
Fetale Zellen

Dazu ein Kommentar von Mike Adams.

In einem mit versteckter Kamera aufgenommenen Video verhandelt Planned Parenthood mit Vertretern der Pharmaindustrie über das Gestationsalter von Föten, die abgetrieben werden, um frisches Gewebe zu erhalten:

1. “Im Gegensatz zu tierischen Zelllinien haben humane diploide Zelllinien aus Embryonen oder anderen humanen Geweben identische Chromosomensätze, die keine zufälligen bekannten Erreger aufweisen.“
impfen-nein-danke fragt: Und die unbekannten “Erreger”?

2. “Es ist schwierig, hochwertige Embryonen zu finden, deren Gewebe die Bedingungen der
Impfstoff-Massenproduktion erfüllen.“
impfen-nein-danke fragt: Wie viele wurden dafür abgetrieben, ausgeschlachtet?

3. “Gestationsalter 2-4 Monate, lebend abgetrieben mit der Fruchtwasser-Methode.”
impfen-nein-danke betont: Man kann Gewebe nur von lebenden Föten verwenden – für die sog. Lebend-Impfstoffe ((heißen sie darum so?).

 Jan 23, 2019: Föten in unserem Essen? Unglaublicher Live-Mitschnitt beim Kauf eines Fötus

Fetale Zellen

Siehe auch:

ABC news vom 17.02.2015: What Aborted Fetuses Have to Do With Vaccines And why religious leaders still endorse vaccines


Zitat:“A small but growing number of parents who object to vaccinating their children on religious grounds say they do so because many common vaccines are the product of cells that once belonged to aborted fetuses.

There is a grain of truth to this statement. But even religious leaders, including a future pope, have said that shouldn’t deter parents from vaccinating their children.”

PBS vom 25.07.2015: Planned Parenthood video puts progressives on the defensive

PBS vom 11.08.2015: Scientists say fetal tissue remains essential for vaccines and developing treatments

12th Video Catches Planned Parenthood Aborting Intact Late-Term Babies to Sell as Parts

17.01.2016, Live Action: Late-term abortionist harvests baby body parts ‘within minutes’ of abortion

26.05.2020: Fetal Trafficking Under Oath – Planned Parenthood’s Admissions About Baby Parts Sales

Planned Parenthood Officials Testified Under Oath About Financial Incentives in Fetal Tissue Research Programs in Abortion Giant’s Own Lawsuit

IRVINE, May 26–The Center for Medical Progress, whose undercover videos exposed Planned Parenthood leadership negotiating the harvesting and sale of aborted fetal body parts, released a new video today featuring Planned Parenthood officials’ sworn videotaped testimony about the sales. The new video release documents the Planned Parenthood officials’ admissions, which came in Planned Parenthood’s own retaliatory lawsuit over the undercover footage and contradict Planned Parenthood’s public claims about both the undercover videos and the abortion provider’s fetal tissue research programs.

The testimony was unsealed this spring. The video shows how Planned Parenthood Federation of America, while under investigation in 2015, told Congress that its Gulf Coast affiliate in Houston had “rebuffed” an undercover proposal to sell fetal livers for $750 per liver and $1600 for liver/thymus pairs. But Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast’s Senior Director of Abortion Access, Tram Nguyen, testified that she “wanted to move forward with it,” as documented in contemporaneous emails between her and PPGC’s Regional Director Dyann Santos.

The video also features sworn testimony from Dr. Dorothy Furgerson, the longtime Chief Medical Officer of Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, the largest Planned Parenthood affiliate in the country. Dr. Furgerson signed PPMM’s contract with StemExpress to sell fetal body parts to StemExpress per specimen “determined in the clinic to be usable”, and Dr. Furgerson’s endorsement appears on a StemExpress brochure handed out at National Abortion Federation meetings advertising “fiscal[] rewards” and “financial profits” to the abortion clinics who provided fetal tissue to StemExpress.

