
Vaxxed/Wakefield: Gegendarstellung

VAXXED: Nach Hasskommentaren storniert Bamberger Kino Aufführungen Vaxxed/Wakefield: Gegendarstellung Antwort einer interessierten Mutter, als sie erfuhr, daß ihr örtliches Kino vor der Pharma-Regierungs-Lobby einknickte: Vaxxed/Wakefield: Gegendarstellung
Vaxxed/Wakefield: Gegendarstellung

Kontroverse um impfkritischen Film “Vaxxed”: Skeptiker-Shitstorm soll Kinobetreiber einschüchtern

Der impfkritische Film “Vaxxed” ist ins Visier militanter Anhänger der so genannten Skeptiker-Bewegung geraten. Diese versuchen mittlerweile sogar, Kinobetreiber einzuschüchtern. Die Produzenten profitieren unterdessen auch von der negativen Publicity. Vaxxed/Wakefield: Gegendarstellung
Vaxxed/Wakefield: Gegendarstellung
Autistischer Junge, der versucht, sich zu töten, um den Schmerzen zu entgehen. Von Andrew Wakefield auf dem 11. Stuttgarter Impfsymposium im April 2016 in Stuttgart vorgestellt (Min. 1:06.30). Doch die Impf-Behörden sind an solchen Fällen nicht interessiert, vertuschen die Zusammenhänge und Daten. Und manche Zeitgenossen wollen uns Autismus auch als die neue Normalität erklären! Vaxxed/Wakefield: Gegendarstellung Vaxxed/Wakefield: Gegendarstellung
Sieht die Eintrittkarte vom Babylon Berlin nicht schick aus? Vorbestellungen direkt an der Kinokasse oder online bei kinoheld (1 Euro Gebühr).
Foto: Bernd. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung.
Foto: Bernd. Mit freundlicher Genehmigung.

Vaxxed in der Kino Passage Erlenbach ein voller Erfolg! Vaxxed/Wakefield: Gegendarstellung Karten für den 30. April: Kino-Vorschau: https://www.kinopassage-erlenbach.de/programm/vaxxed-geimpft/
Impfen – Goldesel der Pharmaindustrie? “Ich be­kam täg­lich Dro­hun­gen und Be­lei­di­gun­gen in den so­zia­len Netz­wer­ken”: Die­ter Le­bert, Ge­schäfts­füh­rer des Ki­nos Pas­sa­ge, ver­riet, dass sein Ent­schluss, den um­s­trit­te­nen Do­ku­men­tar­film »Va­x­xed« in Er­len­bach zu zei­gen, dras­ti­sche Re­ak­tio­nen her­vor­ge­ru­fen hat. Die rund 150 Be­su­cher der Ma­tinee am Sonn­tag­mit­tag be­lohn­ten ihn mit leb­haf­tem Bei­fall für sei­nen Mut. Vaxxed/Wakefield: Gegendarstellung
„Sie können auf den großen Leinwänden in unserem Land Filme bringen, die Menschen zeigen, denen man ein Körperteil nach dem anderen abschneidet, die im eigenen Blut waten, Sie können Filme zeigen mit erfolgsfördernden Softporno-Stöhnszenen, Sie können Filme zeigen, die die halbe Welt in die Luft jagen – aber Sie dürfen keinen Film zeigen, der die Wirksamkeit von Impfstoffen infrage stellt… Ich weiß nicht, wie es Ihnen geht, aber ich habe die Schnauze voll von dem Mist.“ – Jon Rappaport
Foto: Pinterest. Fair use.
Foto: Pinterest. Fair use.

