
Betrug des Louis Pasteur

These protits in our blood develop or change according to the condition of the body. At some stages of their development they are outright pathogenic (make you sick) and parasitic.

These are our internal parasites. These protits can go in the other direction too and turn into cells we need, i.e. Live Cell Therapy. They can help regenerate organs.

These adaptive necessities are called diseases, but they are healing processes, attempts to shunt a disturbed symbiosis (a relationship between two organisms defined as ‘living together”) back to the original healthy track.

As these “little dots,” protits, change form, they can change into organisms that are more and more detrimental to the body. They become independent and no longer live in harmony and in support of their host body.

As they develop their individual form, they create their own metabolism and waste products of that metabolism, which is harmful to the local body fluids, causing pain and inflammation. Finally, this local process, which develops in the body’s ‘weakest organ’, affects the whole body.

It is not the organisms (germs, viruses, bacteria) that make you sick, it is the waste products of the metabolism of those organisms that make you sick.

“In reality, it is not the bacteria themselves that produce the disease, but we believe it is the chemical constituents of these micro-organisms enacting upon the unbalanced cell metabolism of the human body that in actuality produce the disease.

We also believe if the metabolism of the human body is perfectly balanced or poised, it is susceptible to no disease.” (From the Annual Report of the Board of Regents of The Smithsonian Institution, 1944).


Betrug des Louis Pasteur


These disease processes, these changes in the blood, are difficult to fathom at first because they only effect functioning but not yet structures of the body. This happens in the most diversified organs such as manifesting as; headaches, high or low blood pressure, feeling poorly, unmotivated attitude, lack of appetite, drab complexion, coated tongue, wounds in the mouth, pimples, acne, sores, hoarseness, runny nose, ear noises, diarrhea, lowered capacity for seeing and hearing, depression, weak concentration or poor memory.

Bacteria are being found in the diseased tissues of all chronic, degenerative diseases; from The Atlantic Monthly, A New Germ Theory by Judith Hooper, February 1999. These bacteria are there as a result, not the cause.

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) was wrong, these organisms are not caught from the outside, they come from within.

These germs come from inside the body, from “tiny dots” that you can see in the blood of any living thing, with any microscope. All microorganisms, all living things come from these “tiny dots” and all living things turn back into these “tiny dots”.

These “tiny dots” themselves, never die. The cell is not the smallest living thing, these “little dots” are. These “tiny dots” are called Protits in German and Somatides in French. There isn’t even a name for them in the English language. Isn’t that strange?

If the environment in the body becomes toxic, polluted, or doesn’t have the nutrients it requires to maintain health these “tiny dots” hook together into long threads and change into the viruses, bacteria and finally the fungi (candida albicans) that clean up a corpse, if things get that bad.

This is what the bacteria, viruses and germs are there for. They clean up old, diseased tissues. The germs are not the problem, the conditions, environment they are in IS. Do you treat the problem or the result?


Thought Provoking Conclusions


If the “Germ Theory of Disease” were true no one could ever get over a cold or flu, or any other disease caused by bugs, since they would constantly be re-infecting themselves.

Also, if “Germ Theory of Disease” were true we would ALL have ALL of the bugs ALL of the time since they are “everywhere” and so would all other life on Earth have them, i.e. plants, animals, insects, bird, etc., so life on Earth could not have happened.

Say no to Vaccines, okay ?



  • “Louis Pasteur And the Myth of Pasteurization”
  • “The Dream and Lie of Louis Pasteur”
  • “Antoine Béchamp.org”
  • “History of the Germ Theory of Disease”
  • “Second Thoughts on Disease – A Controversy and Béchamp Revisited”, by Drs Kalokerinos & Dettman 1977
  • “The Amazing Wonders of Gaston Naessens” by Steven R. Elswick. Editor, Extraordinary Science –
  • “The persecution & Trial of Gaston Naessens”
  • “Somatid Cycle Revealed: Naessens’ Discoveries Open New World of Hope for People with Cancer.” From The Cancer Chronicles #24-25, Dec. 1994 by Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D.
  • “Vaccine Website”

1999: Nancy Appleton: The Curse of Louis Pasteur
Why Medicine Is Not Healing A Diseased World

Could it be that were looking in the wrong direction for the answer to the cause of disease? Dr Nancy Appleton’s investigation lead her to realize that we could be causing our own disease by what we think, say, feel, do and eat. She then gives solutions and food plans to enhance health and healing.


Betrug des Louis Pasteur
Foto: Choice Pubns., fair use.

Foto: Vactruth, fair use.
Foto: Vactruth, fair use.


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