When asked if the purpose of the brochure was “to obtain more potential sources of fetal tissue,” Dr. Furgerson testified, “Yes, I understood that that’s what they were trying to do.” The video shows StemExpress paid Planned Parenthood solely based on the number of “usable” samples that StemExpress could harvest from PPMM’s abortions, at least an extra $65 per abortion if the customer ordered a fetal organ plus a blood sample. PPMM does over 17,000 abortions a year, and unsealed invoices show PPMM making $25,000 in just 3 months from StemExpress.

When asked how much money an abortion clinic could make per year from selling fetal body parts, the founder and CEO of Planned Parenthood partner Advanced Bioscience Resources, Linda Tracy, was forbidden by her lawyer to answer. The video also includes testimony from Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the Senior Director of Medical Services for PPFA from the first undercover video release. When asked when she first found out about Planned Parenthood affiliates “receiving payments for fetal tissue”, Dr. Nucatola testified, “I knew [Planned Parenthood Los Angeles] was getting payments because I was a provider there,” yet testified she never felt the need to check PPLA’s compliance with PPFA policies. Dr. Mary Gatter, the former PPLA Medical Director who established the relationship with “for-profit” biotech company Novogenix, testified that PPFA provided a “waiver” for PPLA to begin the program. 42 U.S. Code 289g-2 broadly forbids the exchange of valuable consideration for fetal tissue.

After investigating Planned Parenthood and companies like StemExpress and ABR for over a year, the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Energy & Commerce Committee’s Select Investigative Panel made criminal referrals for Planned Parenthood and their business partners to the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice. In late 2017, the DOJ announced it had opened a federal investigation, and two southern California companies admitted guilt to selling body parts from Planned Parenthood Orange & San Bernardino Counties against the law in a $7.8 million settlement with the Orange County District Attorney.

Last week, the Small Business Administration demanded 37 Planned Parenthood affiliates return $80 million in federal relief loans they fraudulently certified they were eligible for, and 27 Senators called on Attorney General Bill Barr to broaden the DOJ investigation of the Planned Parenthood affiliates’ activities. CMP project lead David Daleiden notes: “The time has come for federal consequences for Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood lied to the public and to Congress, but now there is no longer any reasonable doubt that Planned Parenthood sold fetal body parts, commodifying living children in the womb and treating pregnant women like a cash crop. The U.S. Department of Justice must escalate the enforcement of laws against fetal trafficking to the highest level of priority.”

View the documents and testimony here.

30.06.2020: Fetal Trafficking Under Oath – Planned Parenthood’s Admissions About Infanticide
Under Oath, Procurement Manager Testifies Fetuses “Just Fall Out,” Hearts Beating when Harvested; Planned Parenthood Execs Admit Infants Born Alive and Left to Die in Clinics Depending on “Availability of Interventions”

Contact: David Daleiden, media@centerformedicalprogress.org, 949.734.0859

IRVINE, June 30–The Center for Medical Progress released a second video today featuring unsealed video clips from Planned Parenthood and abortion industry officials’ sworn deposition testimony, with disturbing descriptions of infants born alive and either harvested for organs or left to die inside abortion clinics. The new video includes unsealed deposition testimony from Perrin Larton, the Procurement Manager of Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc. (ABR), which harvests fetal organs and tissues inside Planned Parenthood clinics in southern California and resells them to taxpayer-sponsored researchers across the country.

Larton testified about the fetuses ABR harvests that “They just, sometimes they fall out” of the abortion patient when the patient delivers the fetus entirely intact in the operating room, “once every couple months.” Larton further testified that the fetus is still intact when she receives it in the clinic laboratory and nothing is “done to the fetus” by the abortion provider before providing it intact to Larton, at which point she testified that ABR will “do a dissection to get the tissues that the researchers have requested.”

When asked if the intact fetuses that just “fall out” in the operating room have a heartbeat, Larton testified, “It would depend,” because “I can see hearts that are not in an intact P.O.C. [product of conception, fetus] that are beating independently” after removal from the fetus. The video also features testimony from Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the previous Senior Director of Medical Services for Planned Parenthood Federation of America who continues to hold regional leadership positions in the organization. When asked if she had “ever had a patient deliver in the operating room a non-viable fetus,” Dr. Nucatola testified, “I’m sure I have.” Asked to define “non-viable,” Dr. Nucatola testified a “non-viable” fetus would be “a fetus that’s not capable of survival.”

