schwarz auf Weiß enthüllt diese Dokumentation

«Wie mit einem Skalpell entfernt die WHO
die Souveränität der Mitgliedsstaaten und
ermächtigt sich selbst!»

💎 💎

Dieser internationale Weckruf zeigt,
wie DU die Pläne jetzt auffliegen lassen kannst!

Video-Text & Quellen:

👉 Das Faktenblatt (farbige Version zur allgemeinen Verbreitung)
👉 Das Faktenblatt (schwarz/weiß, nur zur privaten Nutzung für Gespräche mit Abgeordneten)

👉 Handzettel zur Weitergabe im persönlichen Umfeld

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AB SOFORT ONLINE VERFÜGBAR Münchner WHO-Symposium: Macht der WHO – Oh…

AB SOFORT ONLINE VERFÜGBAR Münchner WHO-Symposium: Macht der WHO – Oh...


Münchner WHO-Symposium:
‼️ Macht der WHO – Ohnmacht der Menschen? 🌍

Im Mai wird über die Pandemieverträge der WHO abgestimmt.

Welche Konsequenzen sich daraus ergeben können im Hinblick auf:
🔹 Unsere Grundrechte
🔹 Unsere Gesundheit (Masken- / Impfpflichten)
🔹 Unser soziales Leben (Schulschließungen)
🔹 Unsere Meinungsfreiheit (Zensur)
🔹 Unsere Wirtschaft

erfahren Sie aus erster Hand u.a. von:
💬 Dr. Markus Krall, Ökonom
💬 Roland Tichy, Journalist
💬 Prof. Martin Haditsch, Mediziner
💬 Dr. Beate Sibylle Pfeil, Juristin
💬 Prof. Ulrike Kämmerer, Biologin
💬 Philipp Kruse, Jurist

Alle weiteren Informationen inkl. Programm findest du hier.

Es handelt sich NICHT um eine Präsenzveranstaltung, sondern ausschließlich um einen Stream
, welcher in folgendem Zeitraum verfügbar ist:

🗓 10. April 2024, 20:00 Uhr – 1. Mai 2024, 23:59 Uhr

👉 HIER 👈 gibt’s die STREAMING-TICKETs! 🖥

powered by KRASSER GURU 🌠

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Live-Pressekonferenz:US-Abgeordnete geben dem Volk eine Stimmezeigen d…

Live-Pressekonferenz:US-Abgeordnete geben dem Volk eine Stimmezeigen d...

US-Abgeordnete geben dem Volk eine Stimme
zeigen die ernste Bedrohung des WHO-Pandemievertrages auf
und fordern „RAUS aus der WHO”

HD-Video & Download:

Video-Text & Quellen:

Am 17. Mai 2023 richteten 18 US-Abgeordnete in einer Live-Pressekonferenz der Souvereignty Coalition die Aufmerksamkeit auf eine ernste Bedrohung ihres Landes: die WHO und den WHO-Pandemievertrag. Gleichzeitig fordern sie den Austritt aus der Gesundheitsorganisation.
In dieser Sendung kommen 11 Abgeordnete zu Wort und bringen die wichtigsten ihrer Kritikpunkte vor.

Mehr dazu: #Politik #WHO-Pandemievertrag #USA

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“This new variant could circumvent existing immunity.” WHO said that t…

"This new variant could circumvent existing immunity." WHO said that t...

“This new variant could circumvent existing immunity.” WHO said that the coronavirus is returning and the world is covered by a new contagious strain – it can bypass immunity and causes a much more severe course of the disease

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For those who still hang on to their masks, thinking they are followin…

For those who still hang on to their masks, thinking they are followin...

For those who still hang on to their masks, thinking they are following science, don’t fool yourself. A swab from a mask in a laboratory petri dish shows the fungus and bacteria in your mask. This is what you breath in. Not very smart at all.
Try fresh air. Comes highly recommended by all who experienced it. Do not fall for fake news, fake science, and their “scientism” agenda.

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We should no longer participate in the WHO and eliminate the CDC:https…

We should no longer participate in the WHO and eliminate the CDC:
Join our telegram group, 56000 members all against NWO, vaccines, 5G and so forth:
We should no longer participate in the WHO and eliminate the CDC

Most of the COVID guidance and information we have received has been ineffective and flat-out wrong. We should no longer participate in the WHO and eliminate the CDC. Follow us to see videos like this

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Bladder Cancer & Blood Clots #FullyJuiced (October 2022)“Well it’…

Bladder Cancer & Blood Clots  #FullyJuiced (October 2022)“Well it'...

Bladder Cancer & Blood Clots 👀
#FullyJuiced 💉🧃
(October 2022)

“Well it’s 8 months since I have had bladder cancer removed, hasn’t been plain sailing, with different
medical issues, April 14 hours a/e chest pains, June/July cough 8 weeks then blood clot on lung, but
keeping faith and staying positive, getting through it all, plus my lovely wife sue who Has been fantastic.”