That One Study: A Rebuttal to People Who Bring Up The Wakefield Study Elliott Freed, 3. September 2018
Vaxxed/Wakefield: Gegendarstellung
Foto: Freed, fair use.
This is Dr. Wakefield’s study that was published then retracted from the Lancet. He was one of thirteen authors. The study was published in 1998. Do yourself a favor and read it. They do not claim the vaccine caused autism. They simply convey what the parents reported, which was that both autism and bowel troubles began directly after receiving the vaccine. It would have been fraudulent and unethical not to report that. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2897%2911096-0/fulltext The CDC got wind of this and decided to look into it. They did, and initially found a 760% increased risk of autism based on vaccines given in the first month of life alone. This was not the mmr vaccine and it was most definitely not the entire schedule. Something else was at play. Here are their initial findings. http://mercury-freedrugs.org/docs/00mmdd_EISAbstractSubmission_IncreasedRiskOfDevelopmentalNeurologicImpairmentAfterHighExposureToThimerosal-containingVaccine_.pdf They convened a meeting to discuss these findings. At the meeting the decision was made to cover up the findings and carry on with vaccination as usual. You can read the transcript of that meeting here. http://www.autismhelpforyou.com/HG%20IN%20VACCINES%20-%20Simpsonwood%20-%20Internet%20File.pdf They then spent the next four years trying to hide the relationship between vaccines and autism. They went so far as to throw data in the trash. Literally. They brought a trash can into the room and threw uncooperative data in the trash. You can listen to the testimony of one of the researchers who did this. Here is U.S. Representative Bill Posey reading the testimony of CDC employee, Dr. William Thompson on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Discredited, you say? Even the head of the CDC admitted on CNN that vaccines cause autism. She did it with a forked tongue. What she said was, “Vaccines cause autism like symptoms.” Autism is defined by its symptoms, so autism like symptoms is the same thing as autism. She then went on to say “vaccines do not cause autism.” One is a lie. Here is the video of her appearance on CNN in 2007. She is now president of Merck’s international vaccine division.
Autism: Unraveling the mystery. Vaccines to blame? Interview of Dr. Sanjay Gupta with the director of the Centers for Desease Control (CDC), Dr. Julie Geberding, on CNN, March 29, 2008. Vaxxed/Wakefield: Gegendarstellung Transcript as pdf:  Transcript – Autism – Vaccines to blame Dr. Julie Gerberding on CNN
You see, there were people attempting for years to get this information hidden. While I was not privy to the inside dealings, an executive of the manufacturer of the vaccine in question was also an officer of the parent company of the journal that published the paper. His brother was the judge deciding the court case for which the study was originally done. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crispin_Davis https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigel_Davis The son of one of the men who originally approved the vaccine was an editor of a prominent newspaper in London. He hired a reporter to spread rumors about Dr. Wakefield. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Nuki http://whale.to/a/nuki_h.html They put pressure on the thirteen doctors and scientists who had written the paper. In 2004, six years after the paper was written, they finally got ten of the authors to put their names to a “Retraction of an Interpretation.” The interesting thing to note is, the interpretation they are retracting is not found in the original paper, so it was purely a publicity stunt. Here is their “Retraction of an Interpretation.” http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15016483 Apparently that was not sufficient, so they continued to pursue a full retraction. They finally got it, but it was about as weak a retraction as could possibly be. It did not call into question any of the findings but considering that most people only read the news report, not the real thing, it was all that was needed. Here is the reason it was retracted: “the claims in the original paper that children were ‘consecutively referred’ and that investigations were ‘approved’ by the local ethics committee have been proven to be false.” You can read the retraction here. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2810%2960175-4/abstract Now does that sound like his findings were disproven? The Editor in Chief of the Lancet at the time this fiasco was occurring has written a scathing indictment of medical science and medical science publishing that he printed in his own journal. Was it a direct response to his experience of spending years trying to defend this good science from being retracted for commercial and political purposes? It is hard to know. It seems broad and general. Either way, he was at the heart of the process and it took twelve years for them to force the retraction. That is unheard of. Here is his scathing indictment. http://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140-6736%2815%2960696-1.pdf The paper was a write up of a series of clinical cases. It did not require a stamp of approval from the ethics board. All the parents have spoken publicly in gratitude of the doctors and researchers involved. Have the findings been disproven? Remember, the findings were not epidemiological in nature. They were simply reporting a correlation between autism and bowel disease and possibly with vaccines in most of the patients being treated. In fact, many scientist and doctors across the world have reproduced these findings. You can find a list of twenty eight such studies here, though they represent only a small fraction of the work inspired by the original paper. These are not specifically papers linking vaccines and autism. Like the original paper, they are more focused on linking autism and bowel disease. https://healthimpactnews.com/2023/new-trailer-released-for-documentary-covidism-contagious-deception/ That said, others have done a ton of research on the link between vaccines and autism. You can find another 120 plus studies linking vaccines and autism here. They are all peer reviewed, published in medical scientific journals. They represent the tip of the iceberg. 214-research-papers-supporting-the-vaccine-autism-link.pdf There have been a handful of studies, mostly performed by the CDC themselves, that have “failed to find a link” between vaccines and autism. They are touted in the media as proof there is no link. If you actually read the studies you will find they do no such thing. You can read an excellent expose on the tobacco science being used to claim “the science is settled” and “there is no link between vaccines and autism” by somebody who has actually read all the studies. Many of the studies are simply fraudulent. Others are so poorly designed as to be bound to fail. There is not a good study in the bunch. https://medium.com/@jbhandley/an-angry-father-s-guide-to-vaccine-autism-science-understanding-distracting-research-ae09fd767e1f#.ff1uqqlkv Smart people read the body of work. Others regurgitate propaganda. Learn more in this book: www.vaccineprimer.weebly.com