When asked how to determine whether or not a fetus was viable, Dr. Nucatola testified, “It depends on where you work,” and explained that “the availability of interventions” was one of the criteria she would use to determine whether or not a fetus delivered in the operating room was “viable” or “capable of survival.” During her tenure as Senior Director of Medical Services for PPFA, Dr. Nucatola was responsible for setting PPFA’s national Medical Standards & Guidelines and she performed abortions at Planned Parenthood Los Angeles to provide fetal organs to Novogenix Laboratories, LLC. The video also includes testimony from Jon Dunn, the CEO of Planned Parenthood of Orange & San Bernardino Counties, which was partnered with the admitted criminal fetal tissue companies DaVinci Biosciences and DV Biologics for nearly 8 years.

Dunn testified that he was aware of at least one situation at his Planned Parenthood where a fetus had been born alive during an abortion: “I know they kept it warm and comfortable for the very brief period that it was alive. I don’t think there was even time to call 911.” Dunn also testified that, “This is something that every obstetrician/gynecologist deals with on rare occasion” and “It is their medical judgment what to do in that circumstance.” Last month, the Small Business Administration demanded 37 Planned Parenthood affiliates return $80 million in federal relief loans they fraudulently certified they were eligible for, and 27 Senators called on Attorney General Bill Barr to broaden the U.S. Department of Justice investigation of the Planned Parenthood affiliates’ activities.

Last week, 67 Congressmen wrote to the DOJ demanding an update on the DOJ’s follow-up on Congressional criminal referrals for Planned Parenthood and their business partners. CMP project lead David Daleiden asks, “How long will public authorities permit Planned Parenthood and their associates to sell living children inside and outside the womb and then kill them through organ harvesting? The DOJ has vigorously prosecuted the sale of eagle body parts. Surely selling human body parts after cutting them out of an infant with a beating heart is at least as grave of a crime.”

View the documents and testimony here.

CMP press release 26.05.2020: Planned Parenthood Testimony On Selling Baby Parts Unsealed, New Videos Released
View the documents and testimony here: http://www.centerformedicalprogress.org/fetal-trafficking-under-oath/
Unsealed excerpts from the sworn testimony of Planned Parenthood representatives and others in Planned Parenthood Federation of America et al v. The Center for Medical Progress et al, 3:16-cv-00236

Artikel von live action vom 26.05.2020: BOMBSHELL: Planned Parenthood officials admit under oath to selling aborted body parts

Zitat: “After CMP’s undercover videos were released, Planned Parenthood retaliated with a bogus lawsuit, while its political allies in California pressed charges against David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, the journalists who exposed Planned Parenthood’s illegal behavior. Planned Parenthood publicly went on the attack, claiming the videos were doctored and heavily edited (an accusation that was disproven by forensic analyses) and claiming they never broke any laws regarding the trafficking of aborted body parts. But this newly released video shows otherwise.”

Fetale Zellen
Foto: Live Action, CMP, fair use.

28.05.2020: Planned Parenthood Admit Under Oath to Illegally Selling Fetal Body Parts
David Daleiden, of the Center for Medical Progress, released a new video this week which showed Planned Parenthood admitting under oath to illegally selling fetal body parts. Jill Stanek, of the Susan B. Anthony List, joins us to discuss the significance of this video. Pro-life lawmakers call for an investigation after reports that Planned Parenthood affiliates improperly applied for and received approximately 80 million dollars in coronavirus relief funds—Jill Stanek of the Susan B. Anthony List joins us for pro-life analysis.

Das schmutzige Geschäft mit abgetriebenen Föten – auch für die Nahrungsindustrie!

Fetale Zellen

Foto: Netzfrauen, fair use.