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​​Fauci to resign from government after more than five decades of murd…

​​Fauci to resign from government after more than five decades of murdering people in the name of “science”

Mass murderer Tony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has announced that he is stepping down from his post come December, marking the end of his nearly 40-year reign of terror as a “public servant.”

In a statement dated August 22, Fauci wrote that he is leaving his position later this year “to pursue the next chapter of my career,” boasting about all of the notches under his belt over the past 38 years as head of the NIAID – and for more than a decade before that in other government positions.

“I have had the enormous privilege of serving under and advising seven Presidents of the United States, beginning with President Ronald Reagan, on newly emerging and re-emerging infectious disease threats including HIV/ AIDS, West Nile virus, the anthrax attacks, pandemic influenza, various bird influenza threats, Ebola and Zika, among others, and, of course, most recently the COVID-19 pandemic,” Fauci said.

“I am particularly proud to have served as the Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden since the very first day of his administration.”

Proud Fauci says he is “not retiring,” but is rather shifting gears to the next phase of his genocidal endeavors. He says he still has “so much energy and passion for my field” that he still wants to use to “advance science and public health and to inspire and mentor the next generation of scientific leaders as they help prepare the world to face future infectious disease threats.”

Pride comes before the fall, Fauci

Until December comes, Proud Fauci will continue to put “full effort,” he says, into his “current responsibility” while preparing for an impending leadership transition.

“Thanks to the power of science and investments in research and innovation, the world has been able to fight deadly diseases and help save lives around the globe,” Fauci goes on in the statement to say, tooting his horn and once again using the word “proud” to describe his self-perceived success.

“I am proud to have been part of this important work and look forward to helping to continue to do so in the future,” he concluded.

In response, fake “president” Joe Biden issued a statement of his own gushing over Fauci and praising him for being a “dedicated public servant” who possesses a “steady hand with wisdom and insight honed over decades at the forefront of some of our most dangerous and challenging public health crises.”

“When it came time to build a team to lead our COVID-19 response – in fact, in one of my first calls as President-elect – I immediately asked Dr. sic Fauci to extend his service as my Chief Medical Advisor to deal with the COVID-19 crisis our nation faced,” Biden’s statement continues.

Biden obviously did not write any of this, by the way, since these sentences are formed correctly and make sense, and do not trail off into rambling idiocy like when Biden actually speaks with his mouth.

As for Fauci, he clearly thinks he did good work all these years and that he should be proud of himself for mass murdering millions upon millions of people during the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic alone – not taking into account all of Fauci’s previous genocidal endeavors while working in government.

“Worldwide, make sure this little maggot can never walk the streets,” wrote a commenter in response to Fauci’s announcement.

“Time for his next chapter: prison,” added another.

“The next chapter of his career will involve being fit for an orange jump suit and bars on his windows,” said someone else. “Total criminal scumbag and leach on humanity.”

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Vor Gericht in Finnland musste eine hochrangige WHO-Vertreterin zugebe…

Vor Gericht in Finnland musste eine hochrangige WHO-Vertreterin zugeben, dass die Covid-Impfpässe sinnlos waren. Sie hätte der Regierung mitgeteilt, dass sie ein falsches Gefühl von Sicherheit bieten würden, weil die experimentellen Covid-“Impfstoffe” weder eine Übertragung noch eine Erkrankung verhindert hätten. Doch den Politikern war dies offensichtlich völlig egal.

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WHO-Vertreterin gibt vor Gericht zu: Covid-Impfpässe waren sinnlos

Vor Gericht in Finnland musste eine hochrangige WHO-Vertreterin zugeben, dass die Covid-Impfpässe sinnlos waren.

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AirBnb warnt vor kommenden Reisebeschränkungen und Blackouts”AirBnb g…

‼️🏖 AirBnb warnt vor kommenden Reisebeschränkungen und Blackouts

“AirBnb gibt daher in einer weltweit verbreiteten Aussendung die Änderung ihrer Geschäftsbedingungen bekannt, die ab dem 6. Juni gelten, also noch vor Beginn der Hauptreisezeit auf der Nordhalbkugel.

👉 Welche Änderungen gibt es an den Richtlinien?

Vorhersehbare Wetterereignisse am gebuchten Ort sind ausdrücklich abgedeckt, wenn sie zu einem anderen abgedeckten Ereignis führen, z. B. einer behördlichen Reisebeschränkung oder einem großflächigen Stromausfall.

Die Richtlinien gelten nur für Ereignisse, die den gebuchten Ort betreffen. Ereignisse, welche sich auf die Möglichkeit von Gästen auswirken, die Reise zur Unterkunft oder Entdeckung anzutreten, sind nicht mehr abgedeckt.