02.06.2023: Ergebnisse einer Elternbefragung: Impfstoffe erhöhen das Risiko von Autismus, Autoimmunerkrankungen usw. Steve Kirsch Zitat: “Hier ein erster Blick auf die Ergebnisse meiner Elternbefragung von 10.000 Kindern. Sie zeigt, dass die Impfstoffe eine ziemliche Katastrophe sind. Geburtsfehler waren die Kontrollgruppe.

Umfrage unter Führungskräften

Die vorläufige Analyse der Ergebnisse meiner Umfrage unter 10.000 Kindern zeigt, dass Andrew Wakefield Recht hatte: Impfstoffe verursachen Autismus. Es gibt einfach keine andere Möglichkeit, diese Ergebnisse zu erklären. Niemand konnte ein Bradford-Hill-Kriterium finden, das NICHT erfüllt ist. Einige Leute sagten, dass es autistische Kinder gibt, die nicht geimpft wurden, aber ich habe nie behauptet, dass die Impfung die einzige Ursache für Autismus ist, aber sie ist bei Weitem die Hauptursache für Autismus. Die Eltern hatten Recht, dass Impfungen Autismus verursachen. Die Wissenschaftler, die alle verfügbaren Daten geprüft und keinen Zusammenhang gefunden haben, sind entweder inkompetent oder korrupt oder beides. Wenn man sich alle Beweise ansieht (ich werde später eine Liste von etwa 25 Punkten veröffentlichen), ist es einfach unmöglich, zu dem Schluss zu kommen, dass Impfstoffe keinen Autismus verursachen. Man müsste schon blind oder korrupt sein, um das nicht zu sehen. […] Wir wissen seit über 25 Jahren, dass Impfstoffe Autismus auslösen können. Die Wissenschaftler haben es geleugnet, um ihre Finanzierung und ihren Ruf zu schützen. Ihr Ruf ist nun angeschlagen. Diese Studie in Verbindung mit anderen von mir zusammengetragenen Beweisen macht jedem, der über ein funktionierendes Gehirn verfügt, kristallklar, dass wir hinters Licht geführt und belogen worden sind. Die Eltern hatten recht. Andrew Wakefield hatte recht. Und mein nächster Artikel wird aufzeigen, wie korrupt die „Autismus-Link-Leugner“ sind. Mehr dazu in meinem nächsten Artikel, der Beweise für die Behauptung präsentiert, dass Impfstoffe die HAUPTursache für Autismus sind.”
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