Föten als Heilmittel? in: Pharma-Brief Nr. 1, Jan./Febr. 1995 (offline), s. WaybackmachinePäpstliche Akadamie gegen fötale Zellen in Impfstoffen
Die Päpstliche Akademie für das Leben (lat.: Pontificia Academia pro Vita PAV)  wandte sich im Juli 2005 gegen Impfstoffe mit fötalen Zellen:
“Moralische Überlegungen zu Impfstoffen, für deren Produktion Zellen von abgetriebenen Föten verwendet werden”, deutsche Fassung:

Englische Fassung: „Moral Reflections On Vaccines Prepared From Cells Derived From Aborted Human Foetuses
Italienische Fassung:  „Riflessioni morali circa i vaccini preparati a partire da cellule provenienti da feti umani abortiti” in: Medicina e Morale
2005/3, S. 618-628. Kommentar von 2017 anläßlich der Ausweitung der ital. Impfpflicht: Tra scienza e salvezza (“Zwischen Wissenschaft und Erlösung”)

Warum Zellen abgetriebener Babys in den Impfstoffen?

Dr. Deisher erklärt die Hintergründe

„Dr. Theresa Deisher erhielt ihren Doktortitel in Molekularer und Zellulärer Physiologie von der Stanford University und hat über 20 Jahre in der kommerziellen Biotechnologie verbracht.

In einem Offenen Brief an das Parlament warnt sie davor, daß Impfstoffe DNA-Fragmente aus fötalem Gewebe enthalten, die nicht herausgefiltert werden können. Die durchgeführten Untersuchungen legen nahe, dass die Verwendung fremder, menschlicher DNA-Fragmente unbeabsichtigte Folgen hat.

Um die Autoimmunfähigkeit sehr kleiner Mengen fötaler DNA zu veranschaulichen, bedenken Sie Folgendes: Die Wehen bei der Geburt werden durch fötale DNA des Babys ausgelöst, die sich im Blutkreislauf der Mutter ansammelt und eine massive Immunabstoßung des Babys auslöst, wenn es soweit ist. Das sind [normale] Wehen.


Der MMR-II-Impfstoff von Merck (sowie die Windpocken-, Pentacel- und alle Hep-A-haltigen Impfstoffe) wird mit Hilfe von menschlichen fötalen Zelllinien hergestellt und ist durch den Produktionsprozess stark kontaminiert [und ist] dafür bekannt, den Toll-like-Rezeptor 9 (TLR9) zu aktivieren, der Autoimmunattacken verursacht.

Wer sagt, daß die fötale DNA, die unsere Impfstoffe kontaminiert, harmlos ist, weiß entweder nichts über Immunität und Toll-like-Rezeptoren oder er sagt nicht die Wahrheit.

Wenn die fötale DNA die Wehen auslösen kann (eine natürliche, erwünschte Autoimmunreaktion), dann können die gleichen Mengen an Impfstoffen bei einem Kind Autoimmunität auslösen. Die in Impfstoffen enthaltene fragmentierte fötale DNA ist von ähnlicher Größe mit ca. 215 Basenpaaren.

Dies ist ein direkter biologischer Beweis dafür, dass fötale DNA-Kontaminationen in Impfstoffen nicht in Mengen vorhanden sind, die gering und unschädlich sind. Sie sind ein starker Auslöser von Entzündungen.

Die Verabreichung von Fragmenten fremder, selbst menschlicher fötaler DNA an ein Kind (wie in Impfungen) könnte eine Immunantwort auslösen, die auch mit der eigenen DNA des Kindes kreuzreagiert.

– Quelle: Dr. Theresa Deisher: Science: Fetal DNA cross-reacting w/ Kids’ DNA & Plotkin’s Words vom 15.01.2020

Dr. Theresa Deisher: Autismus durch Impfen (Fetalzellen)
“Die in Impfstoffen enthaltenen menschlichen embryonalen Zellen wurden mit der Autismus-Spektrum-Störung, mit epidemisch auftretender Leukämie und Lymphknotenerkrankungen im Kindesalter in Verbindung gebracht.”
– Dr. Theresa Deisher, Molekulare und Zelluläre Physiologie, Stanford University

Foto: Marcella Piper-Terry.
Foto: Marcella Piper-Terry.


Fetale Zellen
Foto: Deisher, HealthImpactNews, fair use.