Es scheint, dass die Versicherungspolicen der Unternehmen überarbeitet werden, um groß angelegte staatliche Maßnahmen, die als „Wetterereignisse“ getarnt werden, vorwegzunehmen. Es sieht so aus, als ob nach dem 6. Juni neue Lockdowns und Reisebeschränkungen unter welchen Vorwänden auch immer zu erwarten sind.

Aus diesem Grund lautet die Aktualisierung der Versicherungspolice wie folgt: „Es kann sein, dass Sie Ihren gebuchten Urlaub nicht antreten können, aber wenn Sie bereits irgendwo sind, dürfen Sie nach Hause zurückkehren“.”
AirBnb warnt vor kommenden Reisebeschränkungen und Blackouts

Etwa seit Mitte des Vorjahres haben die Panikverbreiter in EU, WHO, UNO und den Mainstream Medien die Schlagzahl erhöht. Es wird von einer Krankheit […]

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WHO „kastriert“ die Souveränität ihrer Mitgliedstaaten!Die WHO soll g…

WHO „kastriert“  die Souveränität ihrer Mitgliedstaaten!Die WHO soll g...

WHO „kastriert“ die Souveränität ihrer Mitgliedstaaten!

Die WHO soll gleich einem KÖNIG über die Staaten regieren können. WIE? Durch Streichung folgenden Passus: „Nicht bindend“ 📜

Die Staaten verpflichten sich, die „Empfehlungen“ der WHO zu BEFOLGEN.

Schau dir dazu den internationalen Weckruf in voller Länge an: 28573

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/ Der republikanische Senator Rand Paul hat aufgedeckt: Spätestens sei…

🇺🇸/🌎 Der republikanische Senator Rand Paul hat aufgedeckt: Spätestens seit 2018 wird im Wuhan-Labor an Covid-Viren gebastelt – und die US-Behörden wussten davon…Überraschen tut dieses Leaking freilich kaum. Und die Wuhan-Frankensteine haben auch garantiert nicht aufgehört.

Also stellt sich die Frage: Woran werkeln die derzeit? Vielleicht an einem Update der Vogelgrippe? – Ja, könnte tatsächlich sein…

Rumble | Odysee
US-Forscher: Das nächste Killervirus steht bereit – COMPACT

Das US-Zentrum für Seuchenkontrolle und -prävention (CDC) warnt vor neuem Killervirus . Die WHO schätzt die Todesrate auf 51 Prozent. Ob die Pharmaindustrie  schon eine passende Impfbrühe entwickelt? Zur Unterstützung einer gründlichen juristischen Abrechnung…

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https://www.publiceyeonscience.chWebseite und Anmeldung zum WHO-Sympos…

https://www.publiceyeonscience.chWebseite und Anmeldung zum WHO-Sympos...

Webseite und Anmeldung zum WHO-Symposium sind wieder online nachdem Hoststar die Seite während mehrerer Tage gesperrt hatte mit der Begründung: “Politische Propaganda von Impfgegnern ohne Impressum”
Laut Betreiber und Organisator Urs Hans war ein Impressum vorhanden.

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Pro-Vaxxer Left Speechless as Dr. McCullough Drops the Disturbing Trut…

Pro-Vaxxer Left Speechless as Dr. McCullough Drops the Disturbing Trut...

Pro-Vaxxer Left Speechless as Dr. McCullough Drops the Disturbing Truth About the COVID Shots

BRIAN SHAPIRO: “You are… far less likely to get the effects of having to go into the ICU or possibly dying if you were vaccinated. Am I wrong?”

DR. MCCULLOUGH: “Yeah, you’re wrong. And here’s the reason why.”

• “The prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials of the vaccines never showed a reduction in severity.”

• “They never showed a reduction in hospitalization and death.”

• “In a recent paper by Norman Fenton from the UK, he shown that there was tremendous misclassification bias.” This misclassification bias led to the false claim that 90% of people dying in the hospital were unvaccinated.

• “In countries that actually did have the vaccine status, like the UK, they found far more vaccinated in the hospital on ventilators and dying than the unvaccinated.”

• “With every single injection, one is more and more likely to get COVID-19.”

• “Our safety system for vaccines records, on average, 150 deaths in a year on average. The COVID-19 vaccines roll out… 18,655 Americans dying after the vaccine. 1150 die on the same day they take the shot! Some die in the vaccine center. 1200 die the next day.”

• 18,655 Americans dying after the vaccine doesn’t account for the underreporting factor of 30. “We’re looking, as we sit here today, at 550,000 plus Americans who have died after the vaccine. The same pattern is seen worldwide.”

Dr. McCullough ended with this statement:

“There are calls to pull these vaccines off the market. They’re so grossly unsafe because people die quickly after taking them.”

Watch the full clip:

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@VigilantFox 🦊

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