Föten für Medikamente und Impfstoffe:
http://www.abtreiber.com/archiv/meld004.htm – http://www.aerzte-fuer-das-leben.de/aktimpf.pdf

Irmtraut Babel: Impfstoffe, fetales Gewebe und Abtreibung:

Siehe auch die Seiten Abtreiber.com und Impfstoffe und Abtreibung, Impfstoffliste Deutschland und Kennzeichnung von Impfstoffen

Wußten Sie, daß in vielen Impfstoffen Gewebe von abgetriebenen Föten verwendet werden?

Foto: PBS, fair use.
Foto: PBS, fair use.

Lehrbuch: Abgetriebene Föten von Mensch und Tier und andere unappetitliche Teile für Impfstoffe

Fetale Zellen

Aus: Hans Peter Exer, Repertorium der Krankheitsursachen, 2. Aufl. 2014, Exer Verlag; fair use.

Die folgenden US-Impfstoffe enthalten Zellen von abgetriebenen menschlichen Föten:

 – MMR II (Merck)
ProQuad (MMR + Windpocken – Merck MSD)
– Varivax (Windpocken – Merck MSD)
– Pentacel (Polio + DTaP + HiB – Sanofi Pasteur)
– Vaqta (Hepatitis-A – Merck MSD)
– Havrix (Hepatitis-A – GlaxoSmithKline)
– Twinrix (Hepatitis-A and B combo – GlaxoSmithKline)
– Zostavax (Gürtelrose – Merck MSD)
– Imovax (Tollwut – Sanofi Pasteur)

Quelle: http://newstarget.com/2015-12-22-autism-spike-linked-to-these-vaccines-made-with-aborted-human-fetal-cells.html

Lungengewebe abgetriebener Föten wird seit den 1960er Jahren für die Herstellung von sog. “Lebend-Impfstoffen” vermarktet. Bekannteste Zelllinie: MRC-5. Weitere sind: WI-38, WI-26 VA4, RA273, PER.C6, HEK 293. 2015 wurde eine neue fötale “diploide Zelllinie” als “Substrat” für die Impfstoff-Produktion entwickelt: Walvax-2.

Foto: Merck MSD, fair use.
Foto: Merck MSD, fair use.

Im 4-fach-Impfstoff MMR+Windpocken ProQuad von Merck MSD sind nicht nur Zellen abgetriebenen, lebenden Föten enthalten, sondern auch zahlreiche andere Gift- und Ekelstoffe:

Phenolrot, das im Labor zum Einfärben benutzt wird, muß dort anschließend als Sondermüll entsorgt werden – was unseren unschuldigen Babys aber unter die Haut gespritzt wird. Was macht es mit dem Babyhirn?

Es ist auch Harnstoff enthalten. Aber von wem? Von Schweinen, von Affen, von Menschen?

Frische Föten für vermenschlichte Mäuse – Schaffung von Mischwesen

US-Impfstoff-Zulassungsbehörde FDA (vergleichbar dem deutschen PEI) kauft “frisch” abgetriebene Babytrümmer, um Mäuse mit menschlichem Immunsystem zu schaffen

Die neu zu schaffenden Chimären (Mischwesen) nennen sie “vermenschlichte Mäuse”:
FDA Acquiring ‘Fresh’ Aborted Baby Parts to Make Mice With Human Immune Systems.

FDA Briefing Document
Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting
September 19, 2012
Cell Lines Derived from Human Tumors for Vaccine Manufacture

Abtreiber-Geschäfte: Abgetriebene Föten in Impfstoffen und in *Lebens*-mitteln
04.04.2018: Skandal? Teile menschlicher Föten als Lebensmittelzusatz!

Foto: Watergate.tv, fair use.
Foto: Watergate.tv, fair use.

(Am 22.09.2023 bei Watergate.tv gelöscht, darum Ersatzlink zu Re-Blog bei Pravda.tv).

Fetale Zellen: Lebende, abgetriebene Babys für Lebend-Impfstoffe! – Seite 2

Foto: Man Made Epidemic.
Foto: Man Made Epidemic.

Facebook-Seite: Man Made Epidemic, Übersicht zum Film